Please, Just Smother Me

Please, Just Smother Me

It was exactly how Bert had pictured his future with his new neighbor. They would be best friends slowly growing into lovers and then they’d be together forever. That’s what Bert pictured would happen with the neighbor and that’s what was happening with the neighbor boy. He was a cute brunette with brown eyes named Dan who wore tight jeans and worn out black shoes.
Bert stared as Dan pulled on his black and gold Nike Dunks from his place on the bed, the place where Dan had been earlier cuddling with him.
“Why do you have to leave?” Bert whined sticking out his bottom lip.
“Because I have things to do, places to be.” Dan replied rolling his brown eyes at the lovesick brunette.

Let Me Be The One
Who Calls You Baby All The Time
Surely You Can Take Some Comfort
Knowing That You’re Mind

Okay so maybe it wasn’t exactly as Bert had pictured it. The two weren’t exactly together, they were just friends. Give or take depending on the day. The brunette had tried though, he’d tried hard to get the younger boy. But it never happened.
Dan Whitesides was a popular high school boy who would never want to be seen with a loser like Bert McCracken in front of everyone. That was just not who Dan was, what Dan did, how Dan rolled. But Bert didn’t give up, he enjoyed the little moments they had together, he loved how much he actually knew about Dan.
Bert just wished that one day Dan would actually stay a little longer, enjoy a bit more cuddling time. He wanted to just stay in bed with Dan.
“Just come back to bed.” Bert whined.
“We aren’t married.” Dan shot back without a hesitation.

Just Hold Me Tight, Lay By My Side
And Let Me Be The One Who
Calls You Baby All The Time

Bert picked himself off the bed and put on his beat up Vans as he watched Dan leave the room. Bert sighed overdramatically before making his way downstairs after listening to the door close downstairs.
He honestly didn’t want Dan to leave. He loved Dan more than anyone in the world. It killed him a little every day to know that Dan didn’t love him back and Dan would never be interested. But true love was about waiting so that was just what Bert would do.

I Found My Place In The World
Could Stare At Your Face
For The Rest Of My Days

Dan finally felt free when he was outside but he still felt empty. He wanted to be with Bert but he knew he had to keep up his façade or else the guys at school would make fun of him. It would be great to have Bert fully and completely.
The one thing that Dan would love though, was if Bert persuaded him. It would be great if Bert just didn’t care what Dan’s friends would think, he should just walk up to him and put his lips against Dan’s. That would be the best thing that could ever happen.
Dan sighed as he kicked a rock and pulled out his phone to make some planes. One day he would have Bert, fully and completely. It would take a while to come but it would come. Sure Dan was always mean to Bert but that was just how he was. He was always mean. It was his thing.
Bert would figure it out. Dan knew that Bert loved him more than anything. Bert would attempt to figure it out, he would think hard about it and try to figure Dan out. That was all Dan could ask for because it was all he was wishing for.

Now I Can Breathe
Turn My I Insides Out And Smother Me
Warm And Alive, I’m All Over You
Would You Smother Me?

