Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

Silly love songs.


Have you ever woken up and just felt that your day would be awful? Today was one of those days.
Waking up early is never enjoyable. Waking up and realizing you have to walk two miles to school is even worse.

I hopped in the shower and did my business, before getting out and wrapping a towel around me. I took my precious phone off the charger and turned it on to text Spencer so he can help me get dressed. While my phone was warming up, I got to work on drying my hair. The benefits of having short hair are amazing.

My phone rang out, telling me I had a text message waiting. That’s weird. I only text four people, and two of them currently hate me. I’m sure Alex or Spencer aren’t up this early, so who could it be?

From Barakitty
I know Alex is thinking it but would never ask it because he doesn’t want to scare you off. Live with him. In your email (sorry about reading it, me and the guys are nosey), it seemed like you didn’t want to stay with Spencer. If you don’t wanna stay with Alex, stay with me. You’ve grown to be like a little sister to me, even though we haven’t talked much. Alex cares about you so I care about you. We all do. Please, just put some thought into it. I know you don’t want to seem like you’re intrusive or anything. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. <3 I’m here for you if you need it.

Oh my gosh, Jack is such a sweetheart. As much as I love Spencer, he just saved me. Spencer’s parents kind of really hate me. They think he has a huge crush on me and I’m leading him on. Total bullshit, but it’s what they’ve been thinking since freshman year. If I had to stay with Spencer, I’d be in hell.

To Barakitty
I don’t want to seem intrusive (like you said) but I would love to stay with you. I would stay with Alex, but we haven’t even been dating for one day. Thank you so much, jack. <3 you’re amazing,

I began debating with myself on what to wear before I finally chose an outfit. Once I was fully ready, I started my work of covering up my hickeys. After I was done, I grabbed my bag and started my voyage to school. I got there with twenty minutes to spare and went to where I knew Spencer would be located.

My phone buzzed in my bag a few times before stopping all movement.

From Barakitty
yeah, I’ve heard it before. (:
To Barakitty
How are we gonna tell Alex without completely hurting him. You’re his best friend, Jack, and I’m his girlfriend. I don’t want him to find out and be upset

I sent a quick text to Spencer, questioning whether it was okay for me to enter Ben’s room or not and got an instant reply back. I finished my trek to Mr. Knaebel’s room and slowly knocked on the door. This has the opportunity to be really awkward.

“Come in, Jasmine.” Came out through the door. I turned the handle and opened the door before walking inside and closing it behind me.

Spencer was sitting on Knaebel’s desk in front of the young teacher, who was sitting in his chair.
“What’s up, buttercup? You look cute today.”Spencer said, flashing me his beautiful smile. If he wasn’t so much of my best friend, we’d date.

“I’m kind of freaking out about how the day is gonna go, but other than that, nothing. Thanks, boo.”

“You’ll be fine, we both will. The worst that could happen is we could have some rumors spread about us. No big deal. If you’re not okay, just call Alex. You know he would pick you up in a heartbeat.”

“Woah, wait.” Mr. Knaebel interrupted. “Alex Gaskarth? Your project assignment?” I nodded slowly before giving Spencer a worried look. “Are you two finally dating or what?”

“They’re dating. He asked her to be his girlfriend last night. At Waffle House. Romantic, right?” Spencer said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

“Hey, I liked it. Waffle House is where we went for dinner on our first date, too. It’s cute.”

“Well, I can cross matchmaking off my bucket list.” Knaebel said with a smile. “You two really are perfect for each other.”

I just smiled, knowing deep down it could have been true. “I seriously am falling hard for him. He’s everything I could have ever dreamed of having. Alex Gaskarth truly is perfect.”

“You two better get going. First period starts in about ten minutes and Spencer, I know you need to go to your locker. Finish the homework I assigned, too. I can’t keep giving you free cards because you’re my boyfriend. Now go.” Ben said, leaning over to kiss Spencer. They seriously are perfect for each other.

