Is This A Dream Or My Reality?

Suki (Keiko as her teachers call her) is a freshman in highschool. She is a "normal" fifteen year old girl. By "normal", it is said that she takes on a different life in her dreams. (Kind of like the ShutterBox manga) A new life, new boyfriend, and to top it all off she's a senior. Could it be a glimpse into the future? Or is it something else?

-Suki's life now-- She works in a coffee house, her boyfriend is a little crazy, overprotective, and really only wants to get in her pants. So it seems that her only escape is through her dreams. Until Lucius arrives at their highschool. Could he help her escape the hell she calls her life? Or will he just be another roadblock?

A/N- Sorry if it's a bit confusing. I began this story when I didn't really know what I wanted from life, or where I was going in it. Please bear with me, suggestions would be lovely. Thanx.