Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

Switch to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie.


Friends kind of suck sometimes. Regardless of how perfect they are, they always do something that makes you rethink your decision to be friends with them. My friends, for example, are ridiculous. They’re funny, loud, obnoxious, and it’s really hard to take them out in public. I fit in just right with them, though, so there’s no room to complain. Not once have I doubted our friendship because I was mad at them. Even though they fuck up a lot, I love them. The guys have only made me doubt our friendship when they mess around. Even then, it’s never legitimate. I could never even think of what would happen without them in my life.

I got home from dropping Jasmine off and was greeted by the three men I love the most. The situation was slightly awkward to say the least. Rian was lying on my couch, spooning a tired Zack while Jack was at the end of the couch with their feet across his lap. Zack was letting out sounds of pleasure while Rian was stroking his muscles. It gets worse, though, because Jack was painting their toes a very vibrant pink. Not to be completely cheesy and quote myself or anything, but my friends are definitely a different breed.

“Hey stud, are you gonna come and join the party?” Jack asked, gesturing to the couch and the men on it. “We missed you.”

Rian ceased his rubbing and looked toward where I was standing. “Yeah, bro. We haven’t seen you all day. Why is that?”

“Woah, what happened to your neck? It looks like you were punched by a baby koala. Are those hickeys?” Zack asked before telling Rian to continue.

“Of course they’re hickeys; he had a coffee date with his love bunny today. It must have led to the bedroom.” Jack said with a smirk on his face. He wiggled those creepy eyebrows and made obscene gestures.

“Jack, are you stupid? Oh wait, don’t answer that. There is no way that the shy little girl we met the other day did that to Alex. She looks like she’s never even been kissed, dumbass.” Rian lightly kicked Jack in the stomach but not enough to mess up his nails. My friends are such girls.

I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as I got ready to confirm Jack’s statement. “Actually, Jazz did do it. But, I was only helping her study for a government test. There was absolutely nothing sexual involved.”

Zack scoffed and shook his head. “Do you really expect us to believe that, Alex?”

“Well, yeah. It’s the truth. I picked Jasmine up from school and we went to Waffle House. I didn’t want to take her home yet, so I brought her back here. We agreed on the terms that she would do work and I would work on songs for the album. Things got a little heated while I helped her study, and we spent the last hour making out. Her neck is actually a lot worse than mine is right now. Is it so farfetched that I would make out with my girlfriend without wanting to take things to the bedroom?”

My last sentence must have caught the guy’s attention because they all sat up and stared at me once it left my lips. All at once, they started congratulating me and wishing me the best in my “journey through love with Jasmine” as Jack so kindly put it.

“Anyone else in the mood for ice cream?” Jack asked, glancing around the room. We all laughed and nodded our heads so he doesn’t get upset. “Let’s go then!”

The next few hours were just like the old times. Midnight ice cream runs and almost getting a speeding ticket. It had been so long since only the four of us did anything together that wasn’t band related. I missed it, honestly.
Zack pulled up to the house and we all made our way inside. We’re gonna crash at the photo shoot from lack of sleep and Flyzik will not be happy about it. Oh well, he can deal with it.

“You have a new email, Lexy. Is it from your lover?” Jack asked, rushing to open it before I could. Since he was sitting in the chair, I decided to sit on his lap. Jack casually rested his chin on my shoulder and we read the email together. I missed our Jalex time, a lot. We haven’t had any of that in forever either.

Reading Jasmine’s email broke my heart. How Kylie could do that to her, I don’t know, It’s unfair and cruel and no one, especially an amazing girl like Jazz, deserves it. She truly is adorable and I don’t deserve to have her as my girlfriend. I mean, a few weeks ago I was sleeping with groupies and partying for hours. Now, I have a girl six years younger than me as my girlfriend. I haven’t had a serious girlfriend since Lisa, and she screwed me over. Jasmine deserves the best, and I’m not that.

Zack and Rian joined us in reading the email, and both gasped when they were done. They barely know the girl and they know it’s not right. Jacky looked like he was about to cry and was furiously texting, most likely a message to send to Jasmine.

“How can she be totally dropped by her best friend and kicked out of where she lives and still make jokes?” Rian said with a shocked expression. “I was hurt reading what that girl had done to her and I want to cry, but she went through it and can still mess around. She truly is a spectacular girl, Alex.”

“Yeah, man. Please don’t mess up this relationship. I know you’re kind of scared when it comes to relationships since Lisa and a lot have suffered because of it, but please don’t let this be one of them. You need a girl like her.” Zack said, rubbing my arm.

