Sequel: Moonlight Love 2
Status: Should be going alright, sorry if it's slow

Moonlit Love Isn't Always Smooth

Woodland Encounter

I took a moment to take in everything that had just happened, apparently I had just gained a new nickname, a sharp bite mark and a trickle of blood that I could feel running down my neck. I caught it with my finger and licked it before pulling my collar up higher to hide it and practically running to class.

I shoved my stuff under the table and took out my book, pen, pencil and my special doodle notebook. Then I spent the whole double period half listening to the teacher whose name I still hadn’t bothered to learn and doodling Jamie.

When I went home I went straight to my room and just sat there for an hour thinking about Jamie, the way he smelt, the feel of his arms around my waist, the sound of his voice, his breath on my neck, then I shifted and set out into the darkening woods to find the pack

They were all in a clearing deep in the forest and all looked up when she entered.

"Ah Sun, it was nice of you to come." I couldn't decide if my dear father was being sarcastic or not, as was often the case... I was shaken from my inner musings by Fa continuing in his orders.

"Moon you patrol the eastern border and Sun can patrol the western. Off you go." I gave my twin sister as close to a grin you could get in wolf form and we set off side by side down the path. We actually like patrolling the eastern and western borders, but if we didn't it wouldn't matter, there was always an Alpha double timbre when Fa gave orders, and you can't disobey the Alpha, even if you were his rebellious teenage daughter.

We reached the fork in the path where it branched off in two completely different directions and gave an identical 'see you later' kind of grin that only twins who have perfected their own language, which, to be honest, most have, would understand, and raced away down their specified path, loving the feeling of the wind in our fur.

I slowed when I reached the border and started patrolling, going over the scent markings and checking for newcomers. That was when I saw him, he was a large ginger colored wolf with deep blue familiar eyes, I just couldn't place them, he was a seriously gorgeous chunk of hunk. He was also sniffing the scent markers and was dangerously close to the border. Assuming he was also a werewolf from his massive, and might I say wondrously muscular, form I yelled at him,

"Oy, what in the name of the moon do you think you are doing?!!!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, chapter 5 and still only 2 comments and no subscribers :'(
I would seriously love to know what you guys think of the story and I'm sure PitbulLuver does too, so I am asking that please, anyone who reads this story will they please comment, even if you are telling us that it is the worst story you have ever read (btw, if you do think it is the worst story you have ever read will you please tell me why you think so and how you would advise us to improve it)

A big thank you to:
katieemma11 and
GraceElizabeth11 for commenting so far

also could anyone who reads this please tell us if you think the chapters are too short and I'll try and work on it


-Birchly <3