Sequel: Moonlight Love 2
Status: Should be going alright, sorry if it's slow

Moonlit Love Isn't Always Smooth

He sure is persistent isn't he

Me and some of my friends were sitting at a table in the lunch hall, I was sitting doodling my friends lurking about. I was about to leave when I smelt him, he smelt of cool forests, damp earth and very slightly of peppermint. I knew he was coming over but didn't look up until he took the seat next to me. His amazing red hair flopped across his forehead and he looked into my eye intensely, my abnormal eye hidden as usual behind my long black, purple and blue fringe that the teachers hated so much.

"Hi James," I said perkily, his easygoing smile became a pained expression and I hid a smile.

"Please, It's Jamie."

"Oh, sorry." I smiled as he seemed to be struggling with something

"Will you tell me your name now?" He seemed to be pleading with me but his face showed no signs of it

"You seem to have taken finding out my name as a personal challenge," I smile not missing the flash of shock that showed in his eyes too quick for any normal person to pick up on, "fine, my name is Jade." At that precise moment one of my friends decided to call me

"Hey Sunset, help me with this maths question." I groaned but Jamie grinned at me. Quick as a flash he started tickling me, I was gasping and laughing and tears were rolling down my cheeks

"Stop, STOP!!!!" he grinned down at me

"Only if you tell me your name, your real name." I crossed my arms and pretended to sulk,

"Fine, my name is Sunset Allie Bay, ask anyone" He smiled patronizingly at me

"There now, was that so hard?" I had had enough, I bit him hard on the arm then stood up grabbing my stuff,

"Bye guys I've got double natural history now so I've gotta run, see you tonight." I heard a chorus of 'bye Sunset' from the guys and swept out of the dining hall my long hair swinging from side to side and I could feel Jamie's eyes on my back the whole way out
♠ ♠ ♠
OK, chapter three. I don't think I'm going t do the 'this many comments or I wont update' thing anymore, I'm just going to update when I can and just go with it. I would love it if you guys did comment and tell us what you think.

I want to say a special thanks to;

thank you so much for commenting.

I'll write again as soon as I can but I've just spent two days in London and now I'm staying on my aunt's farm until Saturday so it might take a while

Thanks again

-Birchly <3