Status: Active

My Little Tornado, My Little Hurricano (Last Day of Magic)

Mayhem Almost Managed

"Finally!" I said opening the door to my house and stepping inside.
"God, it feels like it's been forever since I've been in a house" Alicia said throwing her bags on the floor and plopping down on the couch in the living room.
"I know, dude I just wanna go to bed and sleep until Frank comes home" I said sitting down beside her "Are you gonna stay with me until Frank and Mikey are home? I don't wanna be all alone for like two days"
"Sure, I really don't wanna stay home alone either" she looked down at her cell phone "Speak of the devil"
"Mikey?" I asked.
She nodded "Hey babe...Yeah a few hours ago...really? hey before you go I'm staying over at Alex and Frank's until you guys get home, so if our apartment is a mess and food less you know why...haha ok, I love you honey, bye".
"So what did Mikey want?"
"He wanted know if we got home already"
"Oh...I'm hungry" Alicia laughed while I got up and went to the kitchen to rummage for just a morsel of food "Damn...”
"After 6 months of not being here I anticipate there to be food and there isn't, let's go grocery shopping bitch"
"Alright bitch" she laughed again as I grabbed my car keys and we headed out the door again.

Frank's POV
"Do you like that Valencia? Do you like my fake French? Come on everybody say it Le Black Parade!" Gerard belted out.
Everyone in the audience chanted in unison. 'Just two more shows, two more Frank' I thought ‘Then I'll be back home holding Alex in my arms'
"So we're coming to, the end of the Black Parade right now, are all you piggies ready to see My Chemical Romance up next? Alright this song is called Famous Last Words!" Gerard screamed. We finished up our last set as The Black Parade and then went off back stage to quickly change back into My Chemical Romance to finish up the show with 'Helena', 'You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison', 'Give 'Em Hell Kid', 'The Ghost Of You', 'I'm Not Okay', and 'Cemetery Drive'. I've been really sick these last couple of months, which made touring not so fun. So meeting and dealing with crying, screaming fans wasn't so easy. I decided to go on the bus a little earlier than the other guys and called Alex.
"Hello?" I heard her say.
"Hey baby" I said.
"Frank! Hi baby, how are you?"
"Good, did you get home yet?"
"Yeah, we got home just this morning. Didn't Mikey tell you?"
"No, what the hell is all that noise?" I said referring to the massive amount of talking in the back round "Are you at a bar or something?"
"No, Ali and I are at the grocery store"
"Oh... well I miss you, you have no idea how badly I want to come home already, and I can't wait to see you"
"I miss you to babe. Just a few more shows that's it"
"You know that you're what keeps me goin', I'm doing this for you"
"You know that if it was up to me you'd be here right now"
I laughed "That's true"
"So babe" she started "Did you get anything that I asked you to do done?"
"Umm, s-s-sort of yeah" I lied.
"You didn't did you?" she sighed heavily "That's okay..."
"I did get one thing done..."
"My vows" I smiled.
"You did? That's- Oh wait baby I got to go, Alicia just wandered off to the candy aisle"
"Babe wai-"
"Gotta go! Love you bye!" she hung up.
"Love you too..." I said as put down my phone.
"So how is she?" Gerard said out of nowhere.
"Dude you scared me! When did you get in?"
"Like two seconds ago" He said sipping on Diet Coke "So are you gonna answer my question or not?"
"Oh, yeah she's fine"
"Great and Ali?"
"I dunno my guess is ok, she found the candy aisle though..."
"Grocery shopping?"
"Then you know she's ok" he turned to leave.
"Hey Gee; I have something to ask you"
"What's up?"
"I don't wanna make this sound all mushy and shit but, over the years you've been there for me like-like a brother-"
"You do know you're marrying Alex right? No more Frankie and Gerard shit" he joked.
"Look I'm being serious man! What I wanted to ask was, will you be my best man in the wedding?"
"Aww dude, you're gonna make me cry" he held his heart "Nah man just kidding, course I will"
"Awesome man"
"Here-" he threw me a Diet Coke "A toast to you and Alex, and may you have an amazing wedding!"

Alex's POV

Sunday 12:58 am; Starbucks on Hollywood Boulevard.* (9 hours and 58 minutes until the boys get home!)

