Take You Down


"I'll be back, going with Elektra to do some things", Jessie responded, dotting a kiss on Tom's cheek. Elektra fluttered down the stairs, brushing her hair from her face. Tom smirked, giving Elektra a sweet comment on her outfit; for she smiled and thanked him. Jessie laughed, disappearing into the kitchen.

"Where you and Jessie heading?" Tom asked thoughtfully, staring at Elektra as she grabbed her purse. She only laughed, smacking Tom's knee before walking towards the door.

"Just going to grab some tampons, wanna come?" Tom almost gagged as Elektra offered a shopping-spree full of tampons. Smiling, she hollered to Jessie that she'll be in the car, walking out to the car. Suddenly, Jessie appeared from the kitchen, only to kiss Tom passionatley before whispering into his ear.

"Go into the kitchen, I have something for you. Love you", Jessie remarked, giving Tom a wink. Replying 'I love you too' back, Jessie left while Tom scurried to the kitchen to see his surprise. Smiling, he read the note Jessie left from the alphabet magnets displayed on the fridge.

'Be Naked When I Get Home'

Smirking, Tom walked out the kitchen; already stripping off his shirt.

Two Hours and a Tampon later

Getting home from Elektra's shopping for tampons, Jessie smirked and hurried up the stairs. Hearing Tom humming a flat note out of boredom, she posed at the front door, licking her lips as Tom was fully naked on the bed. Tom smiled, picking his hand up to show his body. Jessie laughed, kicking her heels off by the door.

"Good boy, you listened", she remarked; hovering over Tom and pushing his head onto the white coloured pillow. Smiling a seductive smirk, Tom grabbed Jessie's neck, pulling her down for a full blown kiss.

Elektra's outfit
♠ ♠ ♠
I really didn't have an....awesome thought for this one (:
It's simple, short and okay....I guess?
ALSO, my inspiration for 'Vengeance' is slowly fading away; Im just not really into the story any longer. Im gonna put that story on pause for awhile until I get some KIND of idea (:
But thank you so much to EVERYONE who has read and commented on 'Vengeance', and also for this story as well (: