From Teenager to Daddy in a Matter of Months

The Bryar Family

I cut off the engine and went for my wallet. I pulled out the picture we got at the doctors. I couldn’t believe it. In s few months I would be holding the little blob in my arms trying to get it to shut up.

I put it back in and hauled my ass out of the truck to get into the house. I could already hear the fighting between the girls and the TV blaring from my brother’s room.

“Bob is that you?” my mother shouted as soon as I opened the front door. I swear the woman is a physic.

“Yeah, sorry I’m late. I’d to get my check and talk to Cassie!” I yelled back flicking through the mail to see if I had any bills to pay. All the bills were in ma’s name but I paid certain ones, like electricity and schoolbooks and shit like that.

I walked into the kitchen and looked at her cooking dinner. You wouldn’t think she was thirty-seven, she aged after having us. Big time. “Hey sweetie. Could you do me a favour and get the kids down for the dinner please?”

I nodded in reply and walked up the stairs I pounded in Jason’s door before moving onto the girl’s room. “Come on. Dinner is ready and mom is waiting for us. Stop fighting you know how tired she is.”

“Bobbies can I have a piggy back?” Missy asked me with her pig puppy eyes. She was the youngest out of us. She was seven and took Darren’s death the hardest out of all us.

“That’s not fair! I was going to ask him that Missy! You always get a piggy back off him.” that would be Amy; she was the biggest whiner ever. I mean anything that Missy got Amy would through a fit and get her way, leaving Missy out.

I bent down to Missy’s level. “I’ll give you one later. I promise honey.” I kissed her forehead. “Wanna get one off Jason instead?”

“Okay Bobbies.” She smiled. She was the kid that didn’t mind what happened. The one who wouldn’t complain if kids got more things than she did. At times I think she’s way to nice for her own good.

I pounded on Jason’s door again. “I swear to f-god. If you don’t get out I’ll cut off the effing electricity in your room.” I yelled. He came out glaring at me like I’d done something to annoy him. “Give Missy a piggy back.”

“Fine.” He shot back in a monotone voice. “Mon up. I’m starving.” He picked her up and went down stairs followed by Amy screaming saying it wasn’t fair and she wanted one off Jason. Honestly the child would give you a headache.

We were all in the middle when Amy started questioning me about anything and everything I did from the time I got up to the time I got them downstairs. “So where was you after school?”

“Cassie’s house.” I told her, as I picked up another forkful of food. Even mom wasn’t as bad as her. Maybe the odd time mom would ask me were I’m going but Amy asked me if I was even going for a piss/

“Why didn’t you bring me?” she whined. “I wanted to see Cassie.”

I rolled by eyes and chewed down the rest of my food before I was going to answer but Jason decided to give her an answer inside.

“He was to busy having sex with her.” He said with a smirk. That earned him a kick to the shins from me. “Fuck there was no need for that.” he rubbed his leg.

“Jason Ryan Bryar! You will not speak like that when the girls or me are around. You understand that?” I laughed to myself, mom only calls us by are full names when we are in total shit. “I swear I am going to take that TV out of there.” She told him sternly.

The rest of meal flew by, so did the rest of the evening for that matter. After mom put the girls to bed and got me to take away Jason’s TV for a week I went in search of her. The house wasn’t that big do it didn’t take me long to find her.

“Ma, can I ask you a few things?” I asked nervously. I thought to hell with it she’s going to find out about the baby sometime or another. But I’d rather she heard it from me then Cassie’s parents.

“Yeah sure. Go ahead honey.” She said softly turning the TV volume down so she could hear me properly.

“Right, well,” ah shit I can’t find the words to tell her. Think Bob, think. “What would you think about becoming a grandmother?” I asked glancing around the room.

“What?” she asked hesitantly.

“I mean, like, shit. How would you feel if I became a dad?” she still looked at me like I was a nut job. “Ma, Cassie’s ten weeks pregnant.” It just left my mouth before I could do or say anything to stop it.

She covered her mouth with her hand and her eyes glistened. I just sat biting my lip waiting for her to say something. She was there for a long time just looking at me not saying a word. “My baby boy is going to be a father?” I nodded slowly, not knowing what her reaction would be. “Come here.” She cried pulling me into a hug.

“I’m sorry. It just happened. We were careful.” I told her honestly. My mom’s opinion was the only one that counted to me, anything anyone else said I didn’t believe. “I want to be a good dad. Unlike my one.”

“Accidents happen.” She whispered into my ear. “I’m so proud you don’t want to be like that bastard. You’ll be the best father. And I’ll support you and Cassie all the way.”