Sequel: Raising Baby

A Birthday Wish

Did Someone Say Shopping?

Brittany awoke in a bed of down comforters and the softest Egyptian cotton sheets that she had ever felt. For the first time in a month, she didn’t have cute dreams about what her life with Kris could be like. Instead, she dreamt that she was an angel in heaven, but that was partly to do with the all white bedroom where she spent the night. It didn’t matter, though. She was happy, even though she was sad about last night’s event.
She found it harder to get out of bed, even though she wanted to get on with her life. That bed was just too nice to leave, but she looked at the clock and knew that she had to get going. It was 9:07 in the morning, and she wanted to spend some time with Erin if Sid would allow it. She quickly pulled the covers off of her body, and placed her feet on the soft, white carpet.
She took the short walk to the bathroom that was in the Crosby’s guest suite. She noticed that it had some color in it – a lighter blue. She figured that Sidney had probably picked the colors for the entire suite. She found the hot water knob, and turned it on. Within seconds, the water was too hot for her liking, and she hadn’t even stepped in the shower yet. She adjusted the cold water knob so she would have a nicer temperature. She stepped into the shower, and tried to wash away the memories from Kris’ house.
* * *
Brittany headed down the stairs and into the breakfast nook where Erin and Sid were standing. She didn’t know if she was interrupting a private conversation, so she announced that she was coming into the room before she actually arrived.
“Good morning,” Sid said to Brittany.
Brittany looked at him and responded with a similar greeting.
“Listen, I know that you girls probably want some time together. Erin and I were actually just discussing that. So I have an idea; I was thinking that the guest room where you stayed needs a bit of an update, so you two can go out and buy some new furniture or whatever for it.”
Erin looked at Brittany and winked at her. “Well, I just get my purse and Brittany and I can get going.”
Sid gave her a quick kiss, and then he let her walk towards the foyer.
“It wasn’t really his idea. I had to beg him, but he loves me, so I get what I want.”
Brittany followed Erin to the foyer and then the two walked to the garage to get in the Range Rover and go shopping for the day.
“I plan on getting everything for that guest room, but I think we need some clothes for vacation, don’t you?”
“I don’t have a lot of money.”
“Relax. I’ll just tell Sid that I bought some stuff and that you liked it so much that I let you borrow it for vacation. He won’t care.”
So Erin and Brittany headed for the mall in search of décor and new clothes. They were both hoping to have some fun before they got to North Carolina, and besides, they were going to Wrightsville Beach, so they did need new swimsuits.