Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

Tonight, just enjoy life.

Best friends. They’re awesome when you need to let loose or when you’re going through a rough time, but they’re awful when your life is almost perfect.

Things are never fully perfect, though.

“Oh my gosh, how was your day with Alex?” Spencer asked as soon as I crossed the threshold of Kylie’s room. “Is he as super sweet as he seems, or is he kind of a douche bag like people say?”

“Cam, I think that’s your cue to leave. It’s girl time.” Kylie said, kissing her boyfriend on the cheek and pushing him out the door. “Bye, dear. See you tomorrow morning! Alright, girl. Spill.”

Spencer and Kylie sat on the bed in front of me and listened intently as I told the story of my day. At all the right times, they nodded or added in their thoughts. When I was done talking, they both just stared at me.

Spencer was the first to speak. “Um, so you have like a million hickeys because you were studying? That is so like you, Jazz. Only you would get sexual with school work.”

“Yeah, Jazz. I’m pretty sure you’re the only one who does that” Kylie said with a huge smile on her face. “I’m really proud of you though, girl. You have your first boyfriend!”

“Enough about me and Lex, though. How’s your love life going, Spence?” I know he’s probably not going to tell us, but it’s worth a shot right?

“It’s good. As you know, I have a boyfriend.-“ Spencer began before he was interrupted by an upset Kylie.

“Seriously? WHO? Why did I not know this? Jasmine knew but you couldn’t tell Cameron or me? I thought we were friends, Spencer.”

“Oh, well I’m sorry she actually took the time to ask. Instead of shit talking me with Cameron, Jazz asked me what was up so I told her. I know you don’t really think we’re friends anymore, so why should I tell you anything private? You’ve said it yourself on many occasions, Kylie. You never trusted me nor did you like me, why bother? Did you not realize that what you’ve said about me would get back to me? Jasmine, my only true friend, knows who I’m dating, that’s all that matters.”

With that, Spencer stormed out of the room, down the stairs, and out the front door. All Kylie could do was look up at me with disbelief evident on her face.
“You knew and you didn’t tell us? I can’t believe you right now. My family has done everything for you because you were my best friend, and you thank us by being an awful friend? Thanks, Jasmine. Thanks a lot. Just get out of my room.’

I stood up and made my way to the door, but not before sending Kylie a disappointed look. Of course she would find a way to make her decisions my fault. This isn’t my fault, at all.

“Oh, and we’re not friends. I want you out of my house by Saturday. Have a nice life, bitch.”

I curled up on my bed with the penguin my dad gave me when I was little, bawling my eyes out. How could things go from amazing to awful in less than two hours?

I can’t even blame Spencer for this, because it’s not his fault. He can’t help the fact that Kylie and Cameron stabbed him in the back because he was happy with his boyfriend. They just need to stop over reacting and grow up.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang out, signaling a text message.

From resident bisexual. <3
I am so sorry, Jasmine. I wouldn’t have mentioned the fact that you knew if it was gonna result in that showdown. I’ll be by you tomorrow, dear. Knowing Kylie and Cameron, rumors will be spread about the both of us. I love you, and I am so freaking sorry. <3

To resident bisexual. <3
I don’t blame you, and you shouldn’t blame yourself. So what? Rumors are spread about us already. I love you.

With that, I turned my phone off and brought out my laptop. I need Lex right now.

Friends are fantastic and all, until they decide they’ve had enough of you. They keep you in their lives when it’s beneficial to them and drop you when they find something better. Knowing Kylie and Cameron, my love life will be all around the school tomorrow. Everyone will know about my 23 year old boyfriend, and rumors will be spread. I’ll probably come out of school pregnant and suicidal tomorrow. People will most likely hear about my dad and my mother. This is why I stay out of all that shit. Things were just going too well in my life, something was bound to happen. I can’t believe I didn’t see this coming.


boyfriend. (:

It’s crazy how much I already miss you. We haven’t even been apart for three hours and I’m going insane. <3 Today was spectacular, thanks to you.

I’ll probably get some weird looks tomorrow thanks to your artwork. (: I mean, there’s only three hickeys but they are DARK. Thank you, Alexander. I hope your photo shoot goes well, though. (; Have fun with all that cover up.

Girl’s night turned into bitch fight and blaming everything on Jazz night. Kylie freaked out when Spencer said that he was dating someone and was like “Jasmine knew but I didn’t? I thought we were friends, Spencer!’ And Spence was like ‘She took the time to ask and you and Cameron have done nothing but shit talk me and be awful friends.’ And then he left. Then Kylie was all ‘Wow, you’re an awful friend Jasmine. After all my family has done for you, this is how you thank us? I want you out of my house by Saturday and we’re no longer friends!’ So now, I’m screwed.

Oh, and Spence knows that you saw him and Knaebel (what’s his real name…?) at lunch the other day and he knows that I know. That means we should definitely double date. <3

What am I gonna do though, Lex. I have nowhere to go without Kylie. Maybe I’ll just ask Spence if I can stay with him until graduation.

I know rumors are gonna be spread. I kept only a few friends to stay out of drama, and now I’m being sucked into it. ): I’m not prepared for this stuff like other girls are.

Enough about all of that, though.
I’m so pumped for the showcase and our date. (: The showcase because we’re actually singing together, and the date for obvious reasons.

THANK YOU FOR THE CD’S AND PICTURES, <3 They are both already up on my laptop and the pictures are on facebook. The canvas is hanging in my room. (: But I’ll have to move that soon…

Will you help my pack up everything on Saturday? If you’re busy, I understand. I just don’t wanna be left alone while I’m doing it and I know Spencey won’t be much help to me.

I found the number of a private investigator. The fee is fairly cheap and it’s something I can easily afford. I was thinking of giving him a call after school tomorrow to set up a meeting. I’m really gonna do this, Lex. I’m really gonna find my mom.
I don’t know whether to be nervous or excited!? I’m super nervous because anything could come of this. But I’m excited because she’s my mom. Regardless of the fact that she left me alone with my dad, she gave birth to me.

Who’s Rian?



LOL. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. The opportunity was begging me to take it.
Seriously, though. Tell him to text me or something so we can hang out and he can help me. I need a lot of help. Applications need to be in soon if I want to secure a spot in any college.

You’re so sweet, Alex. I seriously love it. (:
You’re the funniest man I have ever met. You’re hilarious and you always have my laughing. On top of that, you’re sweet, cute, precious, and genuine. You aren’t afraid to be yourself around me, and I love that. You love your dog. (: and you’re a really great friend to the guys. You’re someone I can depend on, and you are super nice. Not to mention, you’re GORGEOUS. You’re 23 years old but you have the personality of a hyped up 12 year old. You’re AMAZING. You have an amazing voice that I love hearing and you are an amazing guitarist. I just love everything about you.

When does ATL have to start recording for the next album? And when am I being introduced to the ‘rents? (:

This email kind of sucks but I have to end it now if I want to be awake for the showcase. (:

I NEED TO SEE YOU ASAP. <3 I miss those lips of yours (;

Love you, baby boy.

<3 Your girlfriend.

p.s.s. call me when you’re on the way to pick me up for the showcase. <3