Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

If you asked me if I love him, I'd lie.

”Come on, girlfriend. We should probably be getting you home.” Alex said after paying for our meals. He grabbed my hand and led me towards the door as all the workers said goodbye around us. He is precious. A smile hasn’t left his face since I said yes, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t stopped smiling either. Alex’s smile is contagious.

He opened the car door and made sure I was safely inside and buckled. I absolutely love when Alex does this. It seems a bit immature on my part and all, but he is so gentleman-ly. It’s adorable and I just can’t get enough of it. Before he could walk around to get in himself, I pulled him back towards me. What? We haven’t had our first kiss as a couple yet.

With one hand on his chest and another around his head, I pulled Alex down into to our first official kiss. He put one hand on my cheek and the other on my hip and began deepening the kiss. No tongue or moving lips yet, just adding as much passion as he could. I made the first move, though, and slowly licked his bottom lip. Soon enough, Alex and I were in full make out mode in the WaHo parking lot. Only when air was a necessity did we pull away. Alex rested his forehead against mine and would occasionally peck my lips. We were both smiling messes and decided we should get going.

“I don’t want to drive you home yet.” Alex said with the cutest pout on his face. “Do you wanna just come back to mine? The guys aren’t there.”

“Lexy, as much as I would love to be around you, I have homework. And I have to get it all done.”

“How about this. You come back to my place and work on homework while I work on songs for the new album. That way, we’ll be together but still working. I have things to get done too, baby. Please?” He glanced over at me with those big brown eyes and that pout. He knew he was going to win this one.

“Fine, as long as you promise to work.” I pulled out my phone to text Kylie and Mama Varn so they wouldn’t worry.

Send to 2 recipitants; kyleee & mama v
i’m going back to lex’s to work on homework. don’t panic when i’m not home by seven. after all, that is two hours. if i’m not home by twelve, worry. love you both.

I immediately got a reply from Kylie, of course.

From kyleee
alright matey. spence’s sleeping over. he’s demanding a “girl’s night” hurry home. <3 i miss you, bby gurl.
To kyleee
cam’s with you, right? be easy with spence. he’s at a good place in his life right now, and you two don’t need to mess it up, okay?
To cammy-kins
say one rude thing to spence, and we are no longer friends. okay? that’s a promise, cameron.
From kyleee
promise, bby. luv ya girly.
From cammy-kins
i can’t be held responsible for what may slip out.

They’re all slowly killing me. Before I knew it, we were in Alex’s driveway and he was opening my door.
“BAZ, I’M HOME BABY.” The cutest little dog ran out from the family room and jumped into Alex’s arms. Who I am assuming is Baz kissed Lex all over the face until he noticed me. His little ears perked up and he just stared at me. “Baz, this is my beautiful girlfriend Jasmine. Jazz, this is my main man Sebastian.” The Papillion jumped out of Alex’s arms and started jumping up my legs, demanding to be stroked.

“Hi, baby. Aren’t you just precious.” I said, scratching behind his furry little ears. Alex just got ten times cuter. A man who loves a dog? Totally sexy.

“Sebastian, go get supper. Daddy and Jazz have work to do.” Baz scampered off, leaving me smiling and Alex looking like a proud parent. “I love it when he listens. Alright, we can work in the family room?”

Alex lead me into the family room and over to the couches. He brought out his laptop and pulled up iTunes before putting on some relaxing music.
After working for about two hours, my phone rang out.
“Sorry, babe. I thought it was on silent.” I said, feeling bad for breaking Alex’s concentration.

“You’re fine. I think we needed a break anyways.”

Alex pulled me up off the floor, where I must have subconsciously moved to after working for so long. He pulled me onto the couch and into his chest. I ended up sitting sideways across his lap with my back on the arm rest. Knowing whoever texted me would text back shortly, I checked my phone. After reading the message, I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Alex, read this please.” I said, still giggling. I handed him the phone and watched as he smiled while reading and eventually laughed.

“Oh my gosh, that’s awesome. Is that Kylie’s mom?”
I couldn’t help but read the message again.

From mama v
alright baby doll. just remember a few rules. 1. safe sex is fun sex 2. guys love blowjobs and sandwiches 3. eleven thirty curfew. if he can’t get it done by then, he’s not a good man. mama loves you!

She’s crazy, and that is exactly why I love her.
“So, have you put any thought into finding your real mom since the email?” Alex asked while playing with my fingers that were held in his grasp.

“Kind of. Not really though. I just know that I want to find her and know her. I’m kind of scared to do so, though. What if she’s like some strung out crack whore? Or some super successful lawyer with a huge family. I just don’t really know what to do.”

“I’m here for you if you need me, baby. Even if you don’t, I’m here. Can I show you something?” Alex picked me up and placed me on the couch before moving to get his guitar. Holy shit, I hope he sings. I can’t get enough of that voice. “It’s something I started working on a few emails into talking to you. It’s pretty cheesy, but then again, I didn’t think you would ever by my girl. I just hope you enjoy it.”

Alex sat on the coffee table in front of me and smiled before playing.

