Bam? What Kind of Name Is That? It Sounds Like a Cleaning Product!

{Part 9}

"Ok, no touching, fondling, licking or any contact what so ever" Anna says as she takes a seat in Bam's rather disastrous room, "Yes sir" Bam says as he gives Anna a salute. "I wouldn't be a smartass Brandon. It was either you or Novak and he was a very close second" Anna says as she gives Bam a stern look.

"Good gods, how do you live in here?" Anna says as she peels the doona off Bam's bed, "Well only two things really happen in here" Bam says as he pats the bed suggestively. "Yeah, masturbation and perspiration" Anna retorts with a small laugh, "A lot of action happens in here" Bam continues to argue. "Brandon the only action that this bed has seen is you playing with your G.I Joe" Anna says as she lies down in the bed, "I will show you action" Bam says as he goes to touch her. "Touch me and I will castrate you while you sleep" Anna threatens, Bam quickly retreats.

As the sunlight flickered through the sheer blood red curtains in Bam's bedroom Anna slowly awoke, her eyes slowly opened to feel a rather warm sensation around her midsection. Anna raised her head gently to see Bam sleeping peacefully, his eyes closed and an almost angelic façade washed over his face. Anna wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, rumbling her eyes and peering out again, only to be met with the same sight as before. Looking down she realized the Bam's arm was wrapped tightly around her waist, and the she had been laying her head on his well built and toned chest.

She tried to pull out of his grasp but only to be pulled back in by his tight yet muscular grasp, slowly Bam begins to awaken. Anna watches on with genuine interest as Bam's tired eyes start to open, he slowly lets out a yawn as he rubs his tired eyes with his spare arm. Suddenly Anna had a feeling that seemed not real, and it slightly disgusted her. She had felt a slight attraction to Bam as he sat up and pulled her in close; but she couldn't feel this way, could she? Bam was her brother's best friend; although sometimes she thought there may be more to their so called 'friendship'.

She didn't think that Bam had realized yet that his big teddy was actual Anna and the she was awake and watching him with caution and something else reflected in those green orbs that she called eyes. As he stretched Anna got a good look at his body, and god did she love those tattoos, she could almost melt just watching him and that just confused her more.

As Anna watched on in awe Bam turned to see Anna lying lazily beside him, she was so entranced that she practically had drool escaping from the side of her mouth. A small smile spread over Bam's lips as he watched Anna watching him, suddenly Anna snapped out of her trance. "Well good morning Brandon" Anna says as she quickly turns away from the object of her lust, "Hello" Bam says as his smile grows bigger. Little did Anna know that the night before Bam lay awake watching Anna sleep, he was completely enthralled by the way her body moved as she slept.

Anna got up and stretched now that she had escaped Bam's clutches she turned back to look at bam who was staring at her. When she looked down to see what was so interesting, she blushed at the sight of her small black tank top that didn't cover any thing below her chest and her red boy shorts. The little black and red heartagram hanging from her belly button now held Bam's gaze.

"You right there or would you like me to get you something to wipe the drool from your chin?" Anna asks as she pulls down her tank top so that her stomach is now covered, well at least most of it. "You have a piercing?" Bam asks as he snaps out of his daze, "No shit Sherlock" Anna replies sarcastically as she runs her finger through her hair. "So any other piercing that you want to share with me?" Bam asks suggestively, "Well now that you mention it" Anna replies as she starts to fondle with her boy shorts. Bam's mouth hangs open in anticipation as he watches Anna's fingers fondle with the bow on the front of her shorts, suddenly Anna pokes out her tongue to reveal a small heartagram bar that matches her belly button.

Leaving bam to come to his senses, or as much as he has. Anna left the room to go get ready. Walking down the hall and stairs towards the pirate bar, assuming the no one else would be up.

Anna couldn't get Bam's body out of her head so she wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings. She made her way to the fridge, bending over to get out the jasmere she had hidden in there. And taking a large mouthful and swallowing, as she when for a second she was startled, and spilt it down her front, making what little of her shirt their was stick to her vast chest.

What was that sound? A cough? Oh shit she thought as she slowly turned to see.
Mige, Burton, Gas, Linde, Novak, Dunn and Phil who at least part was paying attention; no mater how the two married ones tried to hid it.

Anna immediately reached for the front of her shirt, the males stood with their mouths wide open. "Uhhh hi" Anna says as she closes the fridge door behind her, the bottle of jasmere still clutched in her hand. The room is covered with a deathly silence, "BODY SHOTS!!!" Novak suddenly yells loudly.

As if by magic (or testosterone) the faces of the men all light up, "Uhhh no, that is unfair" Anna begins to protest as she walks backwards. "There is only one female and all of you" she continues, suddenly she bumps into the fridge. "It will be fun" Dunn says as he and Novak continue to advance on Anna, "Well you can have fun and do it with Novak" Anna says as she slips though their arms and runs and hides behind Burton.

"Hey, what makes you think your safe hiding behind me?" He says with a wicked smile "Because I'll tell Ville if you don't help and watch as he goes into over protective brother mode and then I'll tell uncle Seppo, to make you life hell" she says smiling evilly. "Okay I'll help" he says. Anna lets out a sigh of relief.

"Get her" calls Burton and they all rushed at her bar Phil, Linde and Vito, who was stuck in his chair. "I am going to get you for that" Anna yells as she jumps of the bar and reaches for the tap, Anna pulls out the extendable hose and point sit towards the men. "Come any closer and I will fire, I am not afraid to use it" Anna yells as she points the nozzle towards them menacingly, the men keep on approaching.

Just as Anna is about to blast them in whatever alcohol is on the other end of the tap a voice bellows though out the room, "Leave her alone or I won't wash your clothes for a month" a female voice booms. Anna places the nozzle down and turns to see April standing in the doorway, a plate of cookies in her hand. As if by their male instincts the men leaves her and head over to April; cookies, a man's worst enemy.

"Thanks" Anna mouths to April as she heads out the side door, April gives her a small wave as she shakes her head in disapproval at Novak who was try to mount Dunn.