From Teenager to Daddy in a Matter of Months

Skipping A Head To November

I walked into the bedroom, where Cassie was sitting. She was staying at mine for the past few weeks because she was afraid to go into labour without me there. Cute, huh? “Yeah?” I asked.

“Bobby, don’t freak out, or go all weird and rushie on me,” she said slowly. She was sitting on her bed and holding her stomach with one hand. I nodded. “Baby, it’s been nine months,” she explained.

I nodded, it was three in the morning and I just came back from one of my jobs, tonight it was sound engineering for an upcoming band that needed someone. I took everything off except my boxers. “Yeah…”

“Bobby, the baby is going to come out.” She said slowly and I nodded crawling into the bed beside her.

“That’s great honey.” It took me a few minutes for her words to register in my brain. I shot up in the bed. “Oh fuck.” She nodded like she knew I was going to do that. “You stay there! I’ll get mom up. She’ll know what to do!” I ran into my mom’s room yelling at her, saying the baby is going to come and I was freaking out.

“Honey slow down. You’ll end up killing yourself if you freak out.” She ushered me into were Cassie was and told me to get the truck ready and put her bag in. I have no idea how fast I did it but Jason just stood in the hall watching my walk by every few seconds.

“Okay so I’ll carry you down. Or do you want to walk ‘cause you can walk if you want to?” I said going over to her side to pick her up.

“I can walk, just don’t-” she cut herself off and grabbed onto my arm screaming so loud. I thought I did something wrong but then I remembered what the baby book said, contractions.

“It’s okay honey. It’s just a contraction. It’ll be over in a few seconds.” I told her gently as her nails dug deep into my arm.

“I know what they fucking are! I’m damn well felling the fucking pain.” She yelled at me in anger. Honestly I had never seen her more pissed off with me. Suddenly her face softened and her grip from my arm lightened. “Oh baby I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“It’s okay, breath you’ll be fine.” I was going to say I promise but that could be thrown back at me later. “I’m going to pick you up and put you in the truck then we’ll go to the hospital.” I said. One book said something about being calm so I tired.

“Mom why is Cassie screaming so loud?” Amy yawned from the door.

“Go back to bed Amy.” Ma told her firmly.

“No you have to tell me.” She whined. Ma walked over to her muttering an ‘oh my god’ and lead her out of the room.

I shook my head and picked up Cassie half way out Jason started pissing himself laughing. I tried to ignore him but I gave up seconds later. “What the fuck are you laughing at?” I growled.

“Dude you need some pants before you leave the place.” He laughed and I glared at him. “Yeah I’ll help you at and get a brother some clothes.” He walked away as I walked down the stairs. Or something that made my legs move.

I put Cass carefully into the car and ran to Jas to get a shirt, boots and jeans. As soon as I got into the truck she was holding onto the dashboard yelling with tears coming down her cheeks. “Stop fucking looking at me and get me to the motherfucking hospital.” She screamed.

I pulled out of the driveway and pushed my foot to the accelerator. Roughly twenty minutes later we arrived at the hospital, I’d to get the truck into the lot so we walked in just as Cass had another contraction.

Next thing you know I’m filling out a fuck load of forms when Cass screams my name out as loud as possible and it wasn’t ‘Bobbie’ it was ‘Bryar’ so I figured I’d get given out to, but I walked in anyway.

“Bryar get them to give me something, I fucking hate the pain.” She yelled as soon as I walked in and a nurse behind me. “You nurse lady give me pain killers or some drug please.” She demanded.

“I’m sorry Ms. Cruz but we can’t give you pain killers-”

“Well give me some sort of fucking drug.” She cut the nurse off. I flinched slightly, Cass may have been a moody bitch the past few months but I’d never seen her this angry, the nurse didn’t even flinch. I was so surprised.

Not even an hour later a doctor came in. even though our jackass gynaecologist was meant to be delivering Jacoby. “Right Ms Cruz, I think its time you brought this little fellow into the world already don’t you?”

I was starting to like this doctor already. “Oh fuck yes.” was Cassie’s only reply before she got another contraction. “You’re a fuck face Bryar. I wish I never slept with you.”

Don’t take it to heart, she doesn’t mean it. I kept repeating in my head over and over again. “I know, c’mon we got get that little guy out of there.” I said as calm as I could when on the instead I was dying to scream with delight that my son was going to be born today.

“Ms. Cruz when I say push you need to really give me big pushes okay?” she was so clam about the situation it was unreal.

“It hurts…Argg… I can’t fucking do it!” she cried out after attempting to push. Then she looked at me all teary eyed with sweat plastered to her face. “Bobby I don’t want the baby, tell them I don’t want the baby.”

“Honey you can do this. If you just give a few more pushes its over. Then you won’t have to push and more. I swear.” I kissed her head. “Just a few more pushes for me?” without agreement she just began to push.

She screamed and yelled louder than before. Then her screams were silenced by a baby’s cries. Our Jacoby’s cries. I beamed and Cassie fell back against the pillow, probably wrecked. The doctor handed me a scissors to cut the cord and I did.

When he was cleaned up he was handed straight to Cassie who cooed over him almost instantly. It was amazing to see someone go from angriest person alive to the most quite person ever cooing over a baby within a few minutes.

“Bobbie we did it. We had a baby.” She cooed looking at Jacoby. Then up to me. “I love you so much, even though you gave me really bad heartburn.” She laughed lightly. “You wanna hold him?”

“Yeah sure.” I held him in my arms, I was kinda afraid I would drop him. He was so small and cute. The feeling you get when you hold your child for the first time is indescribable. But it is the best feeling you could feel.

He was soon taken off me so they could see was everything okay because he was a small baby. And I left Cassie to rest. I walked out from the coffee machine to see my family rush towards me, even Jason, asking did she have him yet.

“Yeah she had him.” I beamed lifting up Missy, not giving to shits whether Amy whined or not. “Cass is resting now but we can check out Jacoby in the baby place thing.”

“Nursery, Bob.” Ma corrected me taking Amy’s hand. It was half six in the morning so they were rubbing their eyes and yawning all the way there.

“Where is Jay-oby?” Missy asked. Looks like I’ve to teach her how to say his name.

“See that one in the second row with the nurse beside him?” I asked and she nodded. “That’s my baby boy.” I told them proudly. “Hang on one sec and I’ll see if you can hold him. Jas your up first man.”

“Bring it on ho.” He called walking into the nurse’s office thing. He was allowed to hold him so I let him. Jason looked terrified. “Dude are you sure? What if I drop him or some shit?” he whispered as the nurse set him in his arms.

“You’ll be grand and if you do drop him you have just planned your own death.” I said seriously. No one is gonna fuck with my kid.

Ma walked up to me. “Honey he’s beautiful.” She cooed as we watched Jason, Missy and Amy look at him. “I’m so proud you sticked through this with Cassie. I love you so much son.” And she pulled me into hug. “Jacoby is going to have one brilliant father.”

I smiled and whispered.“I love you too ma.”