From Teenager to Daddy in a Matter of Months


Cassie’s parents were in the room trying to convince her to change Jacoby’s name to ‘something more Christian’. According to them Jacoby was a terrible name. I had to get out of the room before I hurt them. So I stood outside her room.

“Bryar, where is my sister?” Jack demanded as he walked up to me. I just looked him straight in the eye and pointed towards Cass room. “Retard.” He growled under his breath.

I chose to ignore him he wasn’t worth my time. I walked back down to the baby nursery to see the little guy. I rang the garage and band to tell them I wouldn’t be in for a few days right before Cass parents came. I was just not gonna miss the first few days of him home.

“Aren’t you a bit young to be thinking about becoming a father?” some lady came up, she looked no older than twenty-five, beside me looking through the glass. I glanced to her then back to Jacoby.

“I’m seventeen ma’am.” Surprisingly I’m polite to strangers. “And my boy is already in there.” I heard her say ‘oh’ but she didn’t leave or shout at me. Which I found really unusual. “It’s alright I’m getting shit off my girlfriends parents and brother since we told ‘em. Even her fucking doc gave me shit…”

I felt her hand touch my arm lightly. “I don’t think they should. Not many teen-age boys stay around if they get their girlfriend pregnant. She’s lucky to have you.” I smiled at her words. “I’ve seen it so many times before.”

“Mmm.” I looked at one baby who started crying soon they were all off, except Jacoby who was sleeping his head off exactly like Cass would do. “Thanks for that. You my be a complete stranger but you really made me feel better about myself.”

“No problem.” She said and I walked the other direction slowly. I heard her talking and I looked over my shoulder to see a ten year old clinging to her. “Where you good for Aiden?” there was a nod. “Did you know Aiden is a daddy now and you are a big sister!”

Then it hit me, she was just telling me how she felt. The father of her first kid obviously never stuck around when she was pregnant. It’s sad really how guys can just leave there own flesh and blood because they’re scared. I think they’re the biggest jerks of them all.

I made my way back to Cassie’s room slowly hoping her parents were gone. And they were, even Jack was too. “Hey babe, you ready to go home soon?” I asked kissing her head lightly.

“Mmm. I’m so tired.” She yawned. She looked wrecked and according to my mom we wouldn’t be getting any proper sleep for the next few years. But I think it’s worth it. “The nurse is bringing Jacoby up to make sure I can feed him right. Then I think I can go home.”

“Okay I’ll get all your things ready and Jacoby’s jump suit and things ready for him.” I told her as she closed her eyes and nodded. I just smiled and walked back out of the room to get Jacoby’s clothes out of the truck, thinking how lucky I was.


“Bobby where are you going this isn’t the way to your house. This is heading into the city!” Cassie exclaimed as I took a left into Chicago suburbs. To be honest I didn’t think she was awake all she did was sleep the past twenty minutes, like Jacoby. “Oh fuck I don’t care anymore just wake me up when we get there.”

“I will.” I smiled, glancing at Jacoby in the rear mirror. Once we left the hospital he needed his nappy changed and Cass nearly cried because she couldn’t remember how to do it. I was dying to laugh but I held it back and changed him for her. We finally got to the destination. “Babe we’re here.” I shook her gently before getting out to get my little guy.

“Bobby why are we here? You don’t have any friends around here and I know that for a fact.” She told me glaring at me as I took Jacoby out of the car, she was afraid I would hit his head and he’d be hurt or something. I just threw a bunch of keys at her. “Oh come on what the hell are these for? You better not have just taken a friends place for the week.”

I held Jacoby close and grinned at her. “Level three number ten.” Was all I said and walked behind her. We walked the second flight of stairs and down the long corridor to apartment number ten. “C’mon open the door.”

“If anything bad happens you’re a dead man walking.” She told me sternly as she inserted the key into the door and twisted it to the right. She opened the door and gasped. “Baby…”

“I take it you like our new place then?” I smirked pushing her slightly into the apartment. There was a banner going across the room, ‘Welcome Home Cass and Jacoby.’ “This is the living room, kitchen to the right and on the left is three bedrooms and a bathroom.”

“Oh my god!” Cass screamed in excitement and sprinted towards the bedrooms. “You even have furniture in them as well!” she squealed. I just smiled and turned up the heating, I’d bought the apartment just over a month ago to have a place for my family to live.

I walked down the hall and into the nursery to get the Moses basket, which had once been mine, to lay Jacoby in it. “So what do you think Cass did I do the furniture and color right or do I have to get different things?” I asked taking Jacoby’s jump suit off and setting him down gently.

“Bobby I love it.” She kissed me. “I swear I really couldn’t ask for anything better.” She smiled, I hadn’t seen her this happy in months. Not that having Jacoby was a happy moment. “Even though you aren’t the best with matching colors you did a pretty good job.” She laughed.

“Why thank you.” I kissed her forehead. And held her waist as we both looked down at out little baby. I still couldn’t get over he was finally here, for months all I did was fell him kick the shit of Cassie and now he’s here and I can hold him while he kicks the shit out of me.

“I love you so much Robert Bryar. I want to be with you for the rest of my life.” She whispered to me. “I really am grateful for you putting up with all my shit.”

“I love you and want to spend the rest of our lives together.” I told her and tightened my grip around her waist but not to tight.