Status: Done.

Give Me A Shot To Remember

Pancakes. Arguments. And Chaos

“Get your ass up!” yelled Leana as she threw a pillow at me.

“Go away,” I said as I put the pillow over my head.

Leana pulled the curtains open and the bright sun was right in my face. She pulled my blankets and my pillow away from me. “Becka I’m not joshing with you, if you don’t get up and take a shower in the next hour then Imma kick your ass! We have a busy and tight schedule.”

She walked out and closed the door behind her.

I groaned as I got out of bed. I walked in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and went to get some shorts, a bra and underwear, and a pink relaxed, casual shirt that is kind of low cropped. I brushed my hair and took a shower.


I got dressed and combed my hair. I put on some Vans, the ones that Spicolli has from Fast Times at Rigemont High, and grabbed my makeup bag. I put on some pink blush, some eyeliner, some mascara, pink lipstick, and very little eye shadow and it was pink.

I looked in my suitcase and finally found it! It was my jewelry box! I opened it and looked for my gold seashell pendant that Brian got me for my birthday the last time I was here. I also pulled out my silver septum with pink jeweled ends and stuck it into the holes in the nose.

I walked out and went to the kitchen to be greeted by Leana.

“Finally, that took forever!” she said as she pulled me into a hug.

“Sorry about the attitude and about yesterday,” I said with a sheepish smile.

“It’s alright sweetie.”

“Where’s everyone else?” I asked confused.

“We are going to meet them there,” she said with a huge smile.

“Where are we meeting them?”

She grabbed some pancakes from a plate and put them on another plate and handed it to me. “Cannot tell,” as she put the pancakes on the table and covered them with syrup.

I sat down and took a bite to be greeted by chocolate chips. “Yes! Love these kinds! But I hate surprises…”

“How can you hate surprises?” she asked me sitting down next to me.

“Well you don’t know what is going happen, it could be bad, I hate to be surprised, and I like to know what’s going on.”

She had a smirk on her face and she poured me milk. “Eat up.”

I ate the rest of my pancakes in silent.


“Yeah,” I said as I cleaned my dishes in the sink.

Leana shot up from her chair and squealed.

I laughed and washed the suds from my hands.

Leana grabbed my hand and dragged me to the living room where there was a lot of stuff.

“What’s all this stuff?” I asked pointing to the things that were wrapped.

Leana walked in and grabbed a blindfold. “Nothing,” she lied. I didn’t even notice that she left.

She put the blindfold on me and I think she put my hair in a ponytail. “Seriously, what’s all that stuff?”

“It’s just presents for you. Don’t lift that blindfold up, don’t peak!” she said as she led me out the door.

“Presents? No, no presents for me. I don’t wanna mooch,” I said as I got in a car, I think.

“You aren’t mooching and too late. We already got you something,” she said as she started the car.

“Where are we?” I felt around and felt a bottle of water.

“My car,” she started to drive.

Leana put on the radio and Taylor Swift was on.

I squealed and clapped my hands.

“Sorry, but we aren’t listening to her. I hate her,” said Leana as she changed the station.

I pouted and groaned as the song Soul Sister was on.

“Change it,” I said.

Leana changed it and we were greeted by Bat Country, and luckily it just started.

We both squealed and Leana turned it on blast. We sang along and I would say “Guitar Sex,” or “Guitar solo,” or “Pet Octopus,” when they would happen in the music video.

It ended, sadly, and Leana turned it down again. The rest of the ride we just listened to one station and I fell asleep.

I heard a loud Bang and I woke up. “What? What was that?”

The door opened on my side and I heard screaming and the smell of junk food.

“Come on, beautiful.”

“Zack-O, where are we?” I asked as I let him carry me out.

He walked and I heard Matt and Val, Brian and Michelle, Lacey and Johnny, Gena, and

Jimmy and Leana talking.

“Where are we?” I repeated.

Someone took off my blindfold and I screamed; Mission Beach Amusement Park.

“Surprise!” they all yelled.

I hugged the closest to me and that was Zacky.

“Thanks, I love this place.”

He hugged me back and said, “We all love this place.”

I let go of him and went to Michelle and Brian. “Thanks.”

They hugged me back.

I went for Johnny and told him thanks too. “Lacey you can join in, I mean you helped too.”

I went for Jimmy and Leana. “Thanks tons. It means a lot.”

They hugged me and said, “No problem.”

