From Teenager to Daddy in a Matter of Months

Little Brothers Can Be A Big Bother

"This is great news!" I exclaimed as she jumped and hoped around in delight.

"I know, I'm just so happy. Oh god I think I'm gonna cry." She sniffled wiping her eyes. I smiled and pulled her onto my lap. "And I'm so glad I get to share this moment with you." I smiled, this morning the doctors came around with the good news that Thomas was now cancer free. For Michelle it was like winning the lotto. No more chemo, no more operations, no more heartbreaking trips to the hospital. Just a monthly check up.

"Ya'know when Jacoby gets out of here we could go on our first date." I suggested playing with her locks of red hair. "Because cigarette breaks and dinners in a hospital don't really count to being a date in my book."

"What is a date in your book?"

"Well I would drive to her house and pick her up. Then drive her to a romantic restaurant, where the piano is being played softly, and the tables have candles that illuminate her beautiful eyes. After the meal and dessert, I would take her to a park and we would talk for hours about anything and everything. I buy her a white rose and then I would drive her home, only to walk her to the door and kiss her lips gently before leaving." I told her. "Sappy I know. But I'm a sucker for romantic things."

As I finished her eyes glistened and a smile was forming on her lips. "Aw I'm so glad I kissed you and ran away." she kissed my lips as we both laughed. "I'm serious because if I stayed any longer we wouldn't be like this now. I would have tried to have sex with you."she tried to look serious, I know she was really trying, but I couldn't help it. She looked funny, half way between a pout and a smirk.


We both turned to see each of our little brothers calling us names and hiding it with a cough. They kept doing it even when they knew we were both looking. "Okay give it a rest will you?" I said looked to Jas who had a smirk on his face. "You say anything and I'll tell ma who you're sleeping with. And you know how much ma hates her." I pointed my finger and the smirk disappeared.

"Ah c'mon I didn't say anything." Jas held his hands up in defense. "Plus I'm not sleeping with her. It's her sister, I believe you know her on a personal level." he grinned and James high fived him. "What? It's not like you never slept with anyone in that family." he exclaimed cockily.

Michelle raised her eye brow and looked at me in amusement. "Hey c'mon, that was one time and I was shit faced. And wait, how the hell do you know I slept her? I never told you who I used to sleep with." He muttered something I didn't hear but James obviously heard because he started laughing and Jas went really pink. "Sorry I didn't quiet catch that."

"He- he said," James was breaking his heart laughing. "She...Called...Your...N-name..." as he laughed through each word tears began to trickle down his cheeks from laughing so hard. "Du...During Sex."

I snorted loudly. "Stop," Michelle giggled. I buried my head into Michelle's back breaking my heart laughing. It was well known by anyone who knew the Lee family, that their oldest daughter had the hots for me ever since I was drunk and shagged her. Guess it didn't take long for my brother to know that she was only using him. "Bob, stop that's not nice." She got up off my lap and walked to my brother.

She stood in front of him with her arms out wide to give him a hug."Thank you." he said loudly, letting me and James know we were asses. Michelle began to shake and soon he pushed her off. "Oh fuck off you're just like the other two." Now she was breaking her heart laughing.

"I'm so sorry," she tried to hide her laugh by putting her hand over her mouth. "It's just the funnest thing I've heard in ages." She stopped and took a couple of deep breaths. She had a straight face but became messed up when she looked at me. "I'm sorry," she laughed again. She bit her lip trying to hide a smile, she looked damn cute.

"Mama," a small voice called. The second she heard Thomas call her name she stopped messing around and walked to her child's side. She went from fun to mommy mood. Actually I'd never seen her with Thomas before, amazing since we've known each other less then two weeks. "Ma ma ma ma ma." he smiled as she picked him up holding his head carefully.

"Hello baby," she spoke softly to him. "Mommy has a present for you. Uncle Jimmy is here to my little angel." I smiled at her as she looked to James to come over to her. "And he is going to stay with me and you for a week. Then you'll be sick of him." Thomas' face literally lit up when he saw James standing over him. "Grab his bottle for me please." I handed her the bottle that her son soon began to feed out of.

"Listen Mitch I have to tell you something 'bout ma and dad, but it can wait 'til later if you want..."

"You can tell me now if you want." She said to Jimmy as she looked at Thomas.

"Yeah well see the thing is, they kicked me out. I'm kinda living in Brian's house now." Michelle's mouth dropped. I just sat there not gonna get pulled into the conversation. "Yeah but see it's okay, I'm getting a job. And then I won't have to live with him. I'll find somewhere else to go. Plus I got kicked out of school again so work won't interfere with education."

"Jesus Christ Jimmy, your only 15! You can't fucking drop out of school, just go to another one! I was the one who managed to get you back home to your parents and what do you do? You fuck it up! I spent a lot of time trying to get you back to dad, convincing him you'd changed, because I wanted to be able to visit my baby brother when I visited my dad. But no I've to look for him in homes because you're moved around so often. Now I've to go find him on the fucking streets! Why can't you live with your step sister?"

"Because she doesn't want me around the twins, she thinks I'm a drug dealer."

"And are you?" she asked in a slightly dead calm tone. He said nothing and looked to the floor. Bad choice buddy, bad choice.. "Oh for crying out loud," she muttered standing up, she walked over and handed Thomas to me. "You are a class A idiot. Do you know what drugs can do? Do you really? Because not only can you ruin your own life but you can ruin everyone else's life around you! You can fuck up your own life, but just think of how you can fuck up everyones as well."

"I'm sorry but I have no money and I can't get a job, I had to do something to get in some money. Brian's parents weren't exactly happy that I was getting money from their son because I didn't have any, so I took on this. But trust me I would never take them, I just deal them. School doesn't matter anyway because it's crap and I will never have a normal job anyway." He argued back, trying to make a point.

"Bob tell him how important it is to finish school and stay away from drugs!" Michelle looked at me with one hand on her hip the other on her forehead.

"Erm, drugs are bad dude no matter if you just deal 'em or take 'em. Ya'know the only reason I'm in the hospital is 'cause my girlfriend took heroin while she was pregnant and she kept it up for five weeks after she had our baby, then one day she OD-ed on purpose, leaving me with a five week old baby going cold turkey." I told him looking right behind him. "See why drugs are so bad and can fuck up other people to?"

"Aw dude I'm really sorry to hear-"

"And tell about finishing school!" She persisted.

I licked my lips. "Well kid if you wanna finish school do it, if ya don't just drop out. I can't say shit about finishing I dropped out a month before I was meant to graduate. I'm pretty sure my mom could give you the lecture if you want it?"

"You didn't finish school?" I shock my head, watching her look at me. "You didn't finish school! Why not?! You won't get a decent job anywhere without graduating, are you seriously insane Bob?" I opened my mouth to talk but didn't get a chance to. "Just all of you get out."

"Michelle c'mon it's no big deal-"

"It is to me. I'm pissed, just give me my kid and all of you get out." I carefully handed Thomas back to her. I went to give her a peck on the cheek, "Don't go near me." she said roughly and nodded in the direction of the doorway. All three of us left, not bothering to look back.

"Well look at it this way at least you two are in a good enough relationship that you can fit over her little brother." Jay said,Jimmy and I spoke at the same time.

"Fuck off Jason."