From Teenager to Daddy in a Matter of Months


“I’m sorry.” I heard someone whisper into my ear. I opened my sleepy eyes to see Michelle near enough on top of me. “I didn’t mean to get pissed at you yesterday, it’s just I … I want Jimmy to have a good life, get a good education, live life to the max. My dad and his mom don’t like him much; they’re always kicking him out because of who his friends are, drugs and drinking. But this time it’s serious, all Jimmy’s things are in his friends house because he won’t go back home.

“Hearing you say you never finished school just got to me. I want him to finish school and though you could back that up for me. You know he basically idolizes you and he doesn’t even know you that well. I just want him to have a life because he won’t have one soon enough.” The tears streamed down he face as she spoke of Jimmy.

I pulled her down on top of me to try comfort her. “He’s a good kid, don’t worry. He’s not stupid, Michelle. Yes he should finish school, yes he should be at home with his parents, no he shouldn’t be doing drugs or drinking. But guess what it’s his choice. You can’t do anything to change his mind, let him do what he wants because you can’t protect him your entire life.” I told her softly, stroking her hair. “I know your gonna try talk to him but don’t fall out with him if he wants to live the he wants to. Jimmy is himself, he will be okay.”

She didn’t reply instead she lay against me crying slightly. I sighed and closed my eyes, Not an hour after Michelle came in I was told Jacoby would have to be put on medication to control seizures, even though he was having very little of them, they were still dangerous. I wanted to yell at the top of my lungs. I wouldn’t be able to take him to concerts when he’s older, because strobe lights can trigger them as well. I was majorly pissed off, mainly with Cassie. If she’d just told me in the first place she wouldn’t be dead and Jay wouldn’t have been told he was gonna have a medical condition the rest of his life.

“I’m gonna bring Thomas home today,” she told me plainly. “I know you can’t really leave Jay on his own so I’ll come in every few days to see you?” I nodded against her head. “John wants to have him this weekend, I could stay here with you and Jay for a night or during the day.”

“I’d like that.” I whispered and kissed the top of her head. Sure we’d known each other only a short while and I enjoyed being in her company no matter what’s going on around us, that’s a good sign to any new relationship. Isn’t it? “Are they with him now?” She nodded against my chest.

“How’s Jacoby doing?”

“He, eh. He is being put on meds to control seizures.” I told her looking at Jay. “They said even though there are very little at the moment, they want to make sure that they will be controlled. Heroin is nearly out of his system; he might be out by the end of next week if his blood comes back clear. Maybe then we could go on a date?” I suggested.

“Yeah sure. I know you don’t like leaving Jacoby with your mom, but maybe we could go alone? Just the two of us.” I waited for her to say more, because I knew she wanted to. “I could bring Thomas to John’s and maybe you could bring Jacoby to Jack, he’d be glad to his nephew out of hospital and ill –free, well apart from, you’ know the seizures.” I nodded. “You’re afraid of losing him aren’t you?” she moved off me and looked into my eyes. “You won’t lose him, he’s a strong baby.” She cut me off when I was about to answer her back. “I mean yeah he has seizures but your lucky you’ll never have to worry about him having cancer of flatling on you.”

I tried not to wince when she said flat line. “Yeah, but he’s my kid. Guess it’s natural for me to worry from him.” I sighed. Jacoby began crying, Michelle moved off me so I could get up and comfort him. “Hey, hey. What are you crying about?” I asked him picking him up, seconds after I did he stopped crying. “Attention seeker. Yes you are, you a f-ing attention seeker. Yes you are!” I cooed to him, he was smiling happy and Michelle started laughing. “What? He is! Spoiled rotten, by being held in his sleep all the time.”

“Jeeze I’d hate to have you as a father. ‘You f-ing attention seeker.’ I wonder were he gets it from?” She titled her head and ‘hmmed’ loudly. I stuck out of my tongue. “Oh yeah ‘cause that’s the mature thing to do isn’t it?”

“I’m 18 I have a perfectly good excuse you don’t!” I grinned. I put my baby finger in his mouth to see if he was hungry but he wasn’t ‘cause all he did was make a face. Next I held up in one arm so I could see if he needed a new nappy and by god did he. “Jesus Jacoby you made a right one of that didn’t you?” he smiled a little as I put him down to change him.

“What do you work as?” Michelle asked as I changed Jacoby’s dirty nappy. “I mean we known each other for a while and I just never asked what you did.”

I smiled. “I’m a mechanic at a garage remember? I changed your friends tires at some point or another?” she looked into thin air and said ‘oh yeah’ and began blushing. “Well I never asked you, what do you work as or are you just a lazy bum who scabs off her ex?”

“I’m the lazy bum that scabs off the ex.” She grinned. “Ah no, before I had Thomas I used to work as The House Of Blues manager. That was a brilliant stage in my life. Meet so many bands and great people in that place.”

“House Of Blues is brilliant for live gigs. Used to go there with Cassie a lot.” I told her thinking of all the good times we had there with our fake ID’s. “Do you still work there now or have you just told them you won’t be going back?”

“I told them I wouldn’t be coming back anytime soon. They took that on board and said they understood, but if at any time I ever wanted to come back that my job would still be there waiting for me. And that was five months ago.” She stood up and passed me nappy rash cream. “I’d love to go back, but I’m really unsure because of Thomas. Mother thing I guess.”

“I have no choice but to go back to work.” I closed Jay’s nappy up and lifted him up looking at Michelle. “I mean shit, my mom can’t mind him she works and so does Jack so I can’t drop him off. Or scab money. I never really thought of how it would work out when we had Jay I just assumed that Cass would stay home.” Jay cooed and smiled at me lapping up the attention. “Guess that aint possible now.” She gave me a sad smile and just shrugged it off.

“Hello you two,” I heard my mom greet from the doorway. We both said hello to her as well as she walked into the room. “Hello gorgeous, come here.” She took Jay from me and sat down and cooed at him. “Alright you two, see that bag?” we nodded. “That’s your clothes go get changed and come back. I don’t want a word of whining. Michelle John is with Thomas.”


“Ah-ah I said no whining now go.” She ordered. I picked up the bag and walked into the bathroom as Michelle picked up the other and walked down the hall. I frowned when I saw a crisp clean pin strip black shirt and tux trousers. I out them on and walked out. “You look lovely pet.”

“So you gonna tell me why the fuck I’m dressed like I’m a business person?” I frowned at her as she shook her head. The second I saw Michelle walk threw the door that frown disappeared and was replaced with my jaw dropping.

“What the hell are you gaping at?” she scowled me.

“Y-you look… Amazing!” I told her and she grinned. She was wearing a black strapless dress, it looked amazing on her. I couldn’t help but say damn when I saw her long legs. After I looked at her we both turned to ma. She threw me the keys. “Now you gonna tell us what your doing?”

“Yes,” she smiled. “Your both going to get into the car in the parking lot and drive to a restaurant I have booked for the two of you. You are both going to have a lovely evening and talk about each other not your children.” I opened my mouth to protest. “I have the number of the restaurant if anything happens to either of the boys.”

“Fine, we’ll go.” Michelle tried to sound annoyed but the look on her face gave it away. “Thanks Mrs. B, c’mon Bob.” We said goodbye to our kids and headed down to the car. “Guess this will determine how we are together, huh?”