Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

You're not a hero, you're a liar.

”Hey beautiful. How was school?” God, I’ve missed Alex’s amazing voice. It hasn’t even been an entire day and I already miss his presence.

”It was awful. I had a math test, Knaebel gave us a random test on the person we’ve been talking to and what we should know about them by now, and the drama in my life is starting. I don’t mind tests or anything, but I have an issue with math. My teacher hates me. And I know more about you than I’m supposed to by this point, so I got an A on that.”

”Haha, how much are you supposed to know? And I’m sure your teacher doesn’t hate you, they’re probably just threatened by how amazing you are. What drama’s been happening, love?”

”I’m only supposed to know the basics? Whatever. I like how much of you I know. Like I know you enjoy making me blush so you continually flatter me. Thanks for it all though, it helps on awful days. As for the drama, Spencer hasn’t really stuck by us lately. It sounds lame, I know, but it’s weird and abnormal.”

”Babe, it’s not lame at all. Every high schooler goes through drama; I’m surprised you avoided it this long. Tell me what’s up?”

Well, Spencer has been skipping out on our plans lately. Like we were supposed to all hang out after school, but he disappeared after sixth. He stopped sitting with us at lunch, he doesn’t get rides from us, and he hasn’t really talked to us. Last night was the first time since Friday that he has, and even back then he was awkward and didn’t want to be there. I don’t know if it’s like family stuff or he just doesn’t want to be around us anymore. Cameron called him out on it last night when I got home, and Spence just got up and left. Kylie and Cam have completely etched him out of their lives, but I can’t do that. It gets to me hearing them complain about him constantly, too. Regardless of what’s been happening, he’ll still be my best friend. I just don’t know what to do.”

It’s my last year in high school, and my best friends are acting like it’s our first. I refuse to take sides and bad mouth Spencer, and that’s putting a strain on my relationship with Kylie and Cameron. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

”Have you tried talking to him?”

”Yeah, everyday during class. And he always talks to me. I tried asking him today, but the bell rang right before he was going to respond.”

”Maybe he’s seeing someone and doesn’t know how to tell you guys? Rian did this to us when he started dating some chick Kara back during junior year.

”I bet that’s it. He’s always really happy, lately. I only realized because Cameron thinks he’s happy that he’s finally gotten rid of his best friends. He’s so dramatic. Enough of all that, though. How was your day?”

”My day was surprisingly good. The interview went amazingly, although not all of the paint has left my body. I had to wear skinny jeans, a hoodie, and a beanie. I was dying, it was so hot. I had some paint behind my ears and on the back of my neck, but you can’t see it. “

Alex and I talked on the phone for four more hours, and finally decided to get some sleep at one a.m. Our entire conversation consisted of flirting and giggling, and silliness. He makes me genuinely happy, something I haven’t been in a while. We talked about anything and everything from school to All Time Low’s next tour. Each and every day, I fall harder and harder for Alexander Gaskarth. He is the perfect man and I’m lucky to have him in my life at all.

Our conversation ended with him saying we’ll hang out tomorrow after school and then telling me exactly why he likes me. I returned the favor, and we said our goodbyes. Alex told me he’d be dreaming of my gorgeous face, and then somehow knew I was blushing. Our entire goodbye lasted about twenty minutes before actually ending. It was all so cute and sweet, I couldn’t get enough of it.

the next day.

Ally-poo. <3<3

Hahahah, oh man. Don’t hate me for that nickname, because it is amazing. (:
You’re such a sweet talker. But then again, I’ve heard that most ugly guys are. (; KIDDING, YOU’RE GORGEOUS. Inside and out.

I do like you, quite a bit actually. More than I have ever liked ANYONE before. And that does include the guy I had a crush on for over three years. (: I actually liked him up until I met you… <3 But you took over his spot.

I’m starting to think you’re right about Knaebel. He’s given everyone an A on everything. Like showing up to class or sitting in a seat. Easiest class EVER.

You were right about Spencer. What you said last night? He has a boyfriend. Normally, he would tell us who but he can’t yet. All he said was that I knew him and he was currently in the building. I know he’s gonna tell me who it is eventually, I just don’t want the group to suffer because of all of this. I am happy for him though, he deserves it.

I cannot believe you just typed like that… I don’t even know you anymore!
Kidding, boo. It waz lyke totes adorbs. <3 They are really sweet people, and the brother is determined to be in a long distance relationship with his old girlfriend. So you don’t have to worry. (:

The boys and Kylie like you more than they like me… I guess it’s a good thing though. I haven’t been able to escape a conversation without one of them asking about you. IT’S ONLY BEEN TWO DAYS. They’re killing me.

Leave Jacky alone. He can’t help that he’s in touch with his feminine side. I adore him. He’s an amazing person. Maybe I even like him more than I like you… You never know. (;
Kidding, babe. I like you way more than I will ever like him. Please tell me you know that. <3

Don’t pull the I’m in the band card with me, Alexander William Gaskarth. If I have you buy tickets, I will buy tickets. No special privileges just because we’re dating. You can go all out with the CD though,. <3 Anything to hear that amazing voice of yours sing. I love it more than you will ever understand.

The show is Thursday night. I can pick you up at like five and we can stop for dinner on the way. Does that work for you, gorgeous? Good. (:

I’ve been blushing and giggling since we started talking two weeks ago, Lex. Your words just make my blush deeper and my giggles louder. <3 I love it though. I love that only you can do that to me.

I can’t wait for the date. (: And I can’t wait for the day when I get to meet your mom. I wanna meet the woman who raised the man who is at the center of my affections. <3
Speaking of mothers, do you think it would be crazy that I want to find mine?

Totally bring all the pictures and such, I really wanna see them. (: You have a lot to live up to for the next date, Lexy. <3 I know you will, though.

In the future, I kind of either want to be a history or English teacher. For college, I would probably just go to a local one, if I go at all. I may even go down to UNC Chapel Hill, or Duke for all I know. I’m just not even sure yet. Everything is a mess right now when it comes to applications and all that. I’m in dire need of help.

Question: How much do you like me. <3(: and why?

Seriously. Not in love, but I do love you.
The future Mrs. Jack Bassam Barakat. <3<3<3<3<3

p.s. LOL.
p.s.s. We’re hanging out tomorrow, booo.