Bam? What Kind of Name Is That? It Sounds Like a Cleaning Product!

{Part 4}

"Brandon are you alright?" Anna asks as she stares at Bam who now has a split lip and a black eye, "I am fine" Bam says as he limps over to Anna. "Come here" Anna says as she places her arm around him to prop him up, "Lets go and find Ville" Anna says as the pair begin to make their way to the car park.

"Ville where are the guys?" Anna asks as she and Bam arrive out to the car park to find Ville leaning drunkenly against the car, "Cabs" Ville mumbles before her leans into a bush near by and throws up. "Real attractive" Anna says sarcastically as she grabs the keys off the hood and sits Bam in the back seat, "Come on Ville" Anna says as she leads his staggering frame to the car. "Home we go" Anna says as she starts the car and begins to drive towards hers and Ville's apartment.

"Go to sleep now Ville" Anna says as she turns off the light in Ville's bedroom, "Night" Ville mutter as he watches Anna leave towards the living room.

"Are you ok?" Anna asks as she wipes the last of the dried blood from Bam's face, "Just peachy" Bam replies sarcastically as he winces in pain. "Thank you for tonight" Anna says as she leans in and kisses Bam on the cheek, "So you finally caved and realised my good looks?" Bam asks as he pulls Anna onto his lap.

"Well I was starting to see that you were an alright guy, well at least until you turned into jerkzilla" Anna says as she gets off Bam's lap, "Goodnight Brandon" Anna says as she heads to her room leaving a rather upset Bam behind.

"Hey Anna guess what" Bam yells over the loud electric guitar solo in Ville's room, "What?" Anna asks as she bangs on Ville's door for the umpteenth time. "Your coming to West Chester in an hour" Bam says with a grin, "No I am not" Anna says. "Well all your clothes are there, come on Ville is coming too" Bam says as he begins to pout, "I ma not going! Wait you took my clothes?" Anna says stubbornly.

"Welcome to Castle Bam, your home away from home for the next month" Bam says as he leads Ville and Anna into the kitchen, much to Anna's dismay she lost the battle and ended up in America.

"Hey Bam your back and you brought new victims" a guy with a beards says, "Anna this is Dunn" Bam says as he points to the bearded guy, "Dunn this is Willa's little sister" Bam says as the beared guy look over to Anna, "Nice" he mutters under his breath.

"Come on let's go and see Ape and Fatboy" Bam says, "I will stay here" Ville say as Bam begins to drag Anna off towards his parent's house.

"Ape I'm back" Bam yells loudly as he runs into the kitchen dragging Anna behind him, "Bam" a woman with blonde hair says as she pulls Bam into a rib crushing hug. "Ape this is Anna, Willa's younger sister" Bam says when the woman finally releases him, "Hello Mrs Margera" Anna says politely.

"Call me April, I am Bam's mother. That is his father, Phil" April says as she points to a rather large man with a beard, "Good Evening Mr Margera" Anna says as she shakes Phil's hand. "Just call him Fatboy" Bam says as he reaches for a cookie but April slaps his hand away, "Brandon that is not nice" Anna chastises Bam.

"I haven’t heard anyone call Bam that in years, you must be a very special young lady" April says to Anna, "I like to think so" Bam says as he places his hand around Anna's waist. "Remember what happened last time you touched me" Anna asks referring to the incident at the tattoo parlour only days before.