Predictable In An Unpredictable Way

A talk

"Sage." That's all I need to say.
"You need to forgive her."

"I honestly don't know if I can this time." I looked anywhere but his face. I could handle fighting with any friend, just not Sage. I've lost my fair share of friends but Sage has always be the person to stay by my side no matter what.
"You've been friends for years, don't throw it all away." Since when did he become the fortune cookie?
"Everything good has to end sometimes." My voice dropped to a whisper. My mind began to back track on my life. All the good times I've had with sage, should I really waste them because of a few mistakes? "Can you please let me out of the car?"
"Not until I know you're sure you know what your actually doing. Things could have been worse. Why can't you forgive her?"
"She really let me down."
"How many times has she got you back on your feet?"
"I'm so dead! How am I suppose to pass this finale? I don't understand anything?"
"Don't worry, I'll help you study."
"Sage, what will I do? How am I suppose to tell him I lied?"
"Just say it! Woody I lied, then explain yourself. He'll always love you."
"Nickle for your thoughts, Bells?"
"I thought it was 'Penny for your thoughts.'"
"How about you shut up and tell me what's wrong so I can fix it."

"Unfortunately you have a point but it's not that easy." It's like when you see those shows on fear factor, when in your head your like 'Yea that's so easy!' but if you tried it yourself you would realize just how hard it really is.
"How about you don't forgive her fully? Just go one step at a time. Start small. Tell me how you will forgive her tomorrow."
"Um, Sage checked out books under my student ID, ran up a bunch of bills that I can't pay. That means they'll hold my report card and I won't be able to go to high school."
"She what? OK. OK. That's probably good enough for a start. Go with that. You may leave now." With that said he unlocked the car so I could climb out. He drove away as soon as I opened the door to the house.
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Should I update everyother day with sort chapters or once a week with long chapters? Your choice, I work on the story a little bit every day no matter what.
Or should I just kill the story?