From Teenager to Daddy in a Matter of Months

The Last Piece

I glanced at the lifeless figure that was trying to be revived. “Cassie…” I whispered looking. I wanted to move, rush towards her but my body wouldn’t allow me. “Cass?” I said a bit louder this time.

Something inside me pushed my body forward towards the paramedics but I was quickly pushed back by an officer. His hand lay firmly on my chest stopping me from moving foreword. “Please step away for the paramedics.” He stated plainly as though nothing was happening.

“I-I , girlfriend… m-my …th-that’s my g-girlfriend.” I stuttered quickly looking on at Cassie, the mother of my child just lying there with a paramedic on top of her. “Cassie!” I yelled slightly.

His hand eased on my chest as the two paramedics and another officer carried the stretcher down the flight of stairs. “Look son-”

“Just let me go. That’s my girlfriend. Please.” I pleaded with him as Jacoby began to stir from people in the hall muttering and me yelling slightly. “Please.”

He looked at me for a second I thought I saw a no forming his lips but he nodded. “Come with me I’ll following the ambulance.” He said quickly walking down the stairs with me in hot pursuit. “When we get there I’ll need to get details about were you where and that young woman’s family.”

I wanted to correct him but I didn’t. All I could think about was Cassie, her body so lifeless and limp. I just felt so numb, like this was all a bad dream. But hell it was no dream. It was as real as life.

I jumped into the police car. Jacoby still in his car seat, but strapped into the back. I had so many dreams since his first baby scan, me and Cass getting married, having for kids, sending them off to college, seeing our own grandchildren from him and the others. But these dreams were being threatened by this nightmare day I was having.

The second I had the hospital in sight I opened my seat belt ready to jump out to get Cassie into my arms as soon as possible. Though we were seconds away from the entrance, it felt like forever to me.

I ran into emergency with Jay in his seat soundly asleep, having no idea his mother was in a bad way. I ran into were I was told to go. The room was full of nurses and doctors yelling at each other. I don’t know what they were saying my entire body was focused on Cassie, my Cassie.

“Someone get him out of here.” Was yelled and a nurse quickly led me out of her room. I argued back and she told me I had to stay. “Do you want me to call family for you? Or the young woman.” I nodded trying to look into Cassie’s room at any give moment. “Do you want to write down the number and I’ll contact them for you?” again I nodded, not realizing what she said until she pushed pen and paper into my hold.

I was sitting down starring at the ground; my life planned with the one I loved all depended on what happened in the next while. I was impatient I couldn’t stop rocking back and forth; the nurse was gone a long time. Cassie is gonna make it. She’s strong she can pull through. I kept telling myself over and over hoping the doctor would come out soon and tell me everything is fine and there’s nothing to worry about.

“Are you waiting here for a Ms. Cruz?” a youngish female said sitting down beside me, probably a nurse with nothing better to do than council me while Cass was in there. That room. Five feet away from me. I nodded. “Can I ask what relation you are to her?”

“Boyfriend.” I stated quickly wanting her to fuck off even though I knew she meant good. “Her son’s father.” I nodded quickly to Jacoby again looking at him, and then out of nowhere I noticed he had her nose.

Someone came out of the room, but my head was heavy and I couldn’t move. I was scared encase it was bad news, yet a part of my wanted to know whether it was good news and when could I see her.

“Mr. Bryar you are here for Ms. Cruz correct?” it was another female voice. I didn’t move or say anything. “I have some news for you…Ms. Cruz didn’t make it.”

My head shot up and I looked her directly in the eye. “Didn’t make what?” I said and she exchanged glances with the nurse. “She’s not dead please don’t tell me. Tell me she’s alive.” I said now standing.

“Mr. Bryar I’m sorry. We did everything we could for her, the overdose was just to much for her body.”

“What a cheesy line, do you use that on everyone?” I spat and ran into Cassie’s room, to the bed. “Cass, babe, wake up. I’m here now. Jacoby is outside. I know your only playing with me, but please don’t I’m scared. I need you.” I whispered taking her freezing cold hand. That’s when I heard my name being called over and over again.

“Bob. Honey.” Ma said coming into the room. “Bob please come on.” Her voice quivered she hated hospitals that’s why she quivered. “Come on now honey she’d gone.” She stated trying to get my hand out of Cassie’s.

“No she’s not. Don’t lie to me.” I gritted through my teeth. Cassie was not gone, she’s gonna grow old with me and then she will probably die. But not now, she’s only eighteen, an eighteen-year-old mother with a lot to do in life.

She pulled me away and hugged me. I could feel her tears through my jumper. I couldn’t feel a thing, most people would cry even men if their other half died, but I couldn’t I wanted to cry and I couldn’t. I didn’t feel anything it was like my emotions were numb.

My mind was telling me she gone and its over, but my heart told a different story. My Cassie was gone forever and there was nothing I could do about it.

Then I heard cries. Jacoby’s cries. How the fuck was I gonna take care of him? Or myself? I wished and prayed this was a nightmare but I never woke up. I thought of how he was our son.

He is the only piece of Cassie I have left.