Bam? What Kind of Name Is That? It Sounds Like a Cleaning Product!

{Part 5}

"Brandon where are we going?" Anna asks angrily as Bam drags her back to his house, "Ville!" Bam yells as he enters the house. "Yes?" Ville yells from behind Bam and Anna, "Lets show Anna a party American style" Bam says as Anna shoots him a look of disapproval. "PAARRRRTTTTAAAAYYY!" Ville yells as he ignores Anna's disgust, "Lets go" Bam yells as he pulls Ville outside.

Anna had to admit; when Bam did something he did it big. All around her there were half naked girls flirting with random guys, and then there was Anna sitting on a chair near the pool sipping her diet cola as she watched the self destruction going on around her.

From a distance Bam stood with Novak hatching a plan to make Anna enjoy the festivities, "Come on" Bam says as he and Novak approach an unaware Anna. All of a sudden Bam and Novak grab Anna and drag her towards the pool, "Put me down!" Anna screams her voice full of terror. Ever since she was younger Anna has a phobia of large bodies of water, she never learnt to swim or float.

"Bam!" Ville yells as he turns away from a large breasted blonde to see his sister start to fall into the water, Bam and Novak begin to laugh, unaware of the fact that Anna is drowning. "Anna!" Ville yells as he jumps into the water, fully clothed.

"Anna are you alright?" Ville asks as he drags her spluttering frame onto the edge of the pool, "Of course I am not all fucking right" Anna screams ash she sits up, a look of pure anger spreads across her face, "Come on, you need to get out of those wet clothes" Ville says ash he reaches for Anna but she pulls away, "This is all your fault! I could have died because you wanted to get drunk with that asshole. Well guess what, I am not going to try and stop you anymore. If you get drunk and die alone in you hotel room with cocaine up your nose don’t expect me to come to your funeral" Anna yells as she storms inside leaving an awe struck crowd.

"Anna can I come in?" Ville asks as he knocks on her door, "No!" Anna screams as Ville opens the door. "I said no, do you not understand?" Anna asks as Ville enters her room, "We need to talk" Ville says as he looks at Anna who is now dressed in dry clothing.

"Actually no we don’t. You feel guilty and think that by apologizing everything will be all better, well you are wrong. I said all I needed to say to you" Anna says bluntly as she places some clothes in her suitcase, "Anna just stay a little while longer, I am sorry. "Bam should have never thrown you into the pool, I should have been around to protect you like an elder brother should" Ville says as he lowers his gaze to the ground.

"I am not in need of your protection, you need to protect yourself. Ville you may have noticed but you are slipping away, I miss my brother" Anna says as a single tear slides down her cheek, "I am still here" Ville says. "No your not, you used to be here for me but now you are lost to the drugs and alcohol" Anna says as she wraps her arms around Ville, "I love you, don’t ever leave me" Anna says as she buries her head in Ville's chest. "I will never leave you sweetheart" Ville says as he runs his hand though Anna's hair, "You better not" Anna says.