Most people would think it’s weird how affectionate we all are, but we could honestly careless. I would marry these boys if I could.

“Stay with me while I email her back? Then we can all go cuddle? I don’t really want to be alone right now. Plus I feel kind of guilty. If I had never told her that Spencer was dating Ben, this wouldn’t have happened.” I said. Jack wrapped his arms around my waist and held onto my hands.

“Lexy, it’s not your fault. Kylie is the one being a bitch. It was her own damn decision to fuck Jasmine over. It has nothing to do with you.” Jack said, stroking my hands.

My friends may be weird and completely obnoxious, but I absolutely love them.


girlfriend. (:

I miss you an insane amount as well. You do realize, though, that these dates would be nothing without you, right? (: If you weren’t there, I’d be stuck alone. So thank you, my dear.

All of the guys are with me right now. They all aww-ed at the first few sentences and now they’re saying hey. Jack says to check your phone ASAP, though. <3 I think he has a crush on you…
Kidding, Jack’s into sluts. Which is totally not you. (:

I’m gonna have to wear makeup tomorrow. I don’t wear makeup. It’s not acceptable for guys to wear makeup. You have it easy. ): I’m probably gonna have to wear a scarf or something.

I am so sorry she did that to you, baby. Kylie overreacted and took her anger out on the closest person available, which just happened to be you. If Cameron or her say something to you tomorrow, tell me. I’m not above making high schoolers lives hell. Especially if they get what they deserve. It’s Kylie’s fault anyways for being an awful friend to Spencer. You did the right thing, okay?

If rumors get started, ignore them. I know it won’t be the easiest thing, but just try. If people try to talk to you about them, just walk away or remain silent. If you don’t want to face the cafeteria alone, I will personally come pick you up and take you out. If you’re having too hard of a time, I will be there. You’re strong, though, I know you can handle it.

Just remember, rumors are as stupid as the people who start them. They know nothing about you, and they shouldn’t get to you. You’re better than them, anyways. How many people do you know that grew up without a mother and lost a father and still smile every day? I only know one, and that’s you. People who have gone through nothing near as bad as you have sulk and hate their lives, but not you. You’re amazing and you’re strong. I’m just a phone call away, baby.

The guys are offering up their services as well. We’re all here if you need to talk, gorgeous.

Ben, Spencer, you, and me will definitely have to double date soon. <3 And then after that, we can have a complete date night and add in my boys.
(If they ever find girls, that is. (; )

I’m excited for tonight because I get to hear your voice for the first time. <3 You must be absolutely fantastic if you got chosen to sing. I’m also pretty excited to see your photography.

Tomorrow night will be the best night of your life, I guarantee it. (: If not, you can totally blame me.

Of course I will help you pack up, baby. I’ll even bring the guys so we finish faster. Like I said, we’re all here for you whenever you need us.

I’m really proud of you, Jasmine. I will be there for you every step of the way while you’re finding your mom. If she helped make you, then she must be an amazing woman. (:

Rian seriously gives you props for that one. I almost died when I read it. (: Even Rian laughed. He has your number and he’ll text you tomorrow about meeting up. He’s suggesting Friday right after school. And, he’s offering himself to help you get ready for our date.
(He may not seem like it, but he’s a fashionista. I would trust his judgment 100%)

You’re amazing, Jasmine. <3

We start recording next week, I think. I would just have to double check with Matt. I’m pretty sure that’s right, though.
I can’t tell you that one, babe. Confidential information. (;

Your email was amazing, because it came from you. <3

I’ll be seeing you in fourteen hours, my love. (: Then these lips will be allll yours.

Love you, baby girl.

<3 Your boyfriend.

p.s. I do love you. <3<3<3<3
p.s.s. I mean that in the most non relationship way possible.
p.s.s.s. I’m falling pretty hard for you already, though.

Good luck tomorrow, lovely. I’m here for you if you need me. <3


“Alrighty, boys. It’s cuddle time.” Rian said, carrying a sleeping Zack up the stairs. Jack pushed me off his lap and pulled me up behind Rian.

We laid in the bed with Rian on one end, then Zack, then me, then Jack. Jack was spooning me and Rian was doing the same to Zack. This situation must look really homosexual, but we could care less.

“Baz, come to bed! Your daddies miss you!” Jack called for the little dog, who came bounding in the room seconds later. He hopped on the bed and laid himself in between Zack and me. Not even second later, the guys were asleep.

There’s nothing like spending the night with the men I love the most.