”I wish you could see your face right now,
‘cause you’re grinning like a fool
And we’re sitting on your kitchen floor
On a Tuesday afternoon
It doesn’t matter when we get back
To doing what we do
‘cause right now could last forever
Just as long as I’m with you

You’re just a daydream away
I wouldn’t know what to say if I had you
And I’ll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place
So I never have to lose

We would go out on the weekends
To escape our busy lives
And we’d laugh at all the douche bag guys
Chasing down their desperate wives
I would drink a little too much
And you’d offer me a ride
I would offer you a t-shirt
And you would stay another night

But you’re just a daydream away
I wouldn’t know what to say if I had you
And I’ll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place
So I never have to lose

Alex glanced up at me and smiled before focusing back in on his lyrics.

We never stood a chance out there
Shooting love in real time
So we’ll take it over ice tonight
With a little salt
And a little lime

You’re just a daydream away
I wouldn’t know what to say if I had you
And I’ll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place
So I never have to lose

You’re just a daydream away
I wouldn’t know what to say if I had you”

Alex finished his song a look at me hopefully. “Did you like it?” He asked, sounding much like a six year old boy instead of a twenty three year old man.

“I loved it Lex, it was beautiful. Your voice gets better and better each time I hear it and the song itself was absolutely amazing.”

“I’ve had the gist of what the song was gonna be about since we started talking, but when I saw you working on my couch, it all kind of came together for me. So thank you, dear. You inspire me.” He said with the cutest smile ever. I leaned over and kissed him quickly.

“Is that all the work you had to do?” He nodded quickly. “Good, now you can help me finish mine.”

Alex groaned and let out a grumpy sigh before moving to sit next to me. “Alright, fine. What do you have left? “

“You get to help me with AP Gov and then I’m done. Don’t worry, all you have to do is ask me questions for my test tomorrow.”

“How about a little game. For every question you get right, you get a kiss. And for every one you get wrong, you have to lose an article of clothing?” Alex said, giving me an amused look. He knew I would have an issue with that.

“We’ve been dating for a few hours and you’re already trying to get me naked? It’s on, Gaskarth.” I said, fairly confident in knowledge of Government.

Alex began quizzing me and quickly figured out he wouldn’t be seeing any part of me other than what he saw now. The next three hours were filled with him asking me questions, me answering said question correctly, and Alex kissing me as a reward. Each time, the kisses got a little more heated and a little more passionate. By about one hundred questions in, we were making out on the couch every few minutes.

“Last one, baby. Answer it correctly and you will have a perfect one seventy out of one seventy. 170. Sophisticated statistical analysis of the voting behavior of the Framers of the Constitution suggests that…”

“The Framers generally represented the interests of the respective states?”

As soon as the answer passed my lips, Alex was on them. He pulled me closer to him on his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. I spent no time tangling my fingers in the back of his hair and resting my other arm around his neck. He licked my bottom lip, asking to be let in. When I refused, Alex ran his hands up and down my sides until I was giggling into his lips. When my mouth was open, Alex took his opportunity. He quickly let his tongue enter my mouth began exploring. It wasn’t long before our tongues were in a battle for dominance. Our battle went on until Alex pulled away.

He quickly went to work on my neck, kissing and sucking all over. Alex started kissing on the left side of my neck and noticed when I softy moaned. He smirked before moving in and terrorizing that spot. He kissed, licked, bit, and sucked my neck until he left his mark.

“Alex, if that hickey is noticeable, you’re dead.”
He just ignored me, though, and started working on another spot. This continued for a good fifteen minutes before he pulled away to examine his work.

“Sorry, baby. You taste so good, I just couldn’t help myself. I’m sure Kylie will help you cover them all in the morning.” Alex said before pecking my lips again.

“I think I should be able to mark my property, too. Don’t you think so, sweetie?” I said, smirking at him. If he covered me with hickeys, I can cover him.

My artwork was done by ten forty five, and it looked fabulous. “Have fun covering that up, baby boy.” I said, giggling.

“We have a photoshoot tomorrow, babe. You better not have messed me up too bad.” It really wasn’t bad, just two really noticible hickeys. “I should probably get you home, dear. Come on.” He pulled me up towards him and ended up having to hold me up. I mumbled my objections into Alex’s neck and groaned when he started moving. “What was that, baby?”

“I said I’m too tired to move, Lexy. Carry me?” I asked, staring up at him with puppy dog eyes. He groaned, picked up my bag, and picked me up bridal style. Alex actually carried me out to the car and buckled me in.

Too soon after, Lex was pulling up to my house. I made him carry me to the house as well, and let him put me down at the door.

“Thank you for another amazing day, Lexy. Studying just wouldn’t have been the same without you.” I said, holding his hands.

“ I would do anything for you, Jazz. Just say the words and I’ll be there. I’m picking you up at about five tomorrow, right? So we have time to get dinner and all that before the showcase?” Alex asked.

“Works for me, babe. I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” I leaned up and kissed his lips before he pulled me into a hug. Alex pulled away and kissed my lips again, then my forehead.

“Night, Jasmine. See you tomorrow.” He said before turning and retreating down the drive way. I slowly opened the door and made my way inside. I walked up to my room, got changed into pajamas, and made my way to Kylie’s room.

I have a lot to tell them tonight.