From Teenager to Daddy in a Matter of Months

The Letter


Those three little words, I love you.

I read it over and over. I wanted to take it in, I was trying to take it all in. Here I was meant to be the rock and the protector for my family and I failed to even notice that the most import person to me was hiding the most painful thing from me.

I sat for ten minutes and got up to get changed. It was horrible just looking at that bed. The last time I truly had spent most of Cassie’s last minutes with. There was no way in hell I would ever be sleeping in that again. But yet I wanted to jump right in and turn back time. Right back to that 15 week scan. None of this would have happened if I were there.

I threw on the best clothes I had. All black. Just how I was feeling. I walked back to get the little letter. She had Jacoby’s name written on it, his full name. I picked it up and locked it into the safe. I wasn’t going to open it; it just wasn’t my place to. As for the letter I received from Cass, I shoved it in my pocket and walked out the door.

As I opened the front door I looked up and down the hallway. Tears came to my eyes and I turned back in. suddenly a wave of anger came over me and I began punching the wall. I was going to stop but I just kept going, it was better for me this way.

I punched and punched and punched. I didn’t care, I didn’t want any of this to happen not in a millions years. No one deserves this kind of shit.