Sequel: Raising Baby

A Birthday Wish

What Dad Shouldn't Know

After tea, Jon talked to Bobby and Kristen in the living room while Brittany went upstairs to clean her room up a bit. It was pink, and she didn’t know how she would feel about Jon sleeping in a pink bedroom for a few nights. She made the bed, and hid some of her stuffed animals before going back down to the living room.
When she got to the living room, she saw that Jordan was sitting on the loveseat by himself, so she took her chance and snuggled with him. Her mom thought it was cute, but Brittany couldn’t tell what her dad was thinking. Kristen just laughed at her big sister.
“Jon,” Kristen started saying. “I was just wondering if you could give me Jeff Skinner’s number. If my sister has a hockey player, I want one.”
“I’m sorry, Kristen, but I don’t know his number.”
“Oh. Okay,” she said as she decided to leave the adults alone in the living room.
It was now Bobby’s turn to ask some questions, but he really didn’t know what to ask a millionaire. He knew that Jon could provide for his daughter if they went down that road, and he didn’t really have any hatred towards him at this point.
“Do you like to fish, Jon?”
“I do, sir.”
“Good man. Good man.”
“Thank you, sir. Do you like to spend time on the water? There’s a lot of it here.”
“We have a beach house, and we go boating.”
It was a dull conversation, so Brittany’s mom decided to have some fun. “So you two totally had sex, didn’t you?”
Brittany’s face turned bright red, and Bobby looked a bit angry.
“You deflowered my daughter?”
“Daddy, it wasn’t like that. I didn’t know it was going to happen. Please don’t be mad at Jon. We were only trying to…”
Bobby left the room. Jon didn’t know what to do, so he just sat there. Brittany followed her dad to the hallway.
“Daddy, I’m sorry.”
“I’m not mad, baby doll. I am just shocked. You just met him.”
“I know, but I love him.”
“You know you had better marry him. Now let’s go mess with his mind.”
Bobby walked back into the living room. “Jon, I could shoot you now. That’s my baby, and what you did to her… Well I don’t like it, and I think you should leave,” he screamed.
Jon looked horrified, apologized to Tammy and Bobby, and left the house. He went out to the front yard and just sat down. He didn’t know what to do.
“Britt, he didn’t leave, so he passes the test. Go bring him back inside.”
Brittany went out to get him, and she explained that her dad really didn’t care what they did as long as they were careful. She gave him a huge kiss, and brought him back into the living room. Jon’s face was more serious than it was on the ice. Bobby really scared him.
“You do realize you won’t be sleeping in the same bed as my daughter while you’re here?”
“That’s fine, sir.”
“Daddy,” Brittany whined.
“I was just kidding, but please be quiet if you do anything, I don’t want to hear it.”
Brittany and Jon laughed as Tammy looked shocked. “I was only joking. Brittany, you’re really not a virgin anymore?”
“No, mom. I’m not.”
“My baby isn’t a baby. This isn’t fair.”
Brittany hugged her mom, and Jon tried to assure her that it was okay and that he really did love Brittany.
“Jon, if you love her that much, you should marry her.”
Jon didn’t know what to say, so the four of them sat in silence for a few minutes. Kristen finally came back to the living room and announced that she was hungry, so the five of them decided that they would all go out to eat.