Bam? What Kind of Name Is That? It Sounds Like a Cleaning Product!

{Part 7}

"Good Afternoon Mrs Margera" Anna says as she enters the house to see April over at the stove cooking, "Hello dear" April says without turning away from the stove. "Do you need any help?" Anna asks as she takes a seat on a stool, "No I am fine, you just sit" April says as she takes a look in the stove and then takes a seat next to Anna. "So have Bam and his friends done anything to you yet?" April asks, "Other than nearly drowning me? No" Anna replies with a smile. "Oh you poor dear, are you alright?" April asks with a sincere concern, "I am fine, although I am sure Brandon, Ville, Ryan and Brandon wish they could say the same thing" Anna says as she lets out a small giggle.

"Well done, although I am sure they are in some pain" April says through laughter after Anna finished telling her of this mornings adventure, "Yes I am sure they are, anyhow I suppose I should go and face the music. Thanks for letting me hide out here" Anna says as she gives April a hug. "You are always welcome dear" April says as Anna leaves the house.

"Hello Brandon" Anna says as she walks into the house to find all the guys lying amongst a pile of empty beer cans, "You" Bam mutters in a drunk sombre as he tries to stand up but falls over. "Yes me, come on you can't stay down here forever" Anna says as she helps Novak and Dunn up off the ground, "Are you guys sober enough to make it back to your room?" Anna asks. "Yeah" the guys say as the stumble up the stairs, "Ville wake up" Anna says as she pushes some of the hair away from her brothers' eyes. "Come one" Anna says as she lifts Ville off the floor and drags him towards the guest room where he is staying, "You promised" Anna says as she lays Ville on the bed and walks back down to Bam.

"Brandon get up" Anna says as she tries to wake Bam up but ends up falling on top of him, "Brandon let go of me" Anna screams as Bam's hands wrap around her waist. "Brandon I know your not as drunk as the rest of them so get off" Anna says angrily, "Fine you caught me out, but you have to admit it is nice down here" Bam replies with a smile that only makes Anna frown more. "I am glad you are enjoying this, because right now my brother is lying up stairs unconscious because you decided it would be fun to get drunk" Anna says as she pries herself from Bam's grip.

"Calm down, you should know by now that no one can stop Ville when he wants to do something" Bam says, "I know that, but you do not have to encourage him" Anna says angrily as she takes a seat on the sofa. "I don't encourage him, he is my friend" Bam says, "Well he is my brother and I don’t want to open the paper one morning to find that he was found dead in a hotel room" Anna says, her voice full of emotion.