Status: Thoughtful

Cold Shock

MOVIE SPOILER WARNING! May not make sense if you haven't seen the movie "Stargate SG-1: Continuum".

Ba'al had been captured, sentenced to have his Gou'ald symbiot removed. Everything was going great for our favorite Air Force Space Explorers - until they started disappearing one by one. One minute, they are quietly cutting up, the next, Ba'al is free and Jack, Colonel and leader, is dead. As there is a major dash for the Stargate, only Sam, Cameron, and Daniel are left to dart through.

Except on the other side, there is nothing but ice where the Stargate Command once stood. As temperatures are quickly realized, and the shock of the past events wash over the team, Sam seems to struggle for a few seconds before Cameron has to snap her out of a revere.

This is my take on what was running through her mind.
  1. Cold Shock
    This is a short story, 1 chapter only.