Saturday morning came and went, when the Virginia sun was high in the air, Bert found himself at the mall. He was with his friend Quinn inside Dick’s Sporting Goods looking for new lacrosse gear. Quinn was searching through the sticks and shorts trying to figure out the best ones to get.
“I feel like there’s a guy on the team who has these shorts already.” Quinn didn’t like to wear the same clothes as other people, his sister told him that was a no-no. Now he didn’t ever wear clothes other guys owned. He wasn’t gay, he had just grown up that way. “I’ll have to find different ones.”
Bert rolled his brown eyes and looked around trying to find another pair of nice lacrosse shorts for Quinn. Whatever he picked wouldn’t be good enough for Quinn so he would just avoid it. Instead, he discretely looked over the racks to see where the noise was coming from.
Four high school boys were playing keep away from a younger girl that was probably one of their sisters. They were throwing around a neon pink sports’ bra most guys wouldn’t be caught dead holding. Obviously when you were playing keep away it was “cool” to be touching a sports’ bra.
“Guys, it’s not funny.” She put her hands on her hips and glared at each boy.
“Maybe we should stop,” one boy said.
“Maybe we should all get real bras too.” Another guy scoffed.
“C’mon guys, obviously Dan is feeling in the mood to go dress shopping.” An assumed leader said considering the rest of the guys threw the sports’ bra on the ground and left.
The guy called Dan picked up the sports’ bra so he could give it to the girl who was still a bit mad. She muttered something before stomping away from the nicer boy. Since only the nicer boy was left, Bert took a moment to check him out.
He had shaggy brown hair, pale skin, and was wearing a nice pair of blue jeans and a white v-neck. Bert had to admit, this Dan was pretty hot and it wasn’t like he could get the Dan he was actually crushing on.
“I’ll be right back.”
Quinn looked up, looked around, spotted the brunette, and then spoke. “When are you not on the prowl?”
Bert laughed as he rolled his brown eyes. He headed away from the lacrosse gear towards the lonely Dan. He didn’t understand why anyone would just leave him. He seemed nice enough, he was definitely hot, Bert didn’t get it. He would never leave this Dan’s side, actually he would never leave his Dan’s side.

Let Me Be The One Who
Never Leave You All Alone
I Hold My Breath And Lose The Feeling
That I’m On My Own

“Hey man, I noticed your,” Bert stopped mid-sentence. “Dan?”
“Hey Bert, did you see all that?” Dan asked kind of ashamed of the way he’d been acting and how his friends had been acting.
“Yeah, you were right to stick up for that girl. Who’s sister is she?”
“We just saw her and started making fun of her.” Dan shrugged refusing to look into Bert’s eyes. “She bought a double D size sports’ bra.” Dan paused for a few moments. “I feel absolutely awful.”
Bert didn’t say anything, he just took Dan’s hand and walked him to where Quinn was. “Look who I found.” Bert said quietly.
“Yes, yes, Dan Whitesides, I realize.” Quinn shook his hands as if swatting away a fly.
“Quinn’s shopping for lax gear.” Bert informed Dan still holding his hand and noticing that Dan had a strong grip on Bert’s hand. “We’re gonna head back to my house, is that cool?”
“You’re distracting me, anyway.”
Dan pulled Bert away before Bert could even start moving away. Bert felt his heart flutter and electricity flow through his veins. He couldn’t believe that Dan Whitesides of all people was pulling him out of the mall so they could be alone together. Bert walked quick to catch up so he could stand side-by-side with his love.
The two were basically running out of the mall overexcitedly. What they didn’t know was what the other was thinking, but Dan didn’t care. All he wanted to do was get Bert to one of their houses and then he wanted to have him.
This was coming out. Dan couldn’t hold in his needs anymore. He was having Bert all to himself. It was going to be skin on skin, Dan versus Bert playing the game of love.

Hold Me Too Tight, Stay By My Side
And Let Me Be The One
Who Call You Baby All The Time

