Sequel: Raising Baby

A Birthday Wish

Who Sent That?

Sid checked the three of them into a condominium on the beach. Even though he didn’t intend on having Brittany around, it wasn’t going to be that bad. He ended up getting a split-level condominium. He and Erin would have the bottom floor to themselves with the master suite, kitchen, dining room, and living room. Brittany had a private bedroom at the top of the stairs. She had a decent-sized bathroom, too. It seemed like a good arrangement. Besides, they were only going to be there for four days. Not a lot could happen in four days, so no one was worried.
While Sid went to dinner with the rest of Team Canada, Erin and Brittany went to the condominium to get settled. Brittany climbed the stairs to find a beautiful bedroom. The bed was huge, and she jumped into it because it looked so comfortable. Thankfully, her assumption was right. She sank right into the cloud of a mattress, and she didn’t want to get up to unpack her clothing.
She fought the urge to get stay in the bed, and she forced herself to her suitcase. She pulled out her delicates and placed them in one of the dresser drawers. She did the same with some jeans that she brought. She found her shirts, and placed them on the provided hangers that were hanging in the closet. Finally, she hung the two dresses that she brought, just in case.
She sighed and whispered to herself, “What’s the use? I won’t be wearing those during this trip.”
What Brittany didn’t know was that Erin had walked up the steps and heard Brittany’s negative thoughts.
“Hey, I won’t be tolerating any of that. You might wear those, you might not. Even if you don’t, you’re still here to have fun, and a guy doesn’t define that.”
“Says the woman who married Sidney Crosby.”
“That has nothing to do with you, and you know it.”
Brittany smiled. “Actually, it has everything to do with me!”
“See, there’s that pretty smile. Are you all unpacked? I am starving!”
Brittany looked at her empty luggage bag and shrugged her shoulders. “I think so,” she said. “I just have to put my shampoo, conditioner, and toothbrush in the bathroom. Meet you downstairs?”
“Sure,” Erin smiled and walked down the steps.
* * *
It took Erin and Brittany some time to figure out what they wanted for dinner. Brittany wanted Chinese, but Erin couldn’t eat Chinese food. Erin wanted Italian, and Britt wasn’t sold on the idea just yet. They looked at pamphlets and menus, but nothing was appealing at this point.
Erin was getting really frustrated. “Why don’t we just get room service?”
“Hmmm. That could work. I know you, though. You’re going to eat like a kid tonight, aren’t you?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I bet you any money that you end up just ordering a chicken tenders meal. You aren’t very sophisticated.”
“Hey, that’s not very nice. But you’re right. I really do want some chicken tenders with ranch dressing and ketchup. It’s just something I’ll never grow out of.”
The two started laughing as Britt headed over to use the room phone to dial the concierge. All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. Erin got up to answer it to find that someone sent a bottle of wine to their room.
“Who’s this from,” she asked the man who delivered it.
“I was told not to say.”
Erin was puzzled, but even so, she reached into her pocket so she could tip the man. If there was one thing she learned from Sid, she knew that everyone should be tipped. It was his favorite thing to do, and he always made sure she had cash in case she needed to tip someone. She handed the man a ten-dollar bill as she thanked him.
“Well it looks like we have wine tonight, too.”
Brittany placed the order and the girls waited for their food.
* * *
Erin and Brittany had a hell of a night drinking and eating food that only little kids should enjoy. They lost all track of time, and when Sid came home, they were a bit confused. He looked right at them and laughed, but mostly because he knew how silly wine made Erin. He told Brittany that he would handle her for the rest of the night and that it was okay if Brittany wanted to go upstairs.
“Okay. That’s fine. I am a bit tired. I forgot how funny she can be when she drinks.”
“Yeah, but you don’t have to wake up next to her in the morning.”
“True. Sorry about that, but we didn’t plan on drinking. Some anonymous person sent it to the room.”
“You don’t say,” Sid said in an almost annoyed tone. He knew who sent it, but he couldn’t tell Brittany. He had grown to love Brittany as a best friend, and he really didn’t know what would happen if she hooked up with the man who sent the bottle of wine.
“Well, I think I’ll go upstairs. Wine makes me tired. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight, Britt,” he said as he looked at his wife. She wasn’t quite drunk, but she was on her way.
“I missed you while you were at dinner,” she said with a coy look on her face. He though she wanted to have sex, but he just wanted to talk tonight. He had a lot to tell her, and sometimes, he just liked hearing her soft voice.
“Come with me,” Sid said as he grabbed Erin’s hand. He led her into the master suite, and he laid her on the bed.
She looked up at him and said, “I think one of your friends already thinks Britt is pretty.
Sid was relieved that she started the conversation. Erin crawled up to the head of the bed, and pulled the blankets back. She was already in her pajamas, so she slipped under the blankets and smiled at Sid again.
“I think you’re right, and I think I know who it is.”
“Tell me!”
“Shhhh,” he said as he climbed into bed with her. He kissed her temple, and looked back at the woman who he married not long ago, “I’ll tell you in the morning.”