Sequel: Moonlight Love 2
Status: Should be going alright, sorry if it's slow

Moonlit Love Isn't Always Smooth

Stitches and Suspiscions

I lightly rested my hand on Jamie's injured shoulder to get his attention without hurting him. He turned, anger burning in his beautiful eyes a slightly Scottish accent slipping out when he angrily hissed,

"What?" He must be in quite a lot of pain I thought sympathetically

"Are you okay?" He motioned for me to sit next to him, I glanced at the highly boring teacher droning on at the front of the class, he was facing the board going on about a long and complicated.... thingy on the board and wasn't paying attention to anyone else so I grabbed my stuff and slipped over my desk and into the seat Jamie had pulled out for me as quietly as I could.

"So, what happened?" I asked in a whispered so the teacher wouldn't hear us, it wasn't like he would notice an elephant wandering in but it payed to be cautious. He scowled,

"I was attacked by a mangy old wild dog, for and old scruffy looking thing he ripped up my arm pretty well." He grumped and I felt a stab of sympathy, I had once been attacked by a wolf from a pack that had only recently came here and was hoping to claim our territory, he had ripped up most of my left side and I had needed what felt like about a thousand stitches, it had been hell trying to shift without them ripping or breaking. Then I told him a complete lie to try and get across that I had been in a similar situation

"My friend once found a stray dog and took it home to look after it, it was well behaved and didn't bite or bark. Then one day when I came round it went crazy and attacked me, it felt like I had a thousand stitches just to stop my left side falling off, but I'm okay now and it left hardly any scarring, I heal well, apart from bruises, I have them for weeks. It was strange, with the dog I mean, I'm usually good with animals." He looked at me, the anger slowly draining from his expression as he realised how painful it must have been

"How old were you when this happened?" there was now a hint of concern in his gorgeous blue eyes, I looked down, my bangs falling in front of both of my eyes now

"Ummn... 12" He looked shocked

"TWELVE!" He exclaimed in a hissed whisper and glanced at the teacher, checking he was still busy trying to teach us.... whatever it was,

"You must have been put off dogs forever!" The anger was draining out of his eyes, being replaced by shock and sympathy for the shocking yet not paranormal thing that had happened to such a young age.

"Oh no," I said cheerfully, "I love dogs, I have my own pet dog called Red. I got him the same time as my cats, when they were all babies so they got along well." Jamie just stared at me and I grinned a secret grin to myself.

Just at that moment the teacher turned around

"Alright class that was the Prognathous theorem, I'm sorry but I do believe that I have wasted an hour of your lives but the headmaster did request that yo learnt it, to make it up to you we are going to watch Black Sheep on DVD next lesson." Students grinned at each other as the bell went, Black Sheep... I've heard of that, probably some kind of horror movie... I thought to myself as I rushed from the room, my bag swinging from my shoulder


I raced down the track of the western border, loving the freedom of my Wolf form, and I smelt him, cool forests and damp earth. My head snapped up and I saw him, his red coat as magnificent as before and walking with hardly a limp considering what my father had done to him yesterday.

"Hey," I thought for a moment trying to remember his name, "Rua!" His head snapped up and he stiffened,

"Oh, it's you," He said with disdain plain in his voice, "What do you want?" I bristled at his tone

"You will talk to the daughter of the Alpha of the Lost Forest Pack with more respect, our pack has owned and lived on this territory for centuries and we are one of the oldest packs you will ever find!" then my tone softened, "And I wanted to find out how your shoulder was, Fa shouldn't have done that, he thought you were attacking me and since you're so big he thought little old me couldn't defend myself."

Rua grinned at me, blue eyes sparkling

"Well you sure proved you're perfectly capable of that small one" he said playfully, I leapt forwards and play-bit his ear

"Oy! who are you calling 'small one', ginger." I grin back, my dark eyes sparkling in the moonlight. He grinned wider, not even bothering to reply, his long pink tongue flopping out dopily and I laughed as best you could as a wolf.

"So what are you doing around here? You're dangerously close to my territory." I asked as lightly and un-threateningly as I could.

"Exploring little one, and I'm on my fathers territory."

"Impossible," I snort, "As I said this has been the territory of the Lost Forest Pack for centuries, this is our land."

"I disagree." He said playfully, knocking me to the ground and pinning me. I laughed breathlessly

"Get off me you great lump, I've got to carry on patrolling the border." Then my tone grew steely, "And you stay on your side of the border, you place one paw on my side and I will know about it and deal with you personally myself." And on that cheerful thought I wriggled out from under him and raced off to finish patrolling
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Chapter 7 and 9 readers, 4 commenters who aren't authors of this story and 1 subscriber!

Thank you so much to:
dawn8279 for commenting

I hope this chapter was longer and more to your liking.

My little brother has started a story on this site called 'A Peasants Tale' and it would be great if you could just have a look at it and comment on how he could maybe improve and if you like it and stuff, it would mean a lot to me


-Birchly <3