My life was like almost exactly like that scene from Mean Girls when Spencer and I walked out of the class room. You know, the one when Gretchen, Karen, and Cady are walking out of the principal office and it’s like a jungle around them. Well, not exactly, but almost. Girls who I’ve never seen before were leaning over and whispering in each other’s ears, completely aware of that fact that I could see them. Boys were laughing and high fiving each other after some stupid comment that was made.

“Dude, no. I heard she was fucking the whole soccer team. It’s because she’s too ugly for the football players.”
“Nah man, she’s hot and has a banging body. I’d tap that in a second”
“Seriously, Bex, she’s pregnant with some singer’s kid. She should do herself and that baby a favor and kill herself like her father did.”
“No way, girl. There is no way Jasmine Davis would have sex. She doesn’t even have a boyfriend.”
“I wish people would just leave the girl alone. She’s done nothing to us and no one knows if it’s the truth. Just back off of her, okay.”

That one surprised me. Out of all the people who could have said it, it was the one girl I’ve ever had a problem with. I glanced over at her only to see her looking back. Becca Alexander was the shit in our school, and almost everyone loved her. She was queen bee, honestly.

‘Thank you’ I mouthed, smiling awkwardly at her. We got into a bitch fight in 10th grade, but I haven’t really heard from her since. For her to be defending me was like dating Alex, it felt amazing.

First period was awful. It was math, of course it sucked. Not to mention the stares and whispers that were all directed at me, along with hateful comments from Cameron. The maturity level in this classroom was at an all time low, right now. If it couldn’t get any worse, paper balls were being thrown. Almost every one containing a question that asked me to confirm the accusations laid upon me. Some, however, were asking me if I’d have sex with them. It was unsettling, really.

Second period was amazing. The second the bell rang, Mr. Knaebel was warning the class.

“If I even hear one of you say something directed towards Spencer and Jasmine, you will be in the principal’s office before you can blink. I don’t want any direct statements, or indirect. Do you understand? All accusations you have heard are false and if I hear anymore, you will be given a months worth of detention. Got it?”

Halfway through the class, Spencer slid a note over to me.

’How has your day been so far?’
’Awful. It’s like hell. What about you?’
’Not much better, to be honest. Eat lunch in here with Ben and me?’
’I gladly would, dear, but I don’t have a lunch. I’m in photography while you’re in there.’
’Oh, right… never mind then. (: ’
’Thanks anyways, boo.’

Before I could pass the note back, the bell rang signaling the end of our period.

“Let’s go, Jazzy.” Spencer pulled me out of my seat and walked with me to our next class. Thank goodness we had it together. Out of nervousness, I checked my phone. I wasn’t expecting anything to be there, and was overjoyed when there was.

From boyfriend <3
Hang in there, baby. People insult you to make themselves feel better. They have the pathetic lives, not you. You’re better than them. Remember, I’m just a phone call away. Love you, gorgeous.

Alex is amazing. I don’t know how I landed such an amazing man, but I did. I could never be more thankful for him.

Third period was just as bad as first, if not worse. It was government, to begin with, meaning we had that awful test. Both Cameron and Kylie were in that class too, and they made it their goal to ruin our period. Even though we had the test, people were whispering and pointing like they actually knew us. It was ridiculous.

By fifth period, I wanted to punch someone in the face. I’ve gotten at least 50 offers for sex and multiple condoms thrown at me. I wasn’t even upset, but I was pissed. People are so freaking immature these days. I was just ready to get out of here.

Sixth period was my last one, thank God. Unfortunately, I had it with both of my former best friends. I kind of hope they realize that I could ruin them just as bad as they’re doing to me. I’m just too good of a person. Spencer, on the other hand, would do it in a heartbeat.

“If you are going to the showcase tonight, please remember to dress appropriately. It is a formal event, people. That means girls in dresses and boys in dress shirts, dress pants, and ties. Please, do not embarrass me. Good luck, soloists.” Mr. Smith said right before the bell dismissed us.