"So McMahon, how you've you been?" Sonny asked from behind his shades "You stoked your boy's coming home tonight?' he smiled.
"Yes, very stoked! And now that I've slept like a baby for the past two days I feel much better"
"You and Ali get anything done for your wedding yet?"
"Yes we did, didn't we Ali?" Alicia simply managed a 'Mhmm' as she sipped at her coffee."Oh which reminds me, Sonny, Frank wanted me to ask if you'd be one of his groom's men in the wedding?"
"Course sweetie" he flashed another genuine smile of his.
"Thanks Sonnafer, you're amazing babe! God, I just I don't know how to thank you for all that you've done for me in the past...I'm glad I met you when I did"
"This might sound cheesy, but what are friends for? Plus you deserve this much happiness and more; I mean after all that that shit you went through because of Matt..."
"Ugh let's not even discuss Matthew right now. He still hates me right now, I would hate me if I did to myself what I did to him"
"Pffft, Matt's being a dick don't let it get to you. He should understand what the circumstances are and get over it; he's being really childish"
"Yea you're right"
Alicia cleared her throat "Yo Moore, ask her..." she interjected.
"Ask me what?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Umm well, I know this is stupid to ask but, are you gonna let me bring Dinky?"
I raised that same eyebrow again, God I hated Dinky! Why did he have to bring her up and ruin the moment?! and Dinky for your FYI is the nickname that I had dubbed upon Sonny's current girlfriend, Amanda.
"Soony John Moore, are you seriously asking me this question?"
"So I guess that's a no?"
"That's a hell no! Sorry sweetie, I just-I CANT STAND DINKY!" I exclaimed raising out of my chair, I felt that half of Los Angeles was staring at me. I sat back down "I really do not want Dinky present at the most important day of my goddamned mother fucking life!" I felt my voice rising again.
"Stupid question, sorry" he had a sad look on his face.
"Sweetheart-" I took a deep breath and speedily said "ifitreallymakesyouthatsadthenyoucanbringherifyouwant..."
I cringed "I said that, if it really makes you that sad then you can bring her if you want"
He thought for a moment "Nah, its ok. Dinky can always find something else to do" he laughed.
"You sure? Will being smooch less for the whole night be a problema?"
"Yupp and I won't be smooch less the whole night. I've still got Gerard" yet again he flashed another one of those Sonny Moore smiles.
We stayed at Starbucks for about another fifteen minutes until we started chain smoking so much an employee came outside and asked us to leave. We headed back to mine and Frank's house to play Bioshock and possibly scare the bejesus out of one another. After a million rounds of taking turns to play and much humiliation, we decided to give in and just drown our selves in the anticipation of the guys finally coming home.
"....I miss Mikey..." Alicia stated for the thousand time.
"You've been saying that for the past hour and a half" Sonny said blankly.
"I know but I still miss Mikey..."
"They'll be home soon..." I said.
"Liar, eight hours isn't soon enough"
"You're worse then Gerard, when he forgot his foundation at the airport during the Nintendo Fusion Tour..."I said.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means that, you married into the right family" Sonny uttered, Alicia stuck her tongue out at him.
I laughed "So what does Mrs. Mikey Way plan on doin' when her hubby gets home?"
She thought long and hard then a smirk spread across her face "I can't say..."
"And why not? Is Ms. Alicia Simmons feeling a bit kinky?" I said smugly.
"Maybe, maybe not. I guess you'll never know" she smiled "And what does Ms. McMahon plan on doing to her hubby to be when he gets home? Hmmm?"
I chuckled at the look on her face "Jump in his arms, tell him how much I love him and that I've missed him like crazy"
"Geez McMahon not even a slightly dirty joke, you must be in real deep" Alicia gave me a jokingly concerned looked.
"haha bitch, shut up" I threw a pillow at her.

The time seemed to go by incredibly slow we entertained one another by reminiscing on tour stories, talking about the new season of Supernatural and Doctor Who, for about an hour played Monopoly until Alicia called foul play and knocked over the playing field. Next Thing we knew it was already 8:30.
"Can we go now? I'm seriously getting tired of waiting at the house it's making me want to pee out of anticipation" Alicia said slumping down on the couch.
"haha you weirdo" I gave her a face "Alright, alright come on Sonnafer let's go before Alicia explodes. Sonny will you take your car too? Just so we don't have to make two trips?" he nodded, I grabbed my Misfits hoodie, car keys and walked out the door.

LAX (Airport)

"Where's the goddamn plane? I thought it was supposed to be here by now!" Alicia exclaimed starring out the Gate-H window.
"Has Mikey seriously kept you that sex deprived?" Sonny belted out.
"Fuck off Moore" she stuck her tongue out.
"Come on Ali don't over exaggerate, it's only been six months" I said.
"Oh my god the plane's here! I think they're unloading the plane!" she exclaimed
"No way let me see! Frank where are you?!"
She looked at me smugly "Don't be so exaggerated Alex it's only been six months..." she mocked.
"Ha-ha very funny" I retorted. Alicia whipped out her video camera and started to record.
"Ok I see people, getting off the plane but none of them are the guys..." she said.
Then at last after all the first half of the passengers unloaded the plane, there in front of our very eyes stood the boys!
"Baby!" I exclaimed as ran over towards Frank. He dropped his bags on the floor and I embraced him in a jump-and-hug hug "Oh my god, you have no idea how much I’ve missed you..."
He kissed me gently and said "You have no idea how badly I've been wanting to do that" he smiled and kissed me again.
"What? There's no love for Gerard?" Gerard said looking hurt. I laughed and jumped off of Frank.
"Aww Gee" Alicia said running over and giving him a hug, I shortly after did the same "So Mr. Way, how was your flight?"
"Tiring Mrs. Simmons-Way"
"Simmons-Way?" she asked.
"Haha yes, what you don't like it?"
"Yes but like just Way better" she smiled and turned to kiss Mikey.
"Okay mofos, grab your shit and let's go put it in the trunk" I said.

