Sequel: Moonlight Love 2
Status: Should be going alright, sorry if it's slow

Moonlit Love Isn't Always Smooth

Familiar Eye's and Fights

I did not even bother to head home after school I just dropped my stuff on the porch and hit the woods running. My tall human form stretches and soon I'm on all fours my huge paws digging into the soft dark soil of the forest floor. I slow to a walk watching the woods with sharp eyes and perked ears. All the smaller creatures scatter as I walk calmly through the woods. My head snaps up as the brush rustles ahead of me. I narrow my eyes and peel my lips back from my teeth in a snarl.
"Calm your self Rua its just me" My fathers deep baritone leads his way as his tall muscular sandy form walks out of the bushes my ginger colored mother at his side.
"Ma, Da" I dip my head to them and lick my mothers cheek
Ma nuzzles me affectionately.
"Rua you smell of a girl" She wags her tail
I sigh"just a girl at school ma"
Da snorts and begins to walk into the woods behind me.
"Come Ferneyes we are late, Rua behave and do some hunting it will do you good" I can hear the order but since iv turned 18 I have come into my alpha hood and his voice no longer commands me. I watch them disappears into the woods blond and red pelts brushing together to make the colors of me. I had more of my mothers red that's why my name is Mac Tire Rua which is Red Wolf in Scottish. I continue on my way trotting through the twilight woods and into an open field. My nose is glued to the ground as I hear paw steps and then a yell. My large red ears swivel towards the voice and my large head lifts my blue eyes looking into the dark ones of a black furred she-wolf.
"Oy, what in the name of the moon do you think you are doing?!!!"
I look at her not moving.
"I'm exploring" I say in a dry tone.
"What does it look like?" I walk towards her and she growls snapping at me.
"Hey back off!" she snaps.
I back up a step" calm down little one I'm not going to hurt you......yet"
"My name is 'Mac Tire Rua' But you may call me Rua for short" My blue eyes look into her dark ones and I'm drawn in by how familiar they look but I don't know from were.
She is still wary but she stops growling.
"your trespassing on my territory" she says to me and I notice she did not tell me her name
"No this is my fathers territory my pretty" my blue eyes sparkle with charm.
Just then a large male wolf leaps out of the brush and in between us.
His eye glitter with anger and his ears are flat back, a menacing snarl emits from his muzzle and he crouches as if to attack.
I crouch as well and feel my hackles raise and a deep growl comes from my chest, I had a good 50 pounds on this male and a bit more height. He leaps and so do I.
We hit each other and I slam him down on his back as he clamps down on my shoulder, I sink my jaws deep into his shoulder and we start to shake each other to death. Blood and fur flys and then I hear something interesting.
"FA!!" the little she-Wolf yelps leaping on MY back!
I shake her off and back off knowing I'm out wolfed.
"This is not over" I snap and turn bounding into the woods racing for home as fast as my shoulder will let me.
I walk into school the next morning and I'm still pissed off.
I have a muscle shirt on because I have 20 stitches in my shoulder and its in a sling. Mom said it take a few days to heal that's how bad it was.
I walk into art and drop down in my seat my long hair is pulled back in a tail.
I glance at Sun with glittering angry eyes.
"What happened?" The kid in front of me asks
"A dog attacked me last night"
I look straight ahead not in the mood to tease Sunset today.
I had a glare that would not leave my eyes and my mouth was set in a scowl.
The teacher starts talking and I just tune them out staring at the floor until I feel a light feather soft touch on my wounded shoulder....
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hope this one is interesting and longer than the others, please comment!!!