From Teenager to Daddy in a Matter of Months

I Don't Want To Let Go

"So lemme get this straight you got her to clam down and then out of 'no-where' you both start Frenching. But then she's been called to surgery and she ran off telling you she's sorry. " I looked to Jason and nodded before taking a long drag out of my cigarette. "Dude you need to get out more staying inside is making you think like a chick and that's not a good thing."

"I don't know what the fuck to do! I mean I like her a lot but I just buried the love of my life yesterday! And we both have ill kids, sorry no, ill babies and neither of us work or know each other that long it wouldn't work out anyway we're two totally different people wanting different things in out lives." I sighed; to be honest I didn't know what I wanted. "I think us being friends would work out for the best you know?"

"Seriously you sound like a woman usually you never turned down a chick no matter what. You were always gagging for it before you met Cassie. What happened to the horny bastard of a bother I used to have?"

"He grew up."

"Dear fuck you are impossible to get through to. Will you just live your life and stop being such a miserable old fart because you'll be ancient pretty soon and Jacoby will be out living his own life and you'll be alone because you won't go out with anyone and never would. Jacoby needs a mother figure and out mom won't work we don't want the poor kid fucked up altogether, do we?"

"I guess you're right," I inhaled the toxins. I smiled slightly as I heard Jas sigh in relief and mutter 'about fucking time' under his breath. "But I'm still not going to ask Michelle out or get with her. We are just friends." He made some growling nose which made me grin. "It's not my fault, I'm just not in that place to date anyone. I need to focus on Jacoby. He is more important than me."

"Wow you really did grow up. Didn't you?" I didn't really know whether he was being sarcastic or being honest be I let him off. "Fine I'll let this go. For now. But seriously you ever want me to baby-sit while you go out that's fine with me just leave me the instruction book okay?” I laughed loudly. "What? I'm being serious man!"

"Ah Jason you have so much to learn." I laughed and threw my arm over his shoulder. "Babies don't come with instruction books. There are only books for being pregnant and all that shit before hand but nothing for when the baby actually is in your arms."

"Oh well, I'll figure out the whole uncle thing later." he sighed. "You wanna go out for a drink some time, like just me and you. Because I honestly don't remember the last time we went out together without mom or the girls."

"You're way to young to out drinking," I told him with a smile. "Plus you couldn't pass for 21 if your life depended on it." he dug into his pocket and pulled out a fake ID. I pulled it out of his hands. "Wow my little brother knows how to get an ID. This is good; who'd you get it off? Moose or someone?" I asked noting how real it actually looked.

"Nah got it off Razor for $50. Now I'm actually able to get drink without you using your fake ID that is." he smiled. "See now we can actually go out. Well that is whenever you can get mom or someone to stay with Jacoby. Or whenever he is allowed to go home. Whichever suits you." He told me as I handed him back his ID.

"Bobbies smokin' is bad for you!" Missy stood with her hands on her hips looking allot like ma with her facial expressions. "And you is not allowed 'cause mommy says it. Does mommy know you is smokin'?"

"Nope," I told her. Either ma didn't care enough to give out to me when I stank of cigs or she knew I wasn't going to listen to her lectures if she did know. "I'll give you $20 if you keep your mouth shut?" I offered and a huge smile appeared on her face. Over the past few weeks she has started to turn into Amy, which has been terrible. As much as I love my sister I do not want two of her. "Okay here, now go back to Pops."

I turned back around but Jason stayed looking at where Missy had just been. "Hey Michelle," my eyes widened the second I heard her name. He was not fucking doing this to me. He is not doing this.

"Hey Jason, hey Bob."

Oh dear god he did it. I threw a glare at Jas before fully turning myself around. "Hey Michelle," I muttered. Well this was awkward. We just stood there staring at one an other, while Jas stood there with a stupid grin on his face waiting for me to fuck up. "So eh, how is Thomas? Did you, erm, find out why he was, eh, so long in there[/u?]"

"He's good." she nodded. Guess she felt this awkwardness. We really needed to talk but I couldn't say anything in front of Jason, it would just make things worse. "They still haven't told us why they were taking so long, he's in ICU now. " her lip quivered as she spoke. "I have to go find my brother so..." I nodded; I don't think I have been in a more awkward place before. "I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

"No wait hold up," Jason butt in, I really was going to kill him. "You're brother's the dude with black hair and the ear piercing 'bout the same height as Bob yeah?" She told him yes. "You know what I just same him like ten minutes ago. I'll get him for you, just stay here." he insisted.

"No there's really," she didn't speak fast enough 'cause Jason left the balcony as fast as he could. "No need." she finished her sentence. "How's Jacoby doing?" I bit the inside of my cheek trying not to break out in conversation as to why she kissed me.

"Good, he's good." I answered. I really didn't want to be here. I mean she is a great person and I love her company but I can't just jump into a relationship with someone I barely know or just generally get into a relationship just after Cassie died because she was the best thing that ever happened to me. Then why the hell can't I tell her this then?

"That's good." she spoke in a low tone. Half of me wanted to tell her there was nothing between us but I'd like to be friends with her, but the better half wanted to take her in my arms and kiss the living day lights out of her. "Listen about yesterday..I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to what I did..." she bit her lip and her eyes wondered everywhere, never once landing on my face. "But the thing is. I did mean it because I really like you. I know Cassie just died but I really want something with you." her voice quivered as tears split from her eyes.

I closed my eyes and took a long deep breath before opening them again. "Michelle... I - don't know what to say." I honestly didn't, I never thought in the rest of my lifetime I would be back the whole dating scene.Guess Cassie ruined that thought on me as well as living with her. "It's that I don't like you - because I do, I like you allot." I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. "I want to go out with you but I don't really know what I want."

"Please Bob?" her eyes pleaded with me and she took a step forward. "We could try just for a little while. Later we can decide what we want to do. I just... I want to be with you..." Her hand came in contact with my cheek as she spoke to me. "Please Bobby? I need you..." she whispered, our faces millimeters apart.

"I want too... But what will other people think, I just buried Cass..."

"You never care what other people think. You don't take crap from anyone, remember? You're Bob fucking Bryar." we both let out a small laugh and stopped. "Even if people think bad, you'll always have me. I'm your friend no matter what." I smiled hearing my words being used against me.

"Ah for fucks sake shut up and kiss already!" I'm guessing that was Michelle's brother.

"Yeah I mean come on dude you've been all talk no action the past half hour, give us a show!" Jason whined.

"Guess we better show them something." I nodded towards our brothers'. My hand found her waist and lifted her so I could get a better kiss off her. I leaned in and kissed my Michelle.