Dropping off Gerard

"Sweet guys, thanks see you later" Gerard waved good-bye and walked into his condo. We drove off back to our house.
For a few moments Frank and I sat in utter silence. I could see that every now and again Frank would look out his window and smile, taking the Los Angeles ambiance which he had grown to love. He swears no place could compare to New Jersey but he made an exception for me. It made me chuckle slightly.
He turned to face me "What?"
"Nothing" I smiled.
"No tell me, what?"
"Me? What about me?"
"It's funny how much you used to loath LA and now you look so happy to be home"
"Haha well LA has grown on me and besides home is where the heart is, and my heart is where ever you are" he grinned back.
"Awe haha you fucking cheese ball" I scrunched up my nose.
"Haha” he kissed my cheek and said into it 'I love you’.
"Okay, we're here" I said as I pulled into our drive way.
"Home again, home again..." he muttered getting out of the car.
I helped him take his bags inside and carry them upstairs to our room.
"So--" he opened the door to our room.
"So what?" I said entering after him.
"So what do you wanna do now?" he smiled putting his bags down.
"Finish unpacking your bags and go to sleep" I unzipped one of his bags.
He groaned "Why? I thought you said you missed me, don't you wanna cuddle for a while?" he gestured putting his arms around me.
I chuckled lightly "You're so childish..."
"Am not" he crossed his arms
"I rest my case"
He stuck his tongue out at me and said "Then you lied?"
"About missing you?" he nodded "No, I did miss you...I just like to tease you" I smiled and put my arms around his neck this time.
"That wasn't nice" he gave me a peck on the lips "I thought you were going to say that you missed Gerard more than you missed me"
"Mellow dramatic much?" he glared at me "I'm joking, I've miss you so much and I never want you to leave me again or-or I'll die"
"Now who's mellow dramatic?" he smirked.
"Touché Iero, touché..."
He kissed me again "You're going to be Iero soon too"
"I know, I'm stoked. I'll officially be your property" he chuckled.
He took his hands from where they were and put them on my face. He pulled my face in towards his and kissed me deeply. It took me a moment to process what was going on, I hadn't kissed anyone like that in a long time. I had always loved the way he kissed me. The way that is was soft and gentle but passionate at the same time. We stood kissing each other for a moment until he pushed me back on the bed and started kissing me there. He started biting on my lower lip which drove me wild, all of the sudden I felt this surge of lust go right through me; all I wanted was to go at it like wild animals right then and there. He sipped a hand under my shirt and he slowly worked his way up my my right breast causing goosebumps to appear with every centimeter he got closer to it. With his other free hand he began to pull up on the hem of my shirt when my iphone rang.
Frank groaned as he reluctantly let me get up from under him to answer my phone.
"Yo babe what's up?" I said.
"Are we gonna chill tomorrow?" Alicia asked.
"Is that all you called me for Ali?"
"What were you busy or something? What were you and Mr. Iero doing?" I could imagine that on the other end of the phone she was smirking.
"Never mind, yeah we'll hang tomorrow. What time?"
"Dunno how's 12:00 for you guys?"
"Hold on lemme ask Frank...Hey babe do you wanna hang with Mikey and Ali tomorrow?"
He sighed heavily "Yeah I guess, what time?"
"Around twelve-ish" He simply nodded and continued to dump out his dirty clothes on the floor.
"Alright Ali, we'll see you then. Bye!" I said into the receiver as I hung up "So Mr. Iero you up for that cuddling now?" I asked with a smile.
"No...too tired" he uttered in a rather affronted manner and pulled the bed covers over his head.
I scoffed slightly "Umm okay fine, but next time you beg me to cuddle with you I'll say the same thing- No I'm too tired" I mimicked.
I got up off the bed to change into my pajamas and then went straight back to bed to sleep. 'What the fuck is up with Frank? I've never known Frank to say no to cuddling, even if he was 'too tired' I thought. It was a bit weird that he turned me down, I mean just moments before he was complaining that I didn't miss him and what not and now when I do what he wants he says 'no'. What the hell am I going to do with this kid?