Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

I'm no beauty queen.

Hello Alex,

I'm not sure if you remember or not, but you signed with Mr. Knaebel to be a pen pal for one of his seniors. Well, I got assigned to you.

I will warn you in advance, however, because I'll probably be awkward.

I should probably introduce myself, since you're stuck with me for the rest of the school year. (:

My full name is Jasmine Parkes Davis. Jasmine because my parents liked Aladdin and wanted me to be like the Princess. Parkes because it was my mother's maiden name and she wanted it to 'stay alive.' Davis because it's my father's last name. Duh.

I am seventeen years old. I was born on Octocer 14th. I was born in France and lived there long enough to learn the language. I currently attend Towson High School. As I mentioned earlier, I am a senior. I happen to love school, but I'm far from the nerd status. I love singing and photography. I'm kind of pretty good at both, too. Not being cocky or anything. (:

I have dirty blonde hair that reaches just past my ears. I get haircuts almost every month. (: It just gets shorter and shorter each time. I have blue eyes that are covered by contacts. I rarely wear any makeup. I wear whatever I want. Usually it's dresses or skinny jeans and t-shirts. I don't care what people think of me.

I have my right ear pierced five times, and my left pierced four. Sounds trashy, I know, but it's