Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

I'll do what it takes to make it right.

baby girl (:

Did you really just email me during school? I thought you were one of the good kids. (; I hope it's me that's changing you.
Not that you need to be changed, I like you just the way you are. <3

Don't insult me then compliment me to make up for your cruelty! *sob*
I only sweet talk you because I like you. If I didn't, you would be treated like I treat Jack...

Rian would be a better example. You know how Jack and I are. (;

I wanna hear more about this guy who had your attention for three years. Do I smell some competition? I may not look like it, but I can fight...
If I'm the first guy you ever dated, that means this jerk didn't like you back? Or act on his feelings? His loss. You're an amazing girl and any guy would be lucky to have you. I'm just happy that that guy is me. (: If you were dating this guy, it would have been pretty hard to get to where we are, so I'm thankful.

About Knaebel... I think I know who Spencer is dating... I saw them together during what would have been your lunch hour. They were having lunch at Zaxbys. Thwy were holding hands, laughing, talking, being all cute. It really was adorable. (: I guess that's why he couldn't tell you. Because Knaebel's your teacher and all...

Just wait until our date Friday. (: It'll be so cute, you will never hear the end of it. I'll make sure of it, baby boo.

YOU SO LIKE JACK MORE THAN YOU LIKE ME! HE TOLD ME SO! HE TOLD ME ALL ABOUT YOUR CONVERSATIONS. </3 It's okay, though. I'm used to losing girls to Jack. That's why I'm secretly dating Rian. No one knows him or likes him enough except Cass, and she has a crush on my dog, so it works out. (:

I've been working on your CD all day. It shall be ready by our mini-date tonight. <3 There's some stuff that will be on the next album, some acoustic stuff, and maybe some others. Oh, the things I do for your beauty.

You call me a sweet talker, but you're just as bad Ms. Davis.

I think that if you want to find your mom, it's your decision. I'll stand by you no matter what. (:
If you need help, I'll pay for a private detective
or whatever it's called. Investigator! That's it! I'll help you if you need it. And even if you don't, I'm helping.
Don't even try objecting, I would do anything for you. And I will.

Those are some pretty high expectations, love. (: I know you will be able to achieve them. I'll help you with applications? Or I'll try, considering I didn't apply anywhere. (: My boyfriend, Rian, can help though. He got in everywhere he applied.
We're all here for you, girl. If you need help, just ask.

I like you more than I have ever liked anyone. You're beautiful, cute, precious. I can't get enough of you. On top of that, your personality is flawless. You're absolutely hilarious, adorable, outgoing, down to earth, and super nice. You're an amazing friend and just an overall amazing girl.
My question: same as yours doll. (:

I love you too, gorgeous. Oh, I mean flawless. <3<3
That is, unless you marry Jack...

-The future Mr. Robert Rian Dawson.

p.s. Hate you...
p.s.s. text me when you're done with school.