I let go of them and Gena had her arms wide open and I walked over to her and said,


She hugged me and Zacky joined in. I let go of them and went for Brian.

He gave me a piggyback ride till we reached the entrance.

There was a cute guy in his late twenties or so at the booth in front of the entrance.

I ran to the front and smiled at the cute guy, he had brown, scruffy hair, brown eyes, and he was pretty tall, well taller then me.

The guys went behind me and the girls were waiting by the entrance.

“How many?” he asked smiling at me. I blushed.

“Eleven,” I said burning hot now.

“Hey, aren’t you Avenged Sevenfold?” he asked looking at the guys.

The guys smiled and nodded their heads. They all handed the guy each ten dollars and I handed him five, the guys paid for the girls and themselves.

“I’m Chris,” said the guy behind the booth holding his hands out to the guys.

The guys shook his hand and he held it out to me. I shook his hand, blushing, and said, “Hi Chris. I’m Becka, Brian’s sister.”

He smiled at me and I was burning hot. I guess I looked really red and I was probably smiling like an idiot because Brian looked at him and then me, and whispered something in Zacky’s ear.

“Where are our tickets or whatever?” asked Zacky pushing up next to me.

“Oh,” Chris pulled out bracelets and I held my arm out to him and he put it on me. He did the same to the guys and they took the rest to the girls. I stayed behind and asked Chris, “So, how old are you?”

He smirked. “Twenty eight, you?” he asked with a ridiculously huge grin on his face. He was blushing.

I blushed and said, “Twenty eight.”

“So which one of the guys are you dating?” he asked with a crack in his voice.

I sighed. “None of them, they are all just friends and they all have girlfriends.”

“Oh. Then are you single?”

“Yeah, I am. Hey, what time do you get off?”

“In like thirty minutes, why?”

“Well I was wondering if you wanna come in with us.”

He smiled and blushed. “Of course, I would love to.”

I smiled and grabbed his arm and wrote my cell phone number on his arm. “Call me when you get off.”

He looked at his arm and smiled. “Yeah, I will.”

“Becka!” said Michelle impatiently.

“Bye,” I waved at him and ran toward the guys.

I reached them and Leana had a smile on her face.

“What?” I asked innocently.

“You know what. You were hitting on him,” said Leana as she interlocked our arms.

Michelle did it to Val and Michelle interlocked my other arm.

“What? You’re crazy.”

“Did you get his digits?” asked Michelle.

I blushed and said, “No.”

“Did you give him yours?”

I blushed harder. “Yeah,” I said in a small voice.

The girls laughed and Michelle went to Brian and whispered in his ear and so did Val but in Matt’s.

Zacky ran back to me probably to tell us to hurry up because we were like way behind them. He whispered in Leana’s ear and she ran up to Jimmy. “What were you doing with him? Giving him your number and flirting like that?”

I scoffed. “That’s none of your business, Mr. Baker.”

“It is too,” he grabbed my arm and held me back and the others came too but only the guys.

Now the guys surrounded me and the girls went in line for a roller coaster. “What?” I asked irritated.

“Why were you hitting on “Chris”?” asked Brian.

“You are way too protective.”

“Well, I’m worried about my sister.”

“Don’t be,” I said with a sweet smile.

“Why were you talking to him after we left?” asked Zacky.

“I wanted to ask him something,” I said as I faced him.

“What did you ask him?” asked Jimmy.

“When he got off,” I said as I faced Jimmy.

“Why did you ask him that?” said Johnny poking through.

“Why do you think? To ask him where the nearest Swamp Meat is?” I said.

“You asked him out?” asked Brian grabbing my arm.

“Yeah, he’s going to call me and then we are all going to hang out.”

“We don’t want that dick with us,” said Brian making a disgusted face.

“Sorry Becka but we don’t hang out with pricks.” Zacky crossed his arms as if nothing could make him hang with Chris.

“Be nice. And that’s too bad, he’s coming with us. Plus you guys seemed to like him earlier.”

“Well that was before we knew he was trying to get you in bed!” screamed Zacky and then people around us looked at us and he quickly turned red.

“He isn’t! We are just gonna hang out and I asked him.”

“Fine, but we have to approve of him like you approve of our girls,” said Matt.

“Okay, but we’re just gonna hang out anyways,” I pushed my way through them and ran to
the girls, who were almost in the front of the line for the roller coaster.

“What did the guys want?” asked Michelle.

“They were grilling me because I “flirted” with Chris,” I said pissed off.

