Sequel: Raising Baby

A Birthday Wish

Summer Plans and Pink Lemonade

A few weeks had passed, and unfortunately, the Penguins were out of the playoffs. Many of the players were heading home for a relaxing summer. Kris Letang just could not leave Pittsburgh for Montreal this summer because he just found Brittany. He wanted to get to know her more, and so he decided to stay in Pittsburgh a few more weeks before returning home.
Kris Letang was unaware that Brittany was in town for her birthday and a few weeks after it because she was on vacation to visit her friend, Erin. She would soon be returning to her home in North Carolina.
Even though Brittany loved Pittsburgh and spending time with Kris, she needed to go home. She wanted some boiled peanuts, and she missed the slow pace of life in North Carolina. While she was packing her clothing, Brittany started to think about the time she spent with Kris. She knew she had strong feelings for him, and she knew she had to tell him that she was going home, so she picked up the phone.
“Just the girl I wanted to speak to…,” said Kris.
Brittany was so worried that her stomach hurt. She was holding her breath before she exhaled and said, “We need to talk. Is there any way I can see you tonight?”
Kris did not like the sound of what Brittany had just said. He was worried that she wanted to break up with him. He still agreed, and he invited her to his house.
* * *
Brittany drove to Kris’ place as the sun began to fall against suburban Pittsburgh. It was a beautiful night, and that made her feel even worse about what she had to do when she saw Kris. When she made it to Kris’ house, he was watching a rabbit in his front yard.
“I didn’t know you had an eye for nature,” Brittany joked.
“Oh, I was just… just. I was really just waiting for you, but it distracted me.”
“It’s okay. I think you’re cute when you do silly things.”
“Please tell me that’s not the only time you think I’m cute,” Kris said, as he grabbed Brittany’s waist. He really was trying to push her to say why she wanted to talk.
Brittany ignored the desperate tone in Kris’ voice, and said, “I think you’re cute all the time.”
Kris took her hand, and led her to the front porch, where he had two glasses and a pitcher of pink lemonade waiting. Everything looked perfect, and Brittany began to feel guilty about going home to North Carolina. As they sat down, she knew she had to tell him.
“Kris, listen. I don’t know how to tell you this, but I have to go home. I was only in Pittsburgh to visit Erin, but now I need to get home. I am so sorry because you have been so wonderful to me, and this isn’t fair to you at all.”
Kris looked at her as tears began to fall from her face. He took his thumb to catch them and whispered, “It’s okay. I understand what it is like to be somewhere that isn’t home.”
She smiled at him before leaning over the table to kiss him. Brittany had never felt this way about anyone before, and she hoped that Kris felt the same way. Kris put a hand on her cheek before breaking the kiss to get closer to her. He gestured for her to stand up, and he kissed her more passionately. He caressed her arms. He slid left hand under her shirt to caress her stomach. Then, he led her to the love seat that was only a few feet away from them.
Kris put her down gently, and continued to kiss her. Brittany was shocked by how romantic the situation was. Nothing seemed wrong, and everything was just perfect to her. All of a sudden, Kris took his lips away from Brittany’s lips. His brown eyes stared right into hers, and he whispered, “I love you.”
“Oh, Kris. I love you too,” Brittany said as she started to cry. It was not fair. She wanted to be with him as a couple, and in person.
“I think I’ve heard of these things called long-distance relationships. I would be willing to give it a try if you are. I can visit you, and I can fly you to Montreal. It could really work.”
“That would be wonderful,” Brittany whispered, as she wrapped her arms around Kris.
Kris knew this moment would not present itself again, so he scooped Brittany up into his arms, and he took her inside.
“What are we doing in here,” asked Brittany.
Kris pulled her closer, as he unbuttoned the button on her jeans. She looked up at him and smiled.
“This is new,” she said as she lifted his shirt over his head. This continued as they walked up the stairs and into Kris’ king size bed.