Sequel: Moonlight Love 2
Status: Should be going alright, sorry if it's slow

Moonlit Love Isn't Always Smooth


My eyes widen in shock as Jamie's lips crash onto mine, feeling hard and passionate yet soft and how I would imagine the inside of a rose, soft and silky. Guilt washes through me as a picture of Rua appears behind my closed eyelids but I shook it away, You're not mated yet, you only have a month of this before you have to keep a safe distance between you and Jamie, for now enjoy it, it's not like you're cheating. With my new found resolve I ignored the guilt of Rua and kissed Jamie back, what harm could it do? We broke apart gasping for breath but the both of us smiled.

"That was, amazing." Jamie said his beautiful eyes sparkling, "You are the best kisser I have ever met." I smiled happily at him, then remembered what he had said a little earlier and my eyes narrowed,

"Even better than that girl your dad set you up with?" Why was I so protective of my Jamie? I thought in wonder as Jamie grinned and rolled his eyes, It's not like we're mates, he's only human after all

"I haven't kissed her yet, she's just one of my friends, I was actually quite surprised when he told me." It took me a while to realize what he was talking about but then it hit me, | smiled deviously and started playing with his long slightly damp hair,

"You have other friends I don't know about?" Jamie grinned back
"Don't play with me little one." I grinned back wolfishly

"why not? Cant you handle it?" I suddenly leapt onto him, holding both his wrists in one hand I straddled him and started tickling him, he laughed and pushed me off,

"Oh no you don't" He easily took both of my hands in one of his large ones and started tickling me. I struggled and squirmed but couldn't get free, eventually I gave up and breathlessly gasped,

"Alright, all right, I give up, get off me you great lump!" He grinned back and got off obligingly and we lay there on our backs, hands entwined, just enjoying each others presence, knowing it wasn't going to last long


Jamie and I spent the following month constantly together, sometimes we'd kiss, or at other times just walk along holding hands. Sometimes I was fine with it, wanting to spend every waking moment with Jamie, knowing that soon I wouldn't be able to be with him, even as friends, Wolves have a law that a relationship with humans is like being mated and I would soon be with Rua, I wouldn't be able to be friends with Jamie any more, I couldn't be extremely friendly with anyone from the opposite sex, at first I thought I should stay away from Jamie to make leaving with Rua hurt less, then I decided that I was going to be with him till I had to leave. At other times I felt so guilty about Rua I physically was sick, but that just worried Jamie, I tried to ignore it and just enjoy being with my best friend, but it was so hard when I felt awful guilt whenever I saw Rua.


I leant against my shining, deep blue motorbike which was an early wedding present from Fa who liked spoiling me rotten since Mom died, waiting for Jamie next to a gigantic white van. Suddenly long, strong arms snaked around my waist and I laughed,

"Hi Jamie!" I spun 'round in his arms and pecked him on the mouth and wound my own arms around his neck, he smiled back at me

"Hi there Sunny, how was art?" He grinned, flashing those sharp canines of his, knowing how much I love art,

"It was great, as usual." I grinned back wolfishly, knowing he was probably teasing me, again.

"Well, I've got to run Sunny, I've got things to do tonight, you be careful on that motorbike." I rolled my eyes at him

"I will, I always am, why are you always so worried about me? I can look after myself you know." I tried not to smile at the hidden irony, you know, with me being a wolf and all...

"I know that, but you can't control the other drivers around you..." He tailed off, staring at something over the top of my head, I spun round to stare at my twin sister, Oh crap, I'm for it now

"Er... Hi Luna," That was Moon Rising in the East's human name, as mine was Sunset. I glanced at Jamie and noticed he was still staring at Luna and felt a pang of jealousy, I knew my twin sister was extremely beautiful, she had long shining natural white hair, piercing crystal clear grey-blue eyes that changed with her mood, at this moment they were a icy grey that gave away nothing but hinted that she did not approve. She was tall and slender as a willow and had gentle features and curves in all the right places. I envied her at this moment, I was sure Jamie had never stared at me that way.

Jamie, mercifully, noticed how tense I had become and quickly murmured,

"I really should go, see you later Sunny." And hurried away. Luna turned on me,

"So this is the human boy I've smelt on you practically every day, I thought he was just a friend, a human plaything, that's why I haven't said anything until now, don't you realise that you are to be married to Mac Tire Rua soon? I thought you liked him, why are you acting like a rebellious child, hanging around with this human male?" i stared into her icy grey eyes and willed her to understand,

"Jamie is just my friend, he's the bestest friend I've met, even among the Wolves. We're really close and I know I wont be able to spend time with him when I'm married, I tried to stay away from him, I really did, but I just couldn't, so I decided to spend as much time with him as I can, while I can." Luna's expression, and eyes, softened and I breathed a sigh of relief as I realised she understood, then it grew sorrowful and I looked at her worriedly,

"You do know I can't let you spend all your time with him now, now I know fully what's going on, don't you," I nodded, showing no emotion, "I'm sorry Sun but you can't get too attached to this boy, it'll just hurt all the more, be happy with Mac Tire Rua and stop leading this poor boy on, you know you can never be." I nodded once more

"I understand Moony, but I have to see him still, I can't just cut off all ties with him, he's my best friend, but that's all he will be from now on, I swear it on the Moon." She nodded,

"Of course you can still be friends Sun, I have some wonderful human friends, I'll see you in the forest later tonight okay?" I smiled at her,

"Of course sister, later" She smiled back, her eyes a warm blue then raced off into the woods near the school.

I stood there on my own by my motorbike and sent a silent mental message to Rua, not a pack linked message that he would hear but a silent promise, I'll stop this fooling with Jamie, I promise I will. I will be a faithful mate and close friend, I'll be friends with Jamie, and that's all. If you command I will even stop spending any time with him, you are my mate and to you alone am I faithful. Then to Jamie I sent; I'm sorry Jamie, you have been my closest and most trusted friend. I love spending time with you, but I have to draw the line somewhere and it wont do me falling in love with you. A small, often ignored voice in the back of my head niggled Any more than you already have.
♠ ♠ ♠
So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry I haven't updated for so long, I was banned off the computer for a while and then I was only allowed on for an hour so it took ages for me to get this chapter finished so here is a (hopefully) long and un confusing chapter for you all.

Lots of thanks to our 28 readers 10 subscribers and extra thanks and electronic hugs and cookies for;
Rodeo Babe
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Love you all lots and lots like jelly tots

~Birchly <3