Sequel: Moonlight Love 2
Status: Should be going alright, sorry if it's slow

Moonlit Love Isn't Always Smooth

Surprising News

I stared in shock at Rua's retreating back for a few moments then spun round to face my pack to yell angrily at them all for ruining my life and friendship but Fa interrupted me before I could begin.

"Sun, stop." I closed my mouth and glowered at him but he ignored me and carried on regardless, "Was that the son of the Alpha of that new Scottish pack?" I nodded once and glared at each and every one of them, daring them to rebuke me for being friends with the 'enemy'. Once again Fa ignored me, "Good, good. This makes the whole process a whole lot easier." I shot him a suspicious look

"Process? Fa, what do you mean?" Fa looked at me searchingly and opened his mouth, thought about it, then started again, this time with the Alpha's double timbre so I couldn't argue, just accept my fate.

"To halt impending war with the Scottish pack you are to mate with the son of the Alpha, no don't interrupt!" as I had opened my mouth to, I don't know, say how thankful I was, I had grown to love my best friend. Fa carried on, "As I said, you are to mate with the Alpha's son and start you're own pack together. I hereby give you permission to take any of the members of my pack who you think will be loyal to you and your new mate, except, of course, me. You don't need to choose now." He added kindly seeing my look of horror as I stared at all the members of the pack.

"Thank you Fa, thank you so much! I'll go tell him now." I was about to race from the cliffs but Fa called me back,

"No Sun, his father will be the one to tell him." I bowed my head in acknowledgement and raced off into the trees.


I finally found Rua flopped down staring angrily into the ancient waterfall I had always found peaceful. I stood there for a while, sadness practically dripping from my fur. I finally plucked up the courage to speak to him,

"Rua..." His head snapped up and he glared at me

"What do you want?" I flinched at the deep hurt and heart break that was plain in his eyes I caused that, how am I supposed to live when he hates me? I shook myself mentally from my self loathing

"Rua I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, it's not that I'm ashamed of having you as a friend when they're around, I couldn't care less if they hate your guts. You are my best friend and nothing's going to change that, especially now, but that's for you're father to tell you." Rua tried to interrupt me but I cut him off, but I could see the question in his eyes. "I don't care what the pack thinks, it's just that no-one, and I mean no-one is to hurt my family, not even a mate. My family is my life, just like you." A tear slid down my muzzle, that's another thing that separates us from real wolves, I don't think I've ever seen a wolf cry. Rua's eyes softened and he came and rubbed against me comfortingly.

"I understand now, I'm sorry for... well I'm sorry for everything." I relaxed against him and breathed in his familiar scent. Too familiar, I stiffened. Surely he can't be Jamie? I have to work this out,

"Rua, do you go to school?" he looked at me puzzled

"Yes, why?" I ignored his question

"Which school?" again he gave me a questioning look but answered,

"Oh just this tiny little high school, it's not really near here, closer to my pack's territory, why." I relaxed, not Jamie, am I pleased or disappointed? Why can't I tell?! Noticing Rua was still waiting for an answer I said quickly

"Oh never mind, I was just wondering, um, I've probably got to go patrol now, it's getting late. You go talk to your father, I'll see you tomorrow." I gave him a shove in the right direction with my nose and raced off into the night before he could ask me any more questions
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Hi guys, hope this is getting more interesting. Please tell us if you want anything to happen and we'll see what we can do.

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Also big thanks to our two lovely subscribers.

sorry it took so long to update

-Birchly <3