Sequel: Moonlight Love 2
Status: Should be going alright, sorry if it's slow

Moonlit Love Isn't Always Smooth

Mating Ceremony

The night before the big day between West and my self was very sad,fun but sad. I took Sunny out for a night in the city and we had blast. I skipped school the next morning because I knew it wold be to hard to say goodbye to her. I was being groomed by my mother as we sat under a huge maple tree waiting for the sun to set. She was chattering away and I was not paying attention to her my mind was on Sunny and West.
"OK Rua you are all set now I must go check on your father" her voice fades as she walks into the darkening trees.
I sigh looking off in to the horizon.
The ceremony would take place in a large grassy field filled with wild flowers, In the middle of the field was a large hill and on the hill was a large ancient oak tree. when the moon was at its fullest and shone through the branches we would all gather and West and my self would take our vows.I was terrified. We would recite the ritual binding words that would tie us together for our lives. We would not have a choice in leaving after the words are said. They bind our very souls together. This was what being a mate to a werewolf meant.
I am standing at the edge of the field facing West and her pack on the other side.We would meet in the middle and turn to face the Mating tree together. Our fathers and my mother stood tall both facing there packs. The run was to symbolize our two packs becoming one. Our fathers nod. I shove my nerves aside and take off towards her my long legs carry me in front of my pack, I throw on the breaks and meet her in the middle. I touch my nose to hers.
"Here we go West" my blue eyes sparkle and shine in the moon light as I stare into her black eyes filled with excitement and fear. We turn and face the mating tree. My mother and her sister walk down to us. Mother places a collar of jasmine and oak leaves around my neck and her sister does the same to West. Jasmine symbolizes her and Oak is me. they walk back up and take their places back and to the right of our fathers. We walk up our coats brushing. We stop in front of them and bow our heads. Their clear strong voices ring out in the quiet cool night air as one Alpha voice.
" We gather here on this full moon to witness the joing of our two great packs! We hope that mother moon and father oak will honor this union and make The Red Sun Pack a strong healthy pack!"
My ear twitched in shock as our new pack name is called out. We raise our heads and then turn to face each other we take deep breaths and our voices flow out as one.
You are my lifemate.
I claim you as my lifemate.
I belong to you.
I offer my life for you.
I give you my protection.
I give you my allegiance.
I give you my heart.
I give you my soul.
I give you my body.
I take into my keeping the same that is yours.
Your life will be cherished by me for all my time.
Your life will be placed above my own for all time.
You are my lifemate.
You are bound to me for all eternity.
You are always in my care.
As we finish we press our noses together and breath each others breath for two heart beats and then we turn and face our fathers, they come forward and touch noses and then Cross over touching the opposite child's nose,my mother touches West's nose and I touch her sisters nose and then they walk down to join the packs and we turn as one to look out onto the packs. We toss our heads back and howl to the full moon before we plunge down the hill and race through the two packs at full speed, they fall in behind us and merge into one large pack racing into the moonlight forest for the ritual pack run. I was happy but Sunny was never far from my thoughts.
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The vow is from Christine Feehans books!!!!
Let me know what you think, if its good or if i should change something!!