From Teenager to Daddy in a Matter of Months

Clothes and Baby Names

Ten Weeks Later

“No I’m fucking fat look at me! I’m a motherfucking whale!” she whined trying on maternity clothes. If any guy thinks its bad shopping with a chick, it’s twenty times worse shopping with a pregnant one.

“No you don’t baby, you look lovely.” I told her honestly. Her skin was glowing and her belly was a slight bump. She just looked at me and yelled slightly. “Trust me you look beautiful baby.”

Just when I thought she was calm she stomped out of the changing room and yelled in my face. “It’s easy for you to say Bryar, you don’t fucking have to carry a child around for the next sixteen weeks.” She walked back in huffing.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. This fatherhood shit was a lot harder than I thought. I had to read, know stuff, be there for Cassie when she gets emotional like right now and do everything for her.

“What do you think of this top?” she came out seconds later in a different top. “See it’s slimming and stylish. Do you think I should get it or will I try another one on?” she asked giving me a slight twirl.

“I think it’s nice. I’ll get it for you.” I said, getting tried and made the mistake of yawning in front of her.

“You hate me, don’t you? That’s why you’re yawning ‘cause you’re out all night fucking some whore because I wont have sex with you! It’s not work your doing, you’re only getting laid. Go on tell the truth. I dare you!” she shrieked at me. I could feel people’s eyes on me and I hate when that happens.

“I’m not cheating on you. I swear on our baby’s life I would never do that to you. I just worked a double shift to get paid overtime.” I tried explaining to her. “Fuck it. C’mon lets go back to mine, we can shop another day.” I promised.

“But I need clothes. I can’t fit into any of my things anymore,” she whined. Here we go again. “I mean, Bobby look at me, I’m twenty weeks pregnant and that child is poking out of me. I need some comfortable clothes.”

“Right, give me five minutes and I’ll have you nice clothes.” I decided to take matters into my own hands. I had just worked a double shift the night before and then I went to school. I was not going to spend my night off looking at clothes. I grabbed a few things and told her to try them on.

“Aw Bobby look how cool these are!” she cooed and I rolled my eyes. “I think I’ll get this top and a few jeans ‘cause I can take some of your tee shirts.” She told me.

“Great.” I said trying to hide another yawn. “C’mon I’ll pay you just go to the truck and wait for me.” I threw her the keys and went to the till. The last few weeks were a nightmare, between Cassie’s parents wanting her to have an abortion or give the kid up for adoption and Cassie having the mother of all mood swings.

I was walking towards the truck when I saw Cassie talking to someone. I didn’t recognise the guy but he did look really dodgy. He had his hood pulled up and nodded towards me when I approached them.

“Who was that?” I demanded. Fuck I’m not having my pregnant girlfriend talking to fucked up guys. She’s carrying our kid for crying out loud.

“Oh him?” she said innocently. “I don’t know he came over and for directions to some housing estate I never even heard of.” She said attempting to get back into the truck. It was high off the ground so I guess being pregnant it was a hard thing to do.

“Here.” I lifted her into the truck and closed the door. I threw the bags of clothes in the back. I climbed in the other side. “Doctors appointment is in an hour, wanna grab something to eat before we go?”

“Yeah I’d love that Bobby.” She leaned over, as best she could, and kissed me. “Your so good to me. No other man as sexy as you would ever mind their pregnant girlfriend.” She smiled and I just kissed her in response.


“I think you know what to do by now Ms. Cruz.” The doctor said. Did I mention we fight every time we come here? He fucking has it out for me. “Right, well the baby seems to be facing us today. I can tell you the sex of the baby if you want.”

I looked at Cassie who was grinning from ear to ear. “Yes, tell us. We really want to know.” She nodded eagerly even though he wasn’t even looking at us. He looked t the screen. “Well could be any fucking slower?”

“It’s looks as though you are having…a…boy. I’ll print off a picture for you kids.” Another thing he started was kid. Like shit, I am not a kid. A kid couldn’t provide for his girlfriend and their child and his bothers and sisters.

“Bobby we’re having a baby boy!” Cas squeaked in excitement. As much as I wanted my first child to be a girl I was delighted to be having a little. “Just think we’re going to have a boy. Oh we should get a book of baby’s names and look them up when we get home.”

“Ma has one. It’s like seven years old or something but fuck. A boy.” I grinned, looking at the screen. The little blob ten weeks ago had turned into a little baby. It was fucking amazing how fastthe baby he grew. “And he’s gonna be a little drummer, like his daddy.”

“I know. Oh god Bobby I can’t wait to tell my parents.” She said looking at the screen as well. “Can we tell your mom first? You know the ways she nicer about the whole thing, I’ll feel better if she knows first.”

We left the doctors soon after. Holding hands, smiling wide. The whole way back to mine we talked about what we were going to call him, planning his whole life out. So far we’re grandparents to two kids and yet we still haven’t him named.

“What about Holden?” she asked as we walked through the front door.

“Hell no. It sounds like holding. His name has to be cool. How about Neil?” I asked following her into the kitchen. It was obvious the whole house could hear us because everyone stopped making noise just to see what we were talking about.

“As much as I love you being a drummer. I am not calling our baby after a drummer got that?” she said pulling out a plate. “Now c’mon I have to feed this little guy before he starves.”

“But drummers are cool.” I mumbled taking the plate off her and shoved half the food from my plate to hers. “I swear I’m gonna start losing weight with you eating all my dinners.” I joked.

She stuck her tongue out at me and began eating. “You don’t need to lose weight baby. I do. Oh yeah Homecoming is next week, your coming with me.” She informed me stealing more food off my plate.

“I’ll see if I can get off work. You know you should have told me earlier, I’m not dressing up.” I told her taking cereal out of the press ‘cause I gave her the rest of my dinner. “I have a shirt and pants. Will that do you?”

“Hmm.” She said. “I’ll ask Jack to lend you a jacket then you’ll be made.”

I nearly choked on my cereal. “Are you fucking serious?” I asked between coughs. She nodded. “Baby he tried to fucking kill me when he found out you were pregnant! I’m not gonna ask the fucking dude for a suit jacket!”

She waved her hand in the air. “Anyway back to baby names. How ‘bout Jacoby?” she asked stuffing her mouth.

“That’s cool. Where did you hear that? Never heard of it before…” I poured milk into the bowl and began eating.

“Some Hebrew guy that works with my dad has a son called that. And fuck he’s hot!” I looked at her; honestly do girls really think we want to know about some hot guy they saw? “Oh but don’t worry honey, you’re way hotter than him!”