Status: Active

My Little Tornado, My Little Hurricano (Last Day of Magic)

Wedding Mayhem

"Hun, what are you doin'?" I asked Alicia as she stared at me through the video camera lens.
"Filming you, planning your wedding" she smiled still not looking at me directly.
"Oh god no! I'm stressing out so much right now" I rested my head in my hands "Planning a wedding with your fucking wedding planner half way across the world ain't so easy to do" I sighed as a she slightly laughed.
"Aww you have me"
"Yeah I know, and you've been a major help" I lifted my head "You know Frank and I are such dumb asses..."
"Haha, and why may I ask?"
"Because we should have fucking done this shit like last year, after he proposed. I mean what he proposed in May of last year and it's now what? Fucking June, we've had more than enough fucking time to do this shit and-I-UGH-" I sighed into my hands again.
"Aww sweetie..." she said turning off the camera "It's not your guys’ fault, you have really busy, hectic lives don't blame yourself"
"But we don't have jack shit of anything done and I don't even know if Frank had time to do what I asked him to do"
"What, his vows and shit right?"
"Well think of it this way, we'll be home in no time at all relaxing and working on your wedding, okay? Just this last show in Germany and we'll be on our way back to Jersey" she offered "Here, go take a nap or something, I'll wake you when we're almost up, alright?"
"Alright" I said reluctantly and went straight to my bunk.

Fifteen Minutes into Alex's Dream

"Oh my God, nothing is going right at all! This is all a fucking disaster!" I said breaking down into a fit of tears.
"No, Alex I promise everything will be alright" Alicia said patting my back in comfort "Sweetie your smearing your make-up"
"I don't fucking care! I give up, okay? I give up! I give up on this wedding, I give up on this dream, and I even give up on Frank!" I pulled my face into my knees.
"No you don't!"
"Why do you have to be so goddamn persistent?! Don't you get it? I GIVE UP!" I said now crying even louder.
"Because I believe in you guys and in this wedding" she sighed "Alex you didn't give up on me when Mikey and I went through a rough time, and I sure as hell am not gonna give upon you"
"How can you say that when Frank doesn't even love me anymore? Just give in Ali"
"He didn't mean it"
"Yes he did! I don't think you can get anymore serious when the fucking priest asks you 'Frank do you take Alexandra to be your lawfully wedded wife?' and you say 'No I don't...I can't marry you Alex' what more fucking proof do you need?"
"I thought so, there's no point's over"

"Fuck!" I awoke from the awful nightmare drenched in cold sweat and breathing heavily. I sat up in my bunk grabbed my chest and then my head. 'What could this dream mean?' I thought to myself. I quickly reached for my phone and called up Jerry. Jerry is a friend who I've known for almost ever and he's a psychologist; he's the one I call when I need my dreams analyzed.
"Alex! what's up? How you holding' up?" he said.
"Not so well, hey Jerr can you interpret the dream I just had?"
"Sure thing, tell me about it. I'm all ears" he chuckled.
"Well..." I began "First, I was walking down this aisle-"
"In a wedding?"
"Yeah, a wedding" I repeated "And well, all around me I could see mine and Frank’s family, and our friends very happy with smiles across their faces. All of them flashing cameras in my face and mouthing 'congratulations’' or 'we love you'. But there, at the very end of the aisle I saw Frank waiting for me with the biggest smile had ever seen on his face" I could hear Jerry slightly saying 'Mhmm'.
"Well, what's the problem? So far everything seems fine to me" he asked calmly.
"Wait that's not the best part..." I said sarcastically "Then when I finally reach the end of the aisle and Frank grasps my hand the priests turns and says 'Frank do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?' Frank's smile suddenly faded away and turns to me and says 'No I don't...I can't marry you Alex...'I paused for a second.
"Oh...well this could possibly be signs that you're scared that things will fall apart or not go as planed...premarital anxiety perhaps" he offered "Have you been stressed out at all lately?"
"YES! Are you kidding? I've been out of my fucking mind stressed!"
"Alex you just have to relax!" he asserted "Don't make yourself sick to the point where you can't even think straight"
"So in other words, don't make myself go crazy to the point I will end up in a nut house? Is that what you mean?"
"Not really, listen just take my advice and just relax, all that stress is not good for you" he sighed "Are you going home soon?"
"Yeah just tonight and then we're going back home"
"Hmm, is Frank going with you?"
"No, he's coming home like two days after we get home..."
"I think you two just need some time alone to be a couple for a while, being with Frank will do you some good"
I smiled "Yeah, I really do miss my Pansy"
"Haha, alright well I have to go. I have tons of work to do, and remember just relax!"
"Okay I promise, bye" I said as I hung up.
I sat and waited in my bunk for a second before I got up and searched for Alicia; she was in the back watching Ren and Stimpy on Netflix while eating a bowl of what looked to be Coco Puffs.
"Hey babe, up already? It’s only been like 30 minutes tops" she said turning to face me.
"I couldn't really sleep...”
"Why? What's up? Tell ol' Alicia Keisha what's wrong. Come sit with me" she motioned to the spot next to her on the couch.
"I had a weird dream, actually more like a nightmare"
"What was it about?"
"The wedding going wrong..."
"In what way?"
"Frank not saying 'I do'"
"Oh...well like that's going to happen. Do you honestly think that Frank would have proposed if he wasn't seriously in love with you? Sweetie your just nervous and stressed out, don't worry about it"
"Easy for you to say..." I mumbled "Ali-" I started.
"Never mind"
"No tell me"
I sighed "I just feel like this whole bad dream business is a bad omen. And you know I'm not one to believe in all that hoopla but I don't know I just have this gut feeling that something will go wrong"
"It's just nerves, trust me everything will go according to plan" she smiled.
I sighed again "....I hope so"
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hope you like this, it is a story I wrote a long time ago on my old account ,that is now deactivated (used to be vampirexheart), that I never finished but now I'm going back to revamp and finish it :]