From Teenager to Daddy in a Matter of Months

A Buzz Or Something Like That...

I walked into band practice slightly late. Everyone was already ready with his or her instruments. I’m not one to judge people but they really were the outcasts of the school. Me bring one of them.

The ass hole of a conductor we had glared me out of it, just waiting for me to fuck up so he could lose the plot at me. It has been happening since I’ve had to work double night shifts.

Since I was thinking about Cass and the baby I went one beat to fast. And he just fucking lost it. “Bryar, for god’s sake if you can’t play the damn snare properly without making a mess of it why in god’s name are you still here?”

“You call one beat to fast a mess?” I yelled, being tired and not having a lot of sleep lately. I wasn’t going to take his shit or anyone else’s. “Well you know what shove it up your fucking ass.” I stood up and walked out.

You’ll never be anything Bryar.” He yelled. I stopped at the door and looked back at him. “You’ll grow up working in some fast food place. With six kids and a wife you can’t provide for.”

Go fuck yourself.” I cut him off and walked out of the school. There was no way in hell I was going back to that motherfucking shit hole. No matter what.


“Baby come on this will be fun I promise you.” I said to the bathroom door. “We’re gonna have fun tonight and we’ll see your friends.” Cassie had gotten into a fit about how ‘fat’ she looked in her dress. I didn’t think she could look any more beautiful.

“I can’t have fun if I’m fat.” She cried. I hit my head off the wall a couple of times as I listened to her cry. It was going to be a while before she would come out. “Can you get me my handbag so I can fix my make-up please?” she sniffed.

I sighed in relief. “Yeah sure thing. Back in a sec babe.” I basically ran into her room to grab her handbag. I knocked twice. “I have your bag.” The door opened and her hand appeared grabbing the bag quickly slamming the door. “You’re welcome.” I muttered.

“Thank you Bobby. I’ll be out in few minutes. You can wait downstairs.” She told me and I heard her shuffling through her handbag.

“Alright…” I trailed down the stairs to see her parents just glaring at me. They weren’t exactly happy I knocked up their ‘little angel’ in her last year of high school. I wasn’t exactly the perfect boy material they wanted her to have. I wouldn’t exactly be in their good books when they found out I left school either.

“Where is Cassie, Robert?” Mrs. Cruz asked. She knew I hated my real name. Everyone except Cass was stuck up his or her own ass in this house.

“She’s in the bathroom fixing her make-up.” I told them bluntly. I walked past them to go out to the truck to turn it on, I hadn’t a clue how much petrol I had left in it.

“And where do you think your going young man? You are not leaving my Cassie on Homecoming night!” her father said as I opened the front door.

“Why the fuck would I leave my pregnant girl on the night of her Homecoming dance?” I asked opening the door further. “I’m just checking to see how much petrol I have left in my truck. Okay.” Just as I opened the door of the truck Cassie came out with a bright smile on her face.

“Bobby I’m ready. We can go now!” she yelled giggly. Then suddenly both hands went to her stomach. “Wow, this babe’s kicking hard.” She whispered to me. Something wasn’t right and I couldn’t exactly think what it was.

“Yeah okay. Here I’ll give you hand up.” I walked around to her side and helped her up. “Baby what’s that red stuff on your foot?” I asked looking at her foot it was dull out so it was hard to tell what it was.

“Oh nothing. I think it was just my nail polish. Thanks for spotting it out.” She said cheerfully wiping it away. I wasn’t convinced but I closed the door anyway. I hoped in the other side and glanced at her before starting the engine. I still wasn’t sure about her mood changing that fast.

I pulled out of the driveway. “Babe you know how I hate school and shit?” I muttered turning left onto a main road.

“Mmm.” She said looking more down again, looking out the window absentmindedly. “You tell me every fucking day…”

“Yeah well I left today. I’m not going back there. Ever.” I told her, I glanced from her to the road. “So I was thinking since I’ll be out of school and working maybe we could move into our own place after the baby is born…”

We talked about moving nearer Chicago, since we both lived in the suburbs, so I could find a better job and we could be more independent. The homecoming was pretty shit, I knew no one except a few of Cassie’s friends but they were pretty much boring. Sometime after that I managed to lose Cassie, I think I must have nodded off for a few minutes and when I woke up she was gone.

I got up and looked around the hall and bathrooms not finding her. Then I checked the truck and guess what? I didn’t fucking find her. When I slammed the truck door closed I heard loud laughing I just looked over the bush to see Cassie running around. It was so abnormal. Her friends were just sitting around smoking and drinking. Cassie knew better than to drink while she was pregnant.

I walked up to her and touched her arm gently. I was going to ask her did she want to go home early but instead her hand pushing my blond hair foreword causing my lips to crash on hers silenced me. I slipped my tongue in. since I tasted no alcohol or cigs from her I continued to make out with her. But it was like she was on a buzz. Something I didn’t really recognize.