The Ward


Adhémar paced outside of the solar door still marveling at the fact that two children had somehow managed to keep him from taking what was rightfully his. Clearly German air or water made their children more defiant. He would have to keep a careful eye after his bride produced his heir lest she attempt to taint the boy with such rebellion. That was something he simply could not allow to ever happen. His son would be a good Frenchman no matter what had apparently tainted the woman who had been chosen for his mother. He hadn't made the choice himself, but he would abide by his father's decision as his children would abide by his.

The door opened and he eyed the blonde haired girl who was leaning out of the door, giving him a rude look. Adhémar arched his eyebrow in question. If this little girl thought that he could so easily be humbled or humiliated by her, she was very wrong. Even if she was a wanton little wench, he knew that he could outmatch her. After all, women had sensibilities that they seemed to with a sickening need. As a warrior, he was not cursed with such restrictions or proclivities. It was one of the many things that God had blessed the men of the Earth with.

"Should you not be abed my lord?" the girl asked taking on an innocent tone. Not that he believed it for a moment. A girl like that did not know the meaning the word innocence. And if she tried to claim that she was, he would never believe her. He had known far too many wenches just like her. Noble, peasant, or foreign, they were all the same. Country, upbringing, title. None of it changed what they all were in the cores of their beings. Some of them simply knew how to hide it better than others.

He arched a dark eyebrow in questioning reply. Her expression did not waver much to his annoyance. "If I, than not should you have some several hours before petite lady?" he asked, his corner of his mouth twisting upward in sardonic disdain. "After all, your precious sensibilities do dictate far more rest do zey not?" The girl frowned at him as if offended by his words. It was all he could do not to laugh. Far too much rebellion was allowed in these German women. That would be the first thing he put an end to. He did not have time to deal with a wayward wife. He had to focus on his keep, his serfs, and his leige lord, the King of France. Adding a temperamental wife into the mix was simply something he could not afford.

A hand rested on the girl's shoulder and she turned back only to step aside and reveal his betrothed. She gave him a modest little bow and he nodded in curt approval as he stared down his nose, surveying her carefully. "You shall have to forgive Lyse my lord," her voice was soft as she spoken in perfect though slightly accented German. "She is tired and knows not what she says. Perhaps you should be so kind as to escort us to our chambers." He caught the slight wince that indicated that the other girl, the German Lyse, was giving her a hard look.

He didn't give Lyse time to form a reply, instead taking action as he held out his arm. "As ze lady wishes," he murmured. A soft blush stole over Christhilde's cheeks accenting fine bones. She was a lovely woman, especially now that her hair was demurely braided and laid to rest over one shoulder. She reached and he watched as her quivering hands gently tucked themselves against his arm. He offered the other arm to Lyse as she came from the safety of the solar and was honestly surprised when she actually accepted it. He didn't comment on the matter however, instead moving forward to where he had been told that the chambers that he and his men were forbidden near were. Since he did not take orders form servants or that fool Clos Oppenheim, he simply started moving up the stairs of the tower with the two young women.

He felt silence build around them. The two girls at his sides seemed uncomfortable. He knew why, of course, but he couldn't bring himself to really care. The trick they had played on him before had been base. No, it had been more than that. It had been something that he vowed he would repay them for. Petty, true, but at the moment, it seemed he had time to be just that. After all, he could not leave with his bride until her guardian returned which he had been assured could be several days at least. The thought didn't sit well with him, but he would not leave without Christhilde either. He was French after all and when he set out to do something, it was done no matter the costs.

Stopping on a landing he released Lyse's grip on his arm and bowed over her hand before gently pushing her away. The action and its meaning were clear. He wanted time alone with Christhilde. He was her betrothed after all. He felt that it was quite acceptable to be allowed such a situation. The look that the little blonde was shooting him told him just how sincerely she disagreed with his assessment. "Am I not to 'ave one moment alone with my betrothed?" he demanded.

A small squeak escaped from Christhilde's lips. He looked over at her to see color draining slowly from her face as she stared at him in horror. The next thing he knew she had crumbled into a dead faint, her body limp as he caught her and raised her in his arms. Looking to see Lyse's reaction he was amazed by the child yet again who was, this time, giving him a look that could slay a dragon if such a creature had ever existed. "Do you see what you have done now?" the girl snapped between gritted teeth.
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Alright so a few things you should know. Lyse is thirteen which means she really was a child. To the medieval world she would have been able to be married under her parents consent however though the marriage would likely not have been consummated for another three or four years at least. Clos himself is around eighteen or nineteen so he would just be earning his spurs (gaining knighthood) or still working towards it at this time which would make him a child to most other men. Also betrothal at this time and even up to almost a hundred years ago in some places was considered as good as a marriage. There was little that a man betrothed to a woman could not do though that did include having sex with her. He could, however, command her just as her father or husband would be able to.Betrothals were generally arranged by parents when their children were around seven though sometimes this age would vary depending on class and circumstances.