Status: new =D


Chapter 6

“Ella, you’re making it harder than it needs to be. Stop over complicating things!” Sarah said impatiently, putting her head in her hands.

“Ugh, I’m trying! Numbers don’t make sense to me; you should know that by now!” I thumped my head on the table. “Screw my life, screw my life, screw my life . . .” Sarah put her hand on the table so my head hit her open palm instead.

“You’re life is screwed up enough as it is; don’t make it worse.” She said, closing the textbooks and gathering them in her arms. “Let’s go, El.” She pulled on my arm and practically dragged me into the building. I followed her angrily, still pissed I couldn’t figure out any of the calculus equations. “Now, I’m gonna leave you at your locker. Can I trust you not to bang your head one it?” She asked, staring at me like I was a little kid. I scowled at her and smacked my head against the cold metal just to piss her off. Sarah chuckled, waving at me as she skipped, yes skipped, down the hallway. I guess that’s what loving fairy tales does to you.

Shaking my head, I quickly spun in my combination and opened my locker, grabbing the necessary books for first period – science.

“That is one strange chick.” Said a velvety smooth voice to my right. I shut my locker to see the dark haired boy from yesterday. His head was still in his locker, but almost as soon as I looked at him, he looked up and once again my eyes met his, and, once again, I was mesmerized.

“Oh . . . umm . . . she . . . well . . . uh . . .” I stuttered, turning my head so that my hair covered my face. Bah, what was happening to me? I never stutter! And I mean, N-E-V-E-R! Oh, what was this boy doing to me? I don’t even know his name and already I’m embarrassing myself in front of him! Why me?

“Hey,” he whispered, tucking my hair back behind my ear, “Don’t do that, I’d much rather see your gorgeous face.” His hand lingered for a moment, and then left almost as quickly as it came. I felt my face grow hot, and saw his eyes grow wide for a moment as he stared at his hand, as if in disbelief that he touched me.

Oh, why do I even bother getting my hopes up? A guy like him would never fall for a girl like me. Trying to hide my humiliation, I turned away from him and started down the hall to the science wing, deciding to take the long way around the school to clear my head.