Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

The show goes on.

“Stay after a few minutes, Davis. I need to speak to you about solos for the Art Showcase tomorrow.” Mr. Smith stated right after I hit the send button on my latest text. Oh, right. A few members of the Senior Chorale are performing a few songs at the showcase and he sent a letter home with me about it. “Do you know what songs you are going to sing? I need to know and hear them so I can find the right amount of backup for you.”

“I was actually wondering if you could help me, Mr. Smith. I’ve narrowed it down to about six songs, but I can only sing three. I just need some guidance.” Nice save, Jasmine. Nice save. To be honest, I completely forgot to choose songs. Not that it’s not important; I was just consumed with other things. Alex related things.
“Of course, Jasmine. Which songs were you thinking?”

“Well, I narrowed it down to Something Beautiful by Need To Breath, Back To Black by Amy Winehouse, Look After You by The Fray, Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade, We’ll Be A Dream by We the Kings, and Remembering Sunday by All Time Low. But I would need someone to sing the last two with.”

“Duets? Let’s keep both of those in. Also, you will sing Look After You and Fall For You. Is four okay?” He questioned. “Good, because you’re singing four no matter what. Do you have any specific person in mind to sing the duets with?”

“Actually, I do. He’s my plus one for the night.” I said, blushing slightly. I feel so awkward saying date to teachers because they usually pry a little.

“Oh a date? This young man must be very special if he caught your eye, Jasmine. You’ve had boys following you for years and haven’t paid attention to any of them. Is it that Jeremy boy?” Mr. Smith questioned. Jeremy? He can’t possibly mean Jeremy Smith.

“Jeremy Smith, sir? Why would you even ask about him?”

“Well,” He said. “That boy has been sending you loving looks since Freshman Year. I swear, he’s been in love with you since about half way through first semester. Is it not him?”

“No, sir. I never even knew he liked me. The guy I’m coming with is someone I met through an English project. I have to go, though. I’m meeting him for coffee. I’ll make sure the songs are perfect for tomorrow, sir. Goodbye.” I smiled before picking up my stuff and moving to the door.

There is no possible way that Jeremy Smith has been crushing on me just as long as I had crushed on him. He never even dropped any hints or anything. The first time we talked was on the first day of the school year this year. In love? That’s crazy. Mr. Smith doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
But what if he does? He said a whole bunch of guys had been after me. I wonder who else that list included. The only guys I’ve ever talked to are my best friends and I know it’s not either of them. Who else is there? And why didn’t they make any moves?

My phone rang out, distracting me from my thoughts.
From Lexy-boo (: <3
you weren’t at the café and after twenty minutes of waiting, i decided to leave. i’m outside your school if you’re still there…

To Lexy-boo (: <3
sorry about that. a teacher needed to discuss something with me about tomorrow night. i got out as soon as i could. which part of the building are you at?

From Lexy-boo (: <3
you’re fine. i’m by the football field. hurry up, though, people are staring. (:

To Lexy-boo (: <3
if there was an attractive stranger near me in a high school parking lot, i’d stare too. (;

I closed my phone and continued walking towards the football field. Our school was freaking huge and the walk ended up taking some time. Ten minutes later, I was knocking on a very entertained looking Alex’s door. His face lit up and a wide grin spread across his face before he leaned over the middle console and opened my door.

“Hi, baby. How was school?” Alex asked once I was settled in and buckled up. He slowly backed out of the space and put the car in drive before linking our hands together.

“It was actually pretty good. I slept through most of my classes, but hey. What else can you do when tired?”

“I thought you were one of the good kids, Ms. Davis. What did your teacher need to see you about?”
“Oh, just singing at the showcase tomorrow. He wanted me to do three, but I’m gonna end up doing four. “

“What songs are they? Anything by that wonderful band you are obsessed with that just happens to have a very attractive lead singer?” Alex shot me a smile and laughed to himself. He is so damn adorable.

“I’m actually singing a song by the band I’m obsessed with, but I don’t know about that singer. The lead guitarist has my affections.” I let out a fake dreamy sigh before giggling.

Our excursion was stopped by a red light and Alex’s head slowly turned towards me and stared for what felt like forever. “Ouch. That one hurt, Jazz. Jack is hairy and ugly. Which song are you gonna do? You never answered my question.” He pointed out, before stopping at another red light.

“Jack has nothing on you, babe. Don’t worry. I only mess with you. I’m singing Look After You by The Fray, Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade, We’ll Be A Dream by We the Kings, and Remembering Sunday by you guys. I need a partner to sing the last two with, though.” I said, batting my eyes at him. I don’t want to ask if he could help in fear of being too demanding. It would be better if he just offered his services.

“I could help you, Jasmine. If it’s okay with your teacher and all. I kind of know both songs anyways.” He smiled as we pulled into a Waffle House parking lot.