I made my way to get out of the room before I was called back in.
“Jasmine, hey! Wait up.” I turned around to see Becca waving to me. Reluctantly, I stopped and let more people pass me. “Thanks. I just wanted to see how you were doing.” She said with a worried smile.

“I’m more pissed than upset, so I’ll get over it pretty quickly. I just think people are ridiculous to believe what they hear.”

“You get used to it after awhile. Eventually, you learn to just embrace what people are saying and grow from it. At least, that’s what I’ve been doing. You’re gonna be singing tonight, right?”

“I’m actually just kind of happy this happened senior year when we only have a few months left rather than freshman year when we had years. And yeah, I am. Are you?”

“Yeah. Where are you going now?” She stopped and waited.

“I actually have minimum day, so I’m getting out of here. I have an appointment to get my hair done in thirty minutes.”

“Want some company? I don’t have anything to do until the showcase and I’m in need of a slight trim.”

I smiled at her before nodding. “Yeah, that would actually be great.”

“You don’t have a car, so do you want to just ride with me? Or do you have someone waiting?” Becca asked, heading in the direction of her car.

After telling her there was no one waiting, she led me to her car.

“Not to sound completely rude or anything, Becca, but why are you defending me? Or even talking to me now?”

“Well,” she started, “I was in your position years ago. I was dropped by my best friends because I wanted to try out for soccer instead of theatre. They got mad at me and told the entire school nasty rumors. I didn’t deserve it and neither do you. I know none of the rumors are true because you’re like the sweetest and most innocent person at Towson. Kylie and Cameron are both jerks, and I’ve known it for awhile. I didn’t have anyone when I was alone, and I don’t want you to go through that.”

For the rest of the car ride, Becca and I joked around about everything. Our conversations came so easily, it was like we’ve been friends for years. I actually regret not being friends with her when I had the opportunity.

“Your phone’s been ringing for the past five minutes, Jasmine. Are you gonna answer it?” Becca said, holding up the electronic device. “You have four missed calls from a Barakitty and seventeen from a boyfriend. Oh girl, you do have a boyfriend! And he’s been texting you like crazy. Take it.”

I grabbed my phone and checked the messages. 36 new messages? Okay then.

From boyfriend <3
Almost every message was identical to the first, minus the few from Jack or Rian. Occasionally , Alex would add in a smiley face or a heart, but they were all the same. I went to my missed calls list and chose Alex’s name. After three rings, he picked up the phone.

”WHY DID IT TAKE YOU SO LONG TO CALL ME, JASMINE PARKES DAVIS. I THOUGHT THEY KILLED YOU OR SOMETHING.” Alex screamed through the phone. Becca let out a giggle and smiled at me.

“How cute. I want one.” I shushed her as she continued laughing.

”They didn’t kill me, Lex. They’re awful, but not that bad. It only took so long because I was busy. I’m in the car with the only person besides Spence who was kind to me today.”

”Oh, okay then. Who is it? Is it a boy? Should I be worried?”

Becca giggled again and took the phone from me. ”Hey Alex, this is your girlfriend’s rapist. I am currently taking her to an old abandoned warehouse so I can ravish her before going for the kill. Don’t worry, I’m STD free. You’ll have her back after I torture her for a few days.”

“Becca, stop. You’re gonna give the poor guy a heart attack.” I said, reaching for my phone. Once I had it back, I giggled.

”Don’t worry, Alexander. Becca isn’t going to rape me. Although I wouldn’t mind… She’s quite the looker.” I winked at her, which earned me a small laugh.

”Oh thank God. I’m just glad you’re okay. How was your day?

”It could have been worse, honestly. But apparently, I’m pregnant with your child. Hope you don’t mind, soon to be daddy. People are just silly.”

