Predictable In An Unpredictable Way

You Tell Me Your Sorry

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Can I say that enough? Just please talk to me, you haven't spoken a word to me all day."
"No! I can't forgive you. Puppy eyes won't work either, Sage."
"Look, I know I really messed up this time but I'm your best friend, you have to believe me!" Despite what I said, she still widened her big hazel eyes at me. I think the puppy look is a little over rated. Sure puppies are cute but people from different countries still eat them.
"You didn't just mess up, you just destroyed my entire future." I saw a flash of real sadness pass through her eyes. I almost took back what I said.
"I always forgive you right away!"
"I never-"
"OK, I get it! I messed up bad! I messed up more then I've ever messed up! Please how will you forgive me, please Bella?"
"Just give me time to think." My eyes flashed up to the clock at the back of the wall in our homeroom." I'll give you my answer tomorrow." With that I walked out the door. I didn't look back. Everything told me to turn around and just tell her I was kidding, that I forgive her but no. Sometimes it just doesn't work that way.

My older brother Woody was waiting in front of the school, he gives me a ride home whenever he can. He considers it our daily 'us' time. We never really see each other between him working and me being in school.
The cars nothing special. I couldn't name the brand or model because of all the dents. I guess it was painted white at some point. It's just some shitty oldies car you would wonder how it even still runs.
I threw my bag in where my feet should go and hopped in the passenger seat. Lately all he's been talking about is saving up for a motorcycle and his girlfriend. His the typical over protective big brother. I kind of just dazed out the window until we got home. There was too much on my mind to try to focus on a specific subject.

Sage has been my best friend since preschool. At times she's also been my only friend; the friend I thought wasn't good enough for my other friends. She's been the friend I told everything to, she's the one who knows all my quirks but my vices too. Sage knows how to push my buttons and when to stop right before I explode. She understands my struggles and pushes me towards my dreams.
At the same time she can be my worse enemy. No matter what side she's on I really believe she's been through every angle of my life. One of the reasons I was so shocked that she would do what she did. Could you believe she would-
"Bells" My brother broke my daydream. I imagined it going out with a poof and floating through the trees and up towards the sky.
"We've been home for ten minutes now."
"Really?" Oh snap...
"Whats on your mind?" UGH! Brothers...
"Nothing. Just tired."
Oh no....he didn't.
"Your locked in this shitty car with me until you tell." Worst of all he looked me straight in the eyes in all seriousness.
I tried to unlock the door but every time, before I could open the door he would re-lock it. I tried that a few times before I realize it was working out very well.
"Sage." That's all I need to say.
"You need to forgive her."
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been awhile and this could be like a summer story and updated often! :)
Subscribe if you want to know what she did ;)
And just to clear it up in the future she only lives with her three older brothers. Not her parents. In time my dears :)