“What? That’s none of their business and it’s not like you guys are dating! You just gave him your number and they should just be concerned if you guys are dating!” said Michelle.

We were in front now and the guy asked to see our bracelets and then he let us on. I sat by
Leana, Michelle sat by Val, and Gena sat by Lacey.

“Aren’t you terrified of coasters?” asked Leana looking at me.

“Shit! Yeah, terrified,” I said as Leana put on the thing that goes over her chest.

I put mine on and looked pretty scared.

“It’s not scary, you know.”

“I know. I’m just being a puss and I wanna try to get over my fear of coasters.”

“Well that’ll be hard since you’re scared of everything,” said Leana with a chuckle.

The ride started. First we waited for the coaster in front of us to leave and then we went at like forty miles per hour. I screamed and closed my eyes. I grabbed onto Leana’s arm and her, Michelle, Val, Gena, and Lacey screamed with joy.

We went down a hill and then in a loop. I screamed at it all. We went up and then quickly made a right turn. We were doing a weird wave like motion and then spiraled down. We jerked left and shot down. Then one more loop and it was over.

I was for sure I shit my pants.

Leana laughed at me and I stuck my tongue out at her and we got off.

The guys were waiting for us and Michelle went straight to them and glared at them.

“What, baby?” asked Brian grabbing her.

She pulled away and said, “Why are you getting in Becka’s business?”

He sighed. “She’s my sister and I’m worried about her. I don’t like to see her with other guys.”

She scoffed but hugged him.

My phone rang.

“Hello?” I said instinctively putting my finger in my other ear.

“Hey. Umm…it’s Chris.”

“Oh. Hey. Is your shift done?”

“No, just the next person for my shift got here early. So I decided to head off early. Umm…where are you?”

I looked around. “By the coaster and the bumper cars,” I said as I saw Zacky push through Michelle and Brian.

Zacky got to me and asked for the phone.

“Fuck you! You have your own!” I yelled at him.

“You don’t want me to come?” asked Chris sounding disappointed.

“No, I do. I was talking to Zacky,” I glared at him.

Zacky pointed his finger the other way and I looked to find that there was nothing. Zacky had my phone!

“Chris, this is Zacky. So, why do you like Becka?” he asked as I tried to get my phone.

I couldn’t hear his reply, but I started to jump on Zacky. Leana saw and thought we were messing around so she pushed Zacky. Zack rolled his eyes and gave it to me.

“Chris?” I asked.

The line was dead.

Zacky looked annoyed. “What the hell, Leana? Why’d you push me?”

“I wanted to play too!” she yelled at him playfully.

“We weren’t playing; he took my phone while I was on with Chris.”

“Why’d you take her phone?” butted in Michelle.

He scoffed and went to the guys.

“What did Chris say?” asked Val.

“Line was dead.” I looked sad.

“I bet he’s coming,” said Val cheerfully.

“I bet Zacky took her phone to make him not wanna come,” said Michelle.

Val struck her arm pretty hard.

“What? I bet he did!” Michelle crossed her arms.

I walked over to the guys and they were all laughing, well until they saw me glaring at them.

Jimmy came to me and wrapped his arms around me and swayed me back and forth.

“What’s wrong?”

“Fuck you, Zacky!”

He pushed through the guys and looked at me ever so innocently. “I’m sorry. I just can’t stand to see you get hurt; you know you’re like a sister to me and all of us.” He grabbed my hands and squeezed them. He looked at me with those jade eyes. I got lost.

He hugged me. “Forgive me?”

I hugged him back. “No, unless you get Chris here,” I smiled at him.

He groaned and looked at Brian.

Brian looked blanked but finally nodded his head in an approval way.

I squealed and jumped up and down.

“Phone?” asked Zacky putting his hand out.

I pulled it out of my purse and handed it to him.

Jimmy made a disgusted face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked kissing his chest.

“Pink phone?” he asked kissing the top of my head.

“Yeah, pink is a great color.” I smiled at him.

“Uhh…no,” he said as he chuckled.

I pulled away. “Excuse me? Look at what I’m wearing!”

He looked at what I was wearing and he had a smirk on his face.

“Everything I’m wearing is pink; my shirt, my nails, my phone, and my makeup!”

He smirked and Zacky handed me my phone.

“What’d he say?” I asked jumping up and down.

“He said he’s on his way,” Zacky said with a frown.

I squealed and jumped to the girls.

They all jumped and squealed as well.

“Why are we jumping? Jumping and squealing?” asked Val.

