From Teenager to Daddy in a Matter of Months

One Last Kiss Before You Go

“Now daddy has the day off and the next few days off so he can spend all his free time with mommy and you! And he can sleep when you sleep or whenever you decided to let mommy sleep!” I exclaimed feeding Jacoby in my arms, his bright blue eyes darting around the room. “And daddy is officially eighteen, which means there will only be seventeen years and five weeks between us-”

“It also means mommy doesn’t have to tell the whole world she is dating a toy boy for the next while.” Cass smiled before plonking herself down beside me. “Happy birthday honey.” She kissed me and laid her head on my shoulder.

I looked at her and her eyes were full of tears. “Baby what’s wrong?” I asked shifting Jacoby over slightly so I could turn to face her properly. “Cassie what’s wrong? Tell me.” I said sternly yet softly. She simply shook her head and tears fell down. “Please tell me?”

“Nothing I’m just really lucky to have you two boys in my life.” She wiped away her tears and took Jacoby into her own hold. “And that I have a family that love me the way I am and don’t want to change me” I cringed slight Cass had a hug fight with her parents over the life she was leading, how she brought shame to the family and they wanted her to change. “I love you Bobby.”

I smiled and pulled her carefully on to my lap. “I love you two Cass, you’re my whole world.” I told her honestly as I wrapped my arms around her. “I was thinking we could go to ma’s first for a while then we could come back get pretty and go out for that meal you booked a while ago.”

“Hmm.” Was all she said picking up the bottle to feed him the end of the thing. “I think you should sleep for a few hours, you’ve been getting very little sleep lately. I’ll bring Jacoby down for a walk while you sleep. I’ll wake you up about twelve?”

“Yeah I don’t mind.” In all honestly I was wrecked. Coming up to Christmas I was working extra shifts for presents and to pay off a bit more of the mortgage before we needed to be getting more shit for the baby. “There’s like two $5’s in my garage jumper. Take ‘em to get coffee or something nice while your out.”

She stood up slowly as Jacoby finished the very last drop of breast milk that was left in the bottle. “Thanks I will get something nice.” She smiled and kissed my lips gently. “Now get into bed and sleep.” She ordered as I walked by her.

The last five weeks have flown by. It seems as though it was just yesterday I was just bringing Cass home from the hospital with our baby boy to the surprise apartment. Since five weeks ago not much has happened except for a few minor details.

Jacoby opened his eyes and they are the brightest blue eyes ever, brighter than mine. He had to get a shot and was sick for a few days after he’s was to small to get it at the hospital or something like that. But now he was grand doing well in his weight, yet he’s still tiny.

As I was saying earlier Cassie’s parents and herself had a major argument, three weeks ago. We went over for a few hours to visit but it turned really ugly. They started calling her a fuck up – not their exact words- and how it was all her for fault for dating. Then they started saying Jacoby was the biggest mistake of her life, and that’s when she completely lost it.

I had never seen that side of Cassie, neither had her parents by the looks on their faces, she went completely mad saying that he was the best thing that happened to her after me, cheesy I know, and he was the only thing in her life that mattered because she had no parents.

That’s when they wrote her and check and told her they never wanted to see her again for as long as she lived. Her brother, Jack, actually felt sorry her and tried to talk all of them to sit down and talk it through it didn’t really go down to well with any of them.

On Christmas day we went to my parents needless to say the girls wanted to be playing with Jacoby like he was a doll. I don’t know how many times they were told he wasn’t a doll but they kept at it until ma lost it at them and took the dolly things they got off them. Then Jason started saying it would be really funny if Cass got pregnant again. He got she didn’t have her period yet and we haven’t slept together in a while and he would be informed when she did get her period.

{x. Three Days Later .x}

“Bobby I’m going out for a few hours will you be okay here for a while with Jacoby?” she whispered to me as I was gently awoken. I’d come off a night shift in the garage and slept a total for seven hours so far. “Do you want anything while I’m out?”

“No…” I muttered still tired. “Can you come home about half five, I’m going in at six to cover Darren’s shift.” I informed her and I opened and closed my eyes for a few seconds to adjust to the light.

“I’ll be back on time babe don’t worry. There’s milk in the fridge for the baby it should last until the morning.” She kissed my lips. Then she tried to pull away and when she did she gave me a questioning look. “Bobby?”

“One last kiss before you go.” I told her as I reached up to the back of her neck to pull her back down to my lips. We both smiled into the kiss as I went to slip my tongue into her mouth. Then it ended. “I love you Cassie.” I called after her as the bedroom door closed.

“I love you too Bobby. Bye.” She said and the front door closed. I lay in bed contemplating whether to get up or just wait until I heard Jacoby’s cries. I didn’t have to wait long to hear him whine for his bottle.

I got up and fed him and decided to wait for Cass to come home and hour later. It was 5.47pm before I decided I’d have to take Jay with me to work, as Cass wasn’t coming home anytime soon. I packed up all his stuff I’d need for the night then went to the truck and headed to the garage.

“Yo Bryar your late man. What took you so long – wow you brought the little guy.” Matt commented as I approached the office thing. “I’m guessing he’s the reason your late.” He smiled.

“Yeah I dunno where Cass went so I’d no choice but to bring him with me. You don’t mind do you?” I asked my boss as I set him down gently in his baby chair. “‘Cause if it’s a problem I’ll just get my ma to take him.”

“Sure he’ll be grand.” He said going back under a car. “You can stay in here ‘til ten I’ll let you off tonight but you gotta do the Ford over there. It needs a new fan belt and the chick that brought it in wants it checked as well.”

“Right.” I pulled my over alls over me, and picked Jacoby up and had him near the car with me. I wasn’t gonna leave him in the office, it wasn’t exactly the safest place ever. He watched me wide eyed as I set him down. He was smiling, that’s what it looked like to me, and making weird baby noises.

Three and a half hours later I packed up the truck and thanked Matt repeatedly for letting me off work earlier than he said. I swear nicest boss out there he was real easy going.

Driving back to the apartment all I could think about was Cass and where she was. I called the house a few times but there was no answer, same when I called a few of her friends and ma. When I called Jack there was no answer either so I thought maybe they could be out catching up with each other.

Walking up the stairs I noticed there was a cop on the level we lived on and people gathered around and then one of them things that the paramedics have was begin pushed down they were shouting things to each other and it looked like someone was trying to revive the person. I moved over and let them go by.

I glanced at the lifeless figure that was trying to be revived. “Cassie…”
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