“If you insist, Lexy. I thought we were getting coffee?”

“Um, of course I insist. I would do anything for you. And WaHo coffee is the best coffee around and I’m hungry. Also, it’s pretty cheap so why not?” Alex asked, opening the door to the inexpensive truck stop.

“Works for me, boo. As long as I’m with you.” I exclaimed, shooting Alex a cheeky grin. He laughed and led me to a booth in a far back corner of the room.

“So, did anything super important happen to you at school other than sleeping?”

Tell him about what Mr. Smith did or no? I know we’re not dating or anything, but Alex gets a little jealous. He’s been shooting guys who look at me for more than two seconds the worst looks. I don’t want to not tell him though and have it get out some other way. If it ever got to him from someone other than me, there goes us being together. Oh what the hell. He should know. If guys have liked me for as long as Mr. Smith has said they did, maybe they’ll try something senior year. It is better to just get it over with.

“Actually, something did. It’s not really as important as it is shocking. Apparently, I’ve had guys crushing on me for years! Who would have thought?” Cue nervous laughter. “Oh, best part here. Turns out that the guy I’ve crushed on since freshman year has liked me just as long! Even to the point where teachers notice is and call it young love. How crazy is that? I can’t believe it.”

After playing with his hands for a few minutes, Alex must have found something to say. When he looked up, you could tell that whatever he was thinking was hard on him.

“If this guy asks you out, I understand. I mean, you’ve liked him for over three full years and you haven’t even known me for three full weeks yet. He’s actually your age, too. Your relationship wouldn’t be looked at like ours would. I would try my hardest to back off if you had another guy. I don’t know how well it would go, though. I’m crazy about you, Jasmine. Falling head over heels for you and it’s only been three weeks. To be honest, I was captivated when you sent the first email. I get it, though, trust me. We’re not even official or anything.”

“Alexander William Gaskarth, shut the hell up.” His head snapped up and those brown eyes stared at me in shock. “I don’t care if I’ve known you three weeks or three years, I like you regardless. You are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. Jeremy Smith will not ruin that. He had the chance to have me, and he didn’t take it. You did. I had a crush on him, and that’s it. I didn’t like him and I never even thought about loving him. I don’t care about your age, Alexander. A six year age difference is nothing compared to what some people are used to. Hell, you could be six years younger than me, and I wouldn’t care. I don’t want you to back off. If he asks me out, you will be the first to know. I’ll tell you and then we can laugh it off because he lost his shot and you took yours. Damnit, I adore you Alex. I would die for you. I have liked you since you responded to my email. There’s no way I would ever leave you for someone else like that. I’m actually pretty sure I’m falling in love with you. You almost know me better than my best friends, Alex. Who cares if it has been three weeks. If you even plan on using the fact that we’re not official against me, at least try asking. I would kill to be official, Lex. I’m old fashioned, though. Men make the first move. So step up and ask me, or don’t mention how unofficial we are in a pity party again. I like you Alex, which is more than I can say about those other guys.”

Alex sat stunned for a few seconds before smiling. I could tell the smile was genuine, because it was shining in his eyes. He started laughing and minutes later, I joined it. We sat in the booth, laughing like idiots for ten minutes before our laughter slowly died down. Alex reached over the table to grab my hands in his.

“ Jasmine Parkes Davis, I know we’ve only known each other for a short amount of time and we have a few years in between us, but I like you. A lot. And I was wondering if you would make me the happiest man in the world and be my girlfriend?”

“Alexander William Gaskarth, of course I will be your girlfriend. “

“Oh thank goodness. I don’t know what I would have done if you had said no. Plus, I already have our date for Friday set up and it would be kind of awkward if you said no and I had to take Rian instead of you. You do know it’s not going to be the easiest thing dating me, right? In a few months, I will have to go on tour again.”

“Alex, I know it will be hard on us but I know we can do it. I have faith in you to not let any sort of distance come between us, Mr. Rockstar.”

The rest of our date consisted of a hashbrown eating contest and practicing our sneezing with our eyes open. I totally ate my triple order of hashbrowns smothered and covered before Alex even made a dent in his. It was cute how frustrated he got, though. All he had to say about it was; “Well, atleast you aren’t like most girls who are afraid to eat in front of their boyfriends! Jack will be so jealous!”
He is just adorable, to be honest. I’m so lucky that he is my boyfriend.

Alex Gaskarth is my boyfriend. Jasmine Davis has a boyfriend. Jasmine Davis is officially in a relationship with Alex Gaskarth, the lead singer of All Time Low. I will probably never get over this. My boyfriend is famous, to begin with. Incredibly cute, funny, sweet, handsome, and mine.

Kylie, Cameron, and Spencer will never let me live this down.