From Teenager to Daddy in a Matter of Months

Deliver Them From Pain, Where'd You Run To?

Everyone stood around the grave. Snow falling lightly on the flowers and on graves surrounding. I held Jay close not wanting him to get sick or anything else. I picked up the red rose and looked down into Cass' coffin. I waited until last to drop the rose down. I looked down to Jay, then back to were my beloved lay. "Bye baby, we'll see you when we're old." I whispered to the wind.

One by one people started to leave the grave yard slowly. I just stood there continuously looking at the now coved up grave. Jay began to shake, I panicked as I watched his eyes roll back. I looked to the boys and Cory ran over and took him off me. "He's having a seizure." He yelled yelled back to John. He started running towards the ambulance, with me closely following. "Call the hospital and step on it."

I sat in the back wide eyed watching. Jacoby was shaking violently with his little face pale. I couldn't believe what was happening, I was told he was going to be fine. My kid was hurting and there was not a damn thing I could do about it. I could have, if I'd known about the drugs. It was a surreal situation. My breath caught when I saw him stop shaking I was relieved until the heart monitor started to drop.

"Fuck sake!" Cory shouted, before giving him mouth to mouth but still nothing happened. He pulled away to bring a machine to his side and cut Jay's clothes open. He brought the two metal paddles to his chest and yelled clear. Tears fell down my face as I realized he wasn't alive. His heart had stopped beating. "Dammit don't fucking go on me!" he yelled repeatedly bringing the pads to Jay's chest.

I was paralyzed watching me son trying to be brought back to life. I tried to reach out to hold his tiny hand but I couldn't it just seemed so far away. Then, like music to my ears, his heart beat appeared on the screen. His color of his face was still drained but my boy was still with me.


"He seems fine at the moment but to be on the safe side we are transferring him into a private room to keep a safe eye on him." the doctor told me and I simply nodded. "I'll tell the nurse to bring you two to young Jacoby's new room." a nurse ushered me out and pushed Jay's cot along.

"Can I carry him, please?" I asked half way down the corridor. She handed him to me carefully, pushing along the baby cot when she did. My heart gave a little jump of excitement as soon as Jay's head touched my shoulder. He was sleeping soundly and alive. When we arrived he was fine. I was still worried, fuck anyone would be worried if they saw their kid dead for a slip second. I was told there was no damage as of yet but they won;y know until he's a bit older.

I followed the nurse to the new room for Jay, damn it was like the other end of the building. I smiled as I heard a little snore escape Jay's tiny mouth. We turned a corner of the building, just outside the children's surgery place. I peaked in the waiting room to see Michelle.

I walked in slowly. I saw her ex and his whore holding each other while Michelle sat at the opposite end of the room with her head down. "Michelle?" i approached her. She looked up tears streaming down her face. "Shit," I bent down, freeing one hand. "What's wrong? Did something happen to Thomas?" She didn't say anything so I took her hand in mine. "C'mon we'll walk."

We walked out and I kept my mouth shut. I didn't wasn't to upset her anymore than she already was. "He...Thomas...He..." she choked on her words but still I didn't say anything. "Still in surgery...Nobody will tell me anything...I'm his mother..." My hand reached up to her shoulder and gave her half a hug. "I just want my baby boy, ya'know?" she sniffled sadly.

"I know." I spoke honestly.

"I want my baby," she said and looked into my eyes like a five year old who never got that puppy for Christmas. "I want him to be okay. He's the best thing in my life." In the short time I'd know her I'd fucking hated to see her cry. I also wanted to go kill John, on many occasions, for rubbing it in her face that he had someone when anything happened to their child, were as Michelle didn't have anyone.

"How come your parents aren't here?" I asked softly. She shock her head, still crying. I didn't know whether it was wise to ask about her parents, for all I know they could be dead and here I am upsetting her even more. "Or how come you haven't got siblings down here, huh?"

"My parents are in Australia..." she sniffed, slightly calming herself down. "M-my half brother James lives in Cali but he's only 15 so I can't call him. But I have to tell him how his nephew is. He wants to know about him."

"Okay." I smiled at her. Eventually we got to Jacoby's new room. There was a bed and a space for the cot. Since they told me he was getting a private room I guess that the bed would be for me. "Thanks." I said to the nurse.

"Do you want me to go?" Michelle gestured towards the door. I shock my head and laid Jacoby down carefully, making sure I didn't remove any of his wire. Instead I ended up knocking down his charts. Michelle picked them up. "A seizure?" I looked up to her. "But he;s okay isn't he?"

"Yeah he's fine, the doctor said so." I reassured her leaving out the part that Jacoby died on me for a couple of seconds. I took the chart out of her hold just incase she wanted to read on and well god knows what she would do. "Trust me, he is going to be just fine."

Fresh tears followed the old tears. "I'm such a selfish bitch. Here I am crying to you about no knowing what's going on with my boy and I never even gave you a second to tell me about how Jacoby is today or how Cassie's funeral went. Oh my god the funeral! Oh god I am so stupid -" She rambled but I cut her off.

"Listen to me Michelle you are not a selfish bitch. It's fine that you didn't ask. You're concerned about your son. I honestly do understand how you fell right now. You got that?" I told her firmly. She nodded. "Good," I pulled her into a hug. "You ever need anything I'm always here for you. I'm your friend no matter what." I heard a muffled laugh and we both pulled away.

"Thank you Bob. I needed that." She sniffed. We both smiled as our eyes met. "You're a great guy. I just wish there were alot more guys like you out there." Before I knew what was happening her lips were against mine and we were kissing. My arms slipped around her waist and her arms snaked up my neck.

"Ms. Michelle Sullivan to surgery number 2 B," the second the female voice on the intercom said surgery she broke away removing her arms from me. "That's Ms. Michelle Sullivan to surgery 2 B, please." I didn't move my arms so she did it for me before turning to leave. She looked back once at the doorway and spoke, softly, with those horrible tears in her eyes once more.

"I'm so sorry."