“Zacky convinced Chris to come after all!”

They all screamed.

The guys walked over to where we were.

“Where did Gena go?” I asked looking around.

Leana pointed to Zacky and I found her draped all over him. EWW!

I made a disgusted face.

We all laughed and Zacky flipped me off.

I did the same. “Fuck you!” I said with a chuckle.

“When?” he asked as he came toward us.

“What about later tonight?” I asked as I touched his chest.

“Can’t, Gena has me tonight. But I’m available tomorrow morning,” he said as he touched my face.

“Okay.” I said as I saw the guys with their mouths wide open.

Zacky and I cracked up.

“Becka?” asked someone toward the back of the group.

I pushed to the back. “Chris!”

We hugged and all of the guys scoffed.

I let go of him and I was blushing.

So the dick is actually gonna hang with us? This should be fun. We should go on the bumper cars next so we can all kick his ass in it!

I can’t believe Becka likes him! What a douche! You know, I bet he just wants to get in her pants. Or maybe so he can get like famous or some shit like that! I just don’t understand why Becka would go with him even though we all seem to not like him. We all think he’s a little dick. I swear if I find him getting up with a bagel in his pants at Vengeance Manor one morning then Imma kick his ass! And then get the other guys and we can all kick his fuckin ass.

I hope Becka knows what she’s getting herself into. Why couldn’t she go with me? I’m nice and plus the guys wouldn’t have to approve since they already know me!

“Just don’t hit him too hard,” I said to the guys as we were in line for the bumper cars.

“Don’t worry.” Matt grabbed my hands and kissed them.

I ran up to Chris and held onto his arm. He just smiled at me and blushed.

“What are your favorite bands or singers?” I asked as I put my arms around his neck like it was the most natural thing in the world.

The guys all seemed to move closer when I asked the question.

“I like Avenged Sevenfold, 30 Seconds to Mars, Linkin Park, Disturbed, All American Rejects, Good Charlotte, Black Eyed Peas, and Marilyn Manson.” He looked at me.

I think one of the guys scoffed.

“Nice. I like Taylor Swift, Ke$ha, Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park, Good Charlotte, Jeffree Star, All American Rejects, My Chemical Romance, Johnny Cash, Jimmy Buffet, and Katy
Perry,” I said as I got in a bumper car.

Chris took the one next to me and Brian next to him.

“Please don’t bump to hard and do not unbuckle your seatbelt during the ride. A worker will come and make sure your seatbelt is securely buckled. Be careful with loose clothing or loose hair because it could get caught in the motor. At this time please put purses, hats, keys, and anything else like cell phones under your seats or behind your seat you’ll find a little apartment for your things,” said the man who, I guess was in charge of the bumper cars, spoke into a microphone. “Mission Beach is not responsible for broken or stolen items.”

“Okay, okay. I think we get it, dude,” said Jimmy with boredom.

“Drive safely and please enjoy.” The man had a huge smile at Jimmy like he was going to do something to him for interrupting.

We all started to go and I first bumped Zacky and then he bumped me. Then all of a sudden Jimmy’s entire car went off and he stopped. I took this chance to hit him.

“What the hell? Fix my car!” Jimmy screamed with frustration. He banged his fists against the steering wheel.

Everyone started to hit Jimmy and finally the guy who announced the rules came to him and flipped a switch and his car started again. Jimmy smiled weakly and went for Leana and then me.

I laughed and saw that the guys were just basically hitting poor Chris. I hit Brian and Matt but Brian just hit me back. I went for Johnny and Gena next. It looked like Gena didn’t know how to drive the car because she kept going backwards and she kept hitting the walls. I laughed. I went for Leana and Michelle and they helped me get the guys and they all crashed into each other. It was funny. They all looked surprised. I went for Chris and then he tried to get me but I was saved by Leana because she hit him and hit him against the wall.

The cars stopped and the guy started to talk again. “Please take your seatbelts off and exit toward the back of the building. Take all of your items from the bumper cars and if anything did brake we are not responsible. Have fun at Mission Beach Amusement Park”

We all ran toward the exit and waited for Gena and Zacky to come out by the exit. They came out hand-in-hand. I grabbed Chris’s hand and dragged him toward the end of the bumper car building’s exit. I told him to wait there and ran up to Leana. “Imma go with Chris. Don’t worry and if the guys ask just tell them I’m with Chris and don’t look for me.”

I ran back to Chris and we ran hand-in-hand away from where they were.