The two were up against each other. A heated make out session was in place, instigated by Dan. Their bodies were grinding against each other. At this point, both boys were hard and attempting to get the other one’s tight jeans off. Their shirts were already off and Dan had been taking control as if he’d done this before.
“Wait Dan,” Bert breathed heavily. His thoughts had gone from heavily turned on, to letting Dan take control, to how did Dan know what to do, and lastly to Dan just wanted another fuck. That’s not Bert wanted to be. “Wait, Dan, stop for a minute.”
“C’mon baby, don’t be that way.” Dan breathed in between kisses he was placing down Bert’s neck.
“No, I don’t want to do this.” Bert shoved away Dan, or at least attempted to.
“Why? What I have done wrong?” Dan was growing upset quickly. All he wanted to do was have his night with Bert, the night he’d been waiting for since he’d met Bert. Hadn’t he been obvious?
He didn’t even just want the night. He wanted the rest of the nights to come mixed with the days. But here he was, ready to commit himself and Bert didn’t want it. Didn’t Bert love him? Didn’t Bert want this just as bad?
“All I wanna do is spend the rest of my nights and days and anything in between with you. Why is it so bad to want to commit myself fully to you?!” Dan exclaimed as he pushed himself off of Bert so he could get his clothes.
“Do you really?” Bert asked with hope burning his eyes.
“Yes, do you think I do this with every guy?!” Dan almost screamed at Bert, completely aggravated with his lack of trust.
“No, it was just that you knew exactly what to do. It was like you’d done this millions and millions of times. And that just worried me, maybe I was just a one, a not important one of the millions.” Bert told him almost honestly. “I love you and I didn’t think you loved me and here we are.”
“Just forget it, I’m just gonna get my clothes and leave.”
“No don’t! I trust you, I love you, I want you!”
“No Bert!” Tears started falling hard from Dan’s eyes. “You don’t trust me and you obviously don’t want me that much! I thought we were perfect for each other.”
“No I think that too!” Bert pleaded as tears began falling from his eyes too.
“Just shut the fuck up, asshole! Jesus, Bert, just don’t fucking touch me or talk to me. No more cuddling or any other thing we used to do that you enjoy.” Dan picked up his Timberlands and exited the room.
In reality, Dan hadn’t even wanted to leave. He loved Bert and that’s where he wanted to be.

I Found My Place In The World
Could Stare At Your Face
For The Rest Of My Days

Bert ran out of the house with just his boxers on screaming for Dan. When Dan just turned around when he’d been on the step of the front porch, Bert swallowed his scream and lowered himself beside Dan.
“I can’t just leave you.” Dan whispered wiping away his angry tears.
The two stared straight ahead, letting Dan’s words fill the air. The friends since forever that had been in love since forever didn’t know what to do, what to say. This was an awkward moment in their friendship, their somewhat relationship.
“I can’t believe I didn’t trust you.” Bert whispered wiping away his sad tears.
Again, the two let the words fill the air. They didn’t know what else to say. What they were thinking was to remain in their heads until they could figure it out. The inner teenager turmoil stirring inside of the two boys was something to leave there.
“I love you, so much. It just killed me that you didn’t trust me.” Dan whispered.
Bert reached for Dan’s hand. “I love you so much too, but your experience scared me and it just worried me.”
“I would never hurt you.” Dan muttered flicking a rock with his free hand as he gave Bert’s hand a death grip which Bert happily returned.

Now I Can Breathe
Turn My Insides Out And Smother Me
Warm And Alive, I’m All Over You
Would You Smother Me?
Smother Me, Smother Me

“I just, I need you with me by my side at all times.” Bert admitted quietly. “The idea of you using me made me upset and I couldn’t stand it.”
“I know what you mean, I love you. I’ll always love you.” Dan replied looking up and then took Bert’s other hand. “I only ever want to be with you. Forever.”
“That’s a long time.”
“I under -”
“Let’s get promise rings!” Bert exclaimed leaping up, bringing Dan right along with him. Bert turned to look at Dan only to see shocked brown eyes. “What? Don’t we wanna be together forever?”
“Yes but,” Bert stopped Dan right there. His excitement and love taking control of all his words. His thoughts were ending and he wasn’t thinking. All he knew was that he was in love with Dan and he wanted him forever. So his next move was pressing his lips right up against Dan’s.
It took amount but eventually Dan relaxed and kissed right back. He agreed with the idea of promise rings now, with Bert’s lips and their tongues battling against each other. It was a passionate kiss, something the two had yet to do.
They were together forever and forever would never end, not when they were promising forever.

When I’m Alone, Time Goes So Slow
I Need You Here With Me
And How My Mistakes
Have Made Your Heart Break
Still Need You Here With Me
So Baby, I’m, Baby, I’m Here