Status: Inactive

Love Days Are Gone

Love Days Are Gone (chapter two)

I saw as Bill came running, what was going through my mind? We were soon face to face & finally I spoke.

"Um Bill, why did you......"

He quickly responded to my unfinished question. "I came to give you this." He handed me an envelope with his handwriting on it.

"Oh what's this? " I asked.

I had all these thoughts going through my head & it began to hurt. I knew I was gonna get a headache.

Bill said, "Oh just read it when you get home."

"Oh okay fine, bu....."

He cut me off to give me a quick hug & left.

Again hugging him is the best thing in the world. I am such a lucky person, getting to meet Tokio Hotel, hugging Bill, getting 2nd row tickets. This has been the best day ever in my life.

"Alyce, hurry up it's late." my mom said.

I groaned & quickly ran to the car, "mom it's 11:37 pm. Late is umm 1 am in the morning!"

"I know dear, but it's better if you get home at this time before your father gets more angry than what he already is."

I sighed, "Your right mom, I don't want him to get more pissed off at me as it is."

~30 Minutes Later~

I yawned gently & stretched my arms, "gahh my head hurts." I ignored the pain & said "finally........we got home, I thought we were gonna take forever."

"You'd better go to sleep right now, Alycia." she said. "Plus take some Advil for your head."

I yawned again & rubbed my eyes. "Yeah your probably right, I am really sleepy because of everything today." I began to rub my head because of the pain.

I got my stuff & opened the door, I carefully stepped in hoping I wouldn't make any noise. All I heard was my dad snoring, "hmm again he is passed out of the ground" I said.

"Oh dear not again," I heard her sigh.

"Mom I don't know why you even married this drinking ba..... euhm." Oh crap I almost said bastard.

"Drinking what?" my mom asked in a confused tone.

"Euhm uh em." I stammered & thought of a word to quickly cover up my mistake. Then I groaned again because of the stupid headache I have, "Um I'm gonna go take the Advil mom, I really do not feel well? "

She replied in a softer voice. "Okay dear, hope you feel better in the morning Alycia & good night. Oh & if you don't get better than you don't have to go to school okay?."

"Thanks mom & good night to you too." I took two Advils & a water bottle up to my room.

I stepped up the stairs & quietly opened the door to my room. I saw all my Tokio Hotel posters on the wall literally covering every space I had. I couldn't even see my windows. Every time I turned around I saw Tokio Hotel. I laughed gently hoping my head wouldn't hurt when I did.

I put the letter on my drawer, I smiled & thought of my whole day, I went to the closet & got my purple pajamas slipped them on & brushed my teeth. I yawned loudly, "fuck I am sleepy as hell."

I went to my bed & sat there for a while thinking, thinking about the letter Bill gave me. "What was it for?" Hmm I stayed there for a while thinking about it.

"Eh" I said & got into my bed. "I'll read it tomorrow when i wake up." I smiled & fell asleep with a tiny pain in my head.

~Next Morning~

I woke up from my alarm playing Flyleaf loudly, I almost fell out of my bed! And yes I listen to Flyleaf, I don't just listen to Tokio Hotel. I groaned & blinked my eyes.

I then yawned & covered my mouth. "I went to a concert yesterday & today I go to school gahh! Well that's for being a retard Alyce." "Yes everyone is a retard even you."

I searched through my closet for what to wear "ah ha I got my gray AFI shirt & black zebra stripped hoodie." I went to my dresser & got a pair of faded black skinny jeans. I ran into the washroom, fixed my eyeliner & straightened my hair. "there all done. Hmm I wonder what's for breakfast?"

I got my bookbag & stuffed the unread letter into it. "I'll read it during breakfast." I said to myself.

I ran down the stairs to see my dad face to face, I just rolled my eyes & ignored him.

"Hey get back here you little ......... " He yelled

"You little what dad?!?!" I said furiously.

He gave me a glare & I ignored it. "Pfft he is tying to scare me again mom & he is failing epically."

"Don't worry about him, just ignore it." she said calmly & handed me a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks mom, you always know what to do & say."

"I'm a mom of course I know" she laughed & so did I. "Oh gott mom."

"Oh I gotta read the letter Bill gave me." Silly me I almost forgot, I reached into my bookbag & took out the letter. I saw Bill's beautiful handwriting & I smiled ripping the edge of the letter. I tried not to rip the whole thing or I would be so mad.

"So what is it Alycia?" my mom asked.

"I don't know yet mom," I laughed & pulled the letter out.

I began to read it apace & stopped at where they wrote "video for Noise". I kept on reading & I read the next sentence, "Alycia would you please be in Tokio Hotel's new video Down On You?"

I jumped out of my chair & was shocked, "they.....wa..wa..n..ahh! Are you serious about that!?!"

"Alycia, what is it?" my mom asked crossing her arms in confusion.

"Mo..m the...y To....kio Ho...tell, wa....ant... m...e to in the new Down On You!" I said with my voice cracking. "Mom they want me to be in a video with them!!!"

My mom replied in a serious tone, "oh um Alycia are you sure you want to do it?"

I stammered & swallowed slowly, "I still don't know, thank gott they left David's number." I smiled joyfully because of the amazing opportunity. " I'll be in a video that'll be shown everywhere & I'll be working with Tokio Hotel. "

My mom interrupted my daydreaming by asking me, "But Alycia if you go to make that video you wont be home & you would be with the boys or staying at a hotel."

"Well that's true mom, but..but this is a lifetime opportunity of working with a favorite band plus this will be great I mean I will be in a video with Tokio Hotel."

My mom took a deep sigh & nodded her head slowly "whatever your choice is Alycia."

"Uh Thanks mom" I said sadly hoping she wouldn't notice. I rapidly finished the two pancakes & brushed my teeth again. I ran out the door because I was already late, reading that letter was a bad idea & my mom's answer to it was saddening.

I just kept on thinking about my mom's response whileI quickly power walked to the college campus hoping to meet Brandon & Kayla.

Kayla & Brandon are my besties at this college I've known them since my first year here. "I love them."

Kayla is addicted to Tokio Hotel & Evanescence, she is so awesome & I love her so much.

Brandon is my guy friend we used to date, but I broke up with him. Kayla says he still has feelings for me, I mean I like him too, but he isn't my soul-mate...I think. Man I should really NOT escape reality anymore.

I finally reached the campus & saw Brianna. She supposedly is gonna beat the shi't out of me. Why? Because I got with Brandon & she is his sister. Let's just say Briana loves her baby brother Brandon. I still don't know why Brandon hangs out with me...well except for the love part, but I mean....never mind.

Briana came in my direction with her stupid little posse of preppy bitches. She began to push me & her friends shoved me around.

"No not right now." I thought to myself.

I pushed back one her friend's named um I forgot her name Rachael & she yelled out "You bi'tch don't fu'cking push me!"

I yelled back at her, "Then don't shove me around you little stupid bi'tch!"

Then Briana slapped me in the face, I tried to get up, but I couldn't somebody was holding me down. "You son of a b'itch, I'm gonna fu'cking kill you!!!" I saw Kayla pull her hair & yelled at her. She is always behind my back.

Brianna groaned said in a preppy tone, "Pfft kiss my ass Alyce, you worthless bitc'h & let go of my hair! "

"In your dreams you suck up!"

Kayla yelled "I wont let you go until Stacy let's go of Alyce!

"Stacy let go of her." she ordered the girl to let go of me. "Let go of me you wh0re!" I yelled.

She let go of me & Brandon helped me up & yelled at Brianna, "Don't mess with her! "

"Or what Brandon? Hmm?" She replied.

He rolled his eyes & came up to me he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I think he was trying to get Brianna pissed.

"Ow Brandon that's where she slapped me" I laughed gently.

I groaned & felt the bruise on my cheek. "No no no why gott why?!"

"What's wrong Alyce, you usually don't care when they do this."

"Oh well I have something to tell you guys that's why." I said

"What is it?" They both asked in confusion.

"Well um you know how I went to the Tokio Hotel concert."

"Yes" they both said.

"Well I stayed after the show with Tokio Hotel & um they gave me a letter it asked if I wanted to be in the video for Down On You.

They raised their eyebrows, "your joking right?" they laughed hysterically.

"Don't believe me? Well look at this letter." I handed them the letter & their jaws dropped.

"Oh my god! Alyce it is true! Are you gonna say yes no what?!" Kayla said in a happy tone.

"Yea I still don't know I asked my mom & she said it was my choice even thought I know in her heart she knows it's a bad idea." I said.

"Ohhh your mom is worried sick then."

"Worried sick about what?"

"Alyce she doesn't want you to be apart of the family, your the only child who understands her. Lizzy is always complaining about going out with Derek or she needs this or that."

"Oh I get you know, no wonder she was sad. Well family is more important I can't go to make the video."

"Okay sad, but I mean family is more important. Right?" She asked.

"Yes it is." I smiled & gave her a hug.

~School Starts~

I groaned "crap I don't wanna go to class"
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I have to say, once again, that this was written a year or two ago. My writing has improved, I promise that.