From Teenager to Daddy in a Matter of Months

Telling Everyone!

Cassie dragged me into my kitchen before I could get my tee shirt on properly. She was more excited than ever about having a boy. And we just had sex so…“Mrs. B, we’re home. And we have brilliant news.” She called out grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh well hello. You two don’t you both look very happy.” She said cleaning the kitchen table off. “How did the doctors appointment go?” she asked and sat down.

“It went brilliant ma, he told us the sex of the baby-” I sat then Cass cut me off.

“We’re having a little baby boy!” she squeaked in excitement. Ma jumped up and hugged us both at the same time. “And we’re thinking of naming him Jacoby!” she told her.

“Oh my god. My first grandchild will be a boy.” She said taking what we just told her in. “I am so happy for you two.” She smiled, taking Cassie’s hand to sit her down, totally leaving me out. “Now have you though about a second name because I have a book upstairs we could look through.”

They continued to talk about what we would have as Jacoby’s second name. I slid out of the kitchen and went up to tell the rest of my family. I found Missy in my room crying.

“Miss what’s wrong?” I asked going over to her. “Did you fall or something?” she shook her head and looked at me, with her eyes bursting with tears. “Come on, tell your big brother what happened.” I pulled her off the bed and onto my knee.

“No. When you and Cass has a baby you are goin’ to leave me.” She cried. “Den I has to live with Amy and Jason. But I want you to live with me Bobbies.” She wiped her snot into the shoulder of my tee shirt. Lovely. “And den when da baby comes you won’t love me anymore.”

I couldn’t help but smile at her. “I will always love you. You’re my little sister I can’t live with you forever.” I wiped her tears away. “But I will come home to you nearly everyday just to see you.” I held out my small finger. “Pinkie promise?”

“Okay Bobbies.” She hooked her small finger to mine. “I love you lots and lots.” She kissed my cheek.

“Love you too kiddo.” I messed up her hair. “You wanna know whether Cass is gonna have a baby girl or baby boy?” I asked as she wiped all her tears away. I was gonna miss her when I moved out.

“I do!” she giggled. “No, let me pick!” she scrunched up her face and began to think hard. “A girl?” she whispered and I shook my head. “A BOY!” she yelled right into my ear before hugging me tightly.

“Yeah you got it in one!” I held up my hand to high five her. “You wanna come with me so I can tell Jas and Amy?” she nodded and held onto me. “Right c’mon Amy first.”

We went and told Amy first who was happy to know that it was a boy because she didn’t want a niece. I laughed at her. Even now you can tell that she will be a cheerleader stuck up her own hole when she gets into middle school and high school. Missy I wasn’t so sure about. Jason was already in high school because once upon a time he was smart and skipped a grade. Now that he has friends he doesn’t do anything.

Half an hour later I left the girls playing with the dolls to tell Jason something. I walked into his room to see him jerking off. “Put it away.” I said closing the door.

“Fuck off and let me finish first.” He grunted.

“Mom in a bikini thong.” I stated. Darren used to say that to me whenever he saw me. And it worked every time. Amazing how much I learnt off him. He put his dick back in his pants and looked at me. “Right now that I have your attention -”

“What do you want? My porno mags? I don’t have any only videos.” He said quickly.

I laughed. “Man I don’t need your videos I got Cassie. She’s horny all the time now.” He looked at me like I was mad or something. “Anyway that’s not why I came here. Ya’know how Cassie is pregnant?”

“It’s a bit fucking hard to miss. She’s huge!”

“Okay never say that in front of her or you’ll die. Na what I was gonna say is do you want to be his godfather? I mean I know we aren’t exactly close but I would be honoured if you would be my kid’s, your nephew’s godfather.”

“Are you fucking serious?” his mouth dropped. Guess he didn’t think I’d ever pick him. I would pick a best friend is I had one but the only friends I had were at work and I wasn’t close to them at all. “You want me to look after your kid if you and Cass die?”

I nodded. “Surprisingly yes. I trust you. Plus next year you’re my bitch.” He smiled; he knew I was going to be his legal guardian when I turned 18. It was mom’s idea after Darren die. “And I want you to beat the shit out of me if I ever attempt to leave Cass and the baby.” I was half joking.

“Dude I am not gonna let you turn out like our ass hole dad.” He had always hated our father more, I never knew why or even asked. “Shit I know you way better than that, you’d never have the guts to leave her anyway. Her brother would murder you.”