“You want some Cotton Candy?” he asked as he pulled out his wallet.

“Yes, please. Get pink,” I said as we went in line.

“Is that your favorite color? I mean like pink?” He put his arm around my neck and looked at

“Yeah, favorite color in the whole world,” I said as we moved up in the line.

“Man, what’s with chicks and the color pink?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Hey, what’s wrong with pink?”

He chuckled and we were now in the front of the line. “Uhh, pink one, please?”

The lady handed him a pink one and he handed her three dollars.

We walked away and we shared the Cotton Candy. We went to a bench and sat down.

“So, what made you say yes to me?” I asked as I ripped off a huge piece of the sugary goodness.

He took some and let it melt in his mouth. “Well, you’re supper pretty, you seem really nice, you’re my type, and, don’t take this the wrong way, but you know Avenged Sevenfold.”

“Oh, okay.” I put my head on his lap and lay on the bench. “This isn’t awkward for you, is it?”

“Nah, it’s cool. My ex used to do that.” He smiled at me and he fed me the cotton candy.

We talked for about the next ten minutes until we were interrupted. “So you leave us for a date?”

I sat up straight to see an angry Brian glaring at Chris. The guys were all glaring at Chris now and I could see the girls were trying to cool them off.

“Brian, cool off. You were all acting ridiculous and I was tired of it. Maybe-” I was cut off.

“Becka, we were supposed to hang out. That’s why we came here, not for you to meet some guy and leave us for him.” Michelle tried to keep Brian from getting any madder.
Gena grabbed Zacky put he just shoved her off of him. Lacey managed to drag Johnny some ways away but he broke free and ran back.

I could see I wasn’t getting away with this without a fight. “Okay, can we talk about this? Over there,” I dragged Brian away and called for the girls to keep Chris busy and make sure he didn’t leave.

The guys followed us and I was soon attacked by them. They all yelled at me at the same time and I heard someone say that, “You were selfish.” Another saying, “You have your hormones getting in your ass.” And the rest I couldn’t make out.

“Okay. Shut up! I’ll ask him to leave but Imma ask him out again, okay? But not around you guys.” I looked at all of them.

“I guess,” said Johnny.

“Do we have a choice?” asked Matt.

“Okay,” Jimmy started to hug me.

I dug my head in his tummy/ chest and smiled.

“Before you go out we wanna have a ‘chat’ with him, okay?” asked Zacky causing me to stop hugging Jimmy.

“Okay, but a chat and not beating him up, okay?”

He hugged me and ran his fingers through my hair.

Someone touched my hips causing me to jump and, well, scream.

Brian laughed and pulled me off of Zacky and he looked in my eyes with his eyes, which were full of concern. “I still don’t know about him.”

“You’ll get to ask him all your questions so I bet it’ll make you all happy,” I hugged him.

I hugged Matt and Johnny next. We walked back to the girls and Chris.

I went straight for Chris and he stood up. “Chris-”

“I think I should leave because obviously we aren’t going to be left alone and you guys are way too close for them to just say yes to me.” He looked disappointed but he hugged me.

“Thanks. But call me anytime, Chris. I’m sure we can arrange something.” We stopped hugging and I winked at him. I felt like a creeper but he laughed, said goodbye to everyone, and left.

Jimmy grabbed my hand. “Let’s have some fuckin fun!” He went straight for Chaos.

Finally that little bitch is gone. He seems too nice. We hit him many times on the bumper cars and he doesn’t even get mad or tries to hit us as hard as we did. What the hell is wrong with him? Well at least he’s gone. I can’t afford him to ruin our relationship and come in the picture.

I still can’t believe he didn’t get mad at us for taking Becka so many times or how she’s just so attached to all of us and not even a bit of jealously from him. He should be jealous of every guy that comes in a hundred foot range of her!

I’m just glad that we got him to leave and I hope he won’t call Becka. Brian and I should make him run off when we ‘talk’ to him. The other guys, of course, will help us with that because we all seem to think he’s just not good enough. Becka deserves the best and nothing less; the absolutely best of the best. She’s really special and whoever gets her should be ever so grateful that she even pays attention to them because I know I do.

They should bring her flowers every day after work, make her breakfast in bed, destroy anyone who tries to hurt her, love her with all of their heart, never let her get hurt, make her feel special, and, of course, never let her lift a finger. They should love everything about her, from her beauty to her flaws.

She is so perfect and she needs perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Becka's Outfit
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