Becca grabbed my phone again and reassured Alex that she has my back. ”We got to go, papa bear. Your girlfriend will text you, okay? Love you!” She made kissy noises into the phone before hanging up. “Come on, girly. You’re gonna have to tell me all about him when we’re inside.”

We walked into the building and were greeted with ‘hellos.’ I was immediately led to the back as the lady asked what I wanted done.

“I was actually thinking of dying it like a medium natural brown and adding in extensions? I love short hair and all, but it’s hard to do anything to it.”

Minutes later, I was in the chair with Becca next to me. I’m surprised they could take her on such short notice, but they did.

“So Jazz.” Becca started. “Tell me all about Alex. How did you guys meet?”

“He was actually my assignment for Mr. Knaebel’s class. We had been emailing each other since the first day of school, and by the second week, we were actually pretty close. The emails became more frequent, like two or three a day. We made plans to meet up for coffee Monday, and we’re been inseparable since. As cheesy as it sounds, I knew I liked him after talking to him for a few minutes. There hasn’t been a day this week that I haven’t seen him. Monday it was coffee and then the cutest date ever, Tuesday we skyped, Wednesday we had Waffle House and then hung out at his place for hours, and today it’s dinner and the showcase. We have another date tomorrow night.”

“Wait, so how did he ask you to be his girlfriend?”

“We got into a tiny argument last night. I was telling him about how Mr. Smith said that there were like a ton of guys who have liked me for months and how I didn’t notice them and Alex got kind of jealous. He started talking about how if one of those guys asked me out, he would understand if I stopped hanging out with him and somehow, it ended with him asking me to be his girlfriend.”

“That has its own way of being cute. I’m glad that you’re happy, love.”

The lady’s began their work on us as our small talk continued. Every once in a while, they would add in their thoughts or laugh along with us.

The bell above the door rang, signaling a new addition to the relaxed salon.

“Oh Mr. Merrick! It’s so good to see you. You brought friends?” My head turned towards the door and was greeted with a glorious sight. Zack stood in the entrance with three very excited boys behind him.

“Do they look like they could be left alone in my house? I’m sorry if they break anything.”

“Oh you’re fine, dear. On the phone, you said you wanted a wash and haircut, right?” She paused and Zack must have nodded because she was soon leading him to the back.

“Zack!” Jack yelled while waving his arms around. That lanky boy was gonna hit someone one of these days. Zack turned around to look at Jack and let out a chuckle. “Can we come back with you?”

“Yes Jack, just don’t touch anything and be quiet.” The lady answered for Zack.

“Oh my gosh,” Becca whispered to me. “That Jack fellow is gorgeous. And the other three aren’t that bad, either.”

Jack skipped by us, followed by a walking Alex and Rian. After a few seconds, Jack skipped backwards to where Bex and I were sitting.

“JASMINE! MY ARAB PRINCESS! What’re you doing here?” He said, moving to sit on my lap. Alex turned so quickly, he almost fell. He started smiling and made his way to where his best friend was located.

“I’m obviously washing my car, Jackary. And I’m not Arab! Hey Lexy.” I smiled and lifted my hand to wave at my boyfriend before putting it back on Jack’s lap.

“Hi baby. Jack, get off of my girlfriend. You can sit on who I’m gonna assume is Becca?” Becca nodded and moved her hands for Jack to sit. Alex sat down on my lap and I wrapped my arms around his waist. “What’re you doing to your hair?”

“You’ll see tonight, Alexander. Stop being rude and introduce yourselves to Bex.”

They both waved and said hello. “Hi, I’m Jack Barakat. If that doesn’t impress you enough, I have a big penis and you’re pretty. The douche sitting on your friends lap is Alex Gaskarth, certified pedophile. It’s nice to meet you!”

Becca laughed and waved back to Alex. “I’m Becca Alexander. I’m currently in the process of being best friends with Jasmine and later, I’m torturing her.” She said, winking at Alex.

Jack started small talk with Becca as Alex sat in silence.

“What’s wrong, Lexy-bear?” I said, holding onto his hands. “You seem upset.”

“Nothing. I’m just happy to be here with you. I’m glad you’re okay.” He said before kissing me on the cheek. I giggled and kissed him on the lips.

“Guys, let’s go. We have to get Alex ready for his dinner tonight. Oh, hey Jasmine.” Zack said, waving. Rian came over to pull the boys away from our laps and hugged me.

“Guys, this is Jazzy’s new best friend, Becca. Becca the short, ugly one is Rian, and the sexy, tall one is Zack. “ Becca waved and laughed as Rian smacked Jack. I seriously love these boys.

Alex leaned down to kiss me one last time before Zack pulled him away. With one final goodbye from the boys, they were out the door and Becca and I were alone.

She turned to me and gave me a disbelieving look. “That’s your boyfriend? He’s hot!” We both laughed as the ladies finished up on our hair. The one doing my hair helped me out by curling my hair for the date. I must say, it looked amazing.

“God, you look stunning Jasmine. Now you just gotta get dressed and you’ll be good to go. What time is Alex picking you up?”

“Five, I think. Help me finish getting ready?” I asked, giving her a hopeful smile.

“This is a big moment, Jasmine. Even if you didn’t want my help, I would be there.”

We arrived back at the house with forty five minutes to get ready. Becca immediately started rummaging through my closet to find me a dress. She picked out two black dresses, a pair of red high heels, and a pair of silver heels. After trying both dresses on, we decided on the black dress with quarter sleeves and came down to mid thigh along with the red heels. While I was getting dressed, Becca picked out a pair of feather earrings and a flower ring. It looked fabulous.

Becca got to work on picking out my makeup while I washed my face and brushed my teeth. You can never be too safe. Unfortunately, the work I did covering up my neck was wasted because all of the makeup came off.

“Oh gosh, girl. That’s gonna require a lot of makeup. Sit down so I can make you look more gorgeous.”
Becca started by putting on a heavy coat of eyeliner, along with my most expensive black eye shadow. She gave me the smokey eye look, and put some red lipstick on me. Once she was done with my neck, she stood back to admire her work.

“Yeah, you look amazing. Let’s go take pictures before Alex gets here. You still have fifteen minutes.”

Becca and I made our way to the back yard where she set me in different areas to take pictures. She did some full length shots against a brick wall, some head shots, and tons more. On top of the many she took of just me, we had many pictures together. This girl was certainly growing on me, that’s for sure.
The doorbell rang, breaking us out of our fun. Becca hurried inside to answer it, while I got my bag ready. I put my camera and phone into a little red clutch, along with some back up makeup. Before I could make my way inside, Becca was forcing Alex outside.

“What? Don’t give me that look Davis. You both look cute and you definitely need some couple pictures. Now go stand.” The process of Becca taking way too many pictures was repeated, not that we minded.

She had us against the wall, with Alex’s arm thrown over my shoulder and one of my arms around his waist with another on his chest.

“You look gorgeous, Jasmine. I could never really picture you with long hair, or dark hair for that matter, but you look fantastic.” Alex whispered in my ear before planting a light kiss on my neck.

“You look pretty handsome yourself, Mr. Gaskarth.” It was true. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a black button up, and a red tie. How cute we looked together kept attention away from his black dunks.

“Alright, you crazy kids. It’s time for you to get going. Alex, I want her back at my house no later than one thirty, do you understand? You know where my house is, right Jazz?” Alex and I nodded and made our way to his car. Becca followed behind us to her own car. We waved before pulling out.

“Ready for date number three?” Alex asked, lacing his fingers with mine.

“Ready as I’ll ever be, Lexy.”
♠ ♠ ♠
School outfit.
Showcase outfit.
Jasmine's new hair

Ignore Miley Cyrus. I've just always loved her hair... <3