I Never Want to Leave This Bed


I sat for a minute and tried to recover from the events that had just ensued. Shock was still overwhelming me, accompanied by guilt and disgust. Sarah was all I had, the last thing I needed was to lose her. This seemed like the ideal time to call my mother; she always knew what to do.

Pulling myself off the couch, I threw a shirt and pair of shorts that were folded on the couch on and fished my phone from my purse. I scrolled through my contacts and pressed my mom’s number, pushing my phone to my ear. The phone dialed for a few seconds before my mom finally answered.

“Hello?” She answered; her voice was soft and sweet just as I had remembered. It had been a long time since we had spoken; work had taken over my life.

“Hey ma, it’s me.” I responded, hopeful that I would get a positive. Going months without calling your mother isn’t exactly a good thing.

“Is that really you, Jen? It’s so good to hear your voice again!” She chirped. I could hear her stir with excitement through the phone. A relieved smile spread across my face as I slipped my shoes on and left my apartment. I didn’t exactly want Jonathan to hear me talking.

“It is. I’m sorry for being terrible and waiting so long, work has been hectic.” I said my voice full of sincere regret and shame.

“It’s alright, sweetheart, I understand. Just don’t work yourself to death.” She replied, her words laced with worry.

“I know, I know.” I said with a sigh, fully acknowledging my job had gotten me into more than once. One incident was still naked in my bedroom.

“So how have things been? I’m not getting any younger, I want some grandchildren.” My mom joked, letting out a hearty laugh. I loved hearing her laugh; it always warmed me and brought a smile to my life.

“Well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” I began, letting out a sigh.

“Am I going to be planning a wedding?” She asked with a smile in her voice.

“No, no, mom, no. It’s only been a month.” I told her with a shake of my head, though she couldn’t see me.

“Well what is it? Are you in some trouble?” She asked, the worry was back in her voice. I could just imagine what her face looked like, her small lips downturned her forehead creasing. Her soft blue eyes pained with the thought of her only daughter getting hurt.

“Kind of, I’m just very confused.” I stared, taking a seat in a chair outside a small coffee shop down the street from my apartment. I then began to tell her the whole story of Jonathan and I, the rated G version, mind you. I didn’t exactly want my mother to know that our rocky relationship had begun with a plane bathroom rendezvous. Her fragile heart wouldn’t be able to take news like that.

“So let me get this straight, you’re seeing a charming, handsome, and rich young man and you’re worried?” She asked, confused at what I was concerned about.

“Well I mean I told you about that other woman and how Sarah feels.” I whined, trying to make her understand my dilemma.

“Sweetie, it’s gonna be hard for him to get over a 7 year relationship with an abusive woman. Give him some time. He proven to you that he cares, he keeps coming back. And as for Sarah, you know how stubborn she is. She’ll come around.” My mother assured me, her voice calming and soothing.

“I guess you’re right mom.” I said with a sigh of relief, feeling stupid for fretting.
After listening to my mom tell me about the gossip in my home town, I gave her all my love and ended the call. Slowly, I got up and made my way back to my apartment.

When I walked through my front door, I immediately headed for the bedroom. It was empty, there on my bed sat a note. My heart sank, my thoughts went back to the last time I had received a note.

My assistant called and needs me to sign some papers for the project I’m getting ready to start. Don’t fret for a minute. I’ll be back within the hour.

Sighing, I gripped the note in my hand and slipped into my bed. Pulling my knees to my chest, I drifted into a mid afternoon nap.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this story will probably only have a few more chapters. It will have sequel, so the ending will probably be dramatic. haha.

On a side note, the second this story ends a brand new Meyers story will begin. I'm gonna do a story in between before the sequel.

Looking into the future, I will also begin a Hayden Christensen story as well as a Rupert Grint and Tom Felton story.

So stay posted. :]