Two Pushy Mormon Girls

I had this idea with my best friend Jami to make a skit the touches base on the stereotypes that people have on others. My best friend and I are both LDS, or Mormon. And after a day of being bombarded with stereotypes I decided that I wanted to laugh at the stereotypes that people have given me, instead of being upset by them. So I hope you like them :)
  1. Chapter one
    This will touch on LDS stereotypes
  2. Chapter Two
    This one will touch on Atheist stereotypes
  3. Chapter Three
    Another episode of Stereotypes of of Mormons
  4. Chapter Four
    Stereotype that blondes are stupid
  5. Chapter Five
    Stereotype that women are bad drives, and all men are pigs
  6. Chapter Six
    This one doesn't have a specific stereotype, it's more fluff and I wanted to write one where I kiss Seth. lol
  7. Chapter Seven
    The girls discuss poltics
  8. Chapter Eight
    Harry Potter rules :)
  9. Chapter Nine
    Seth goes to church
  10. Chapter Ten
    Star Wars and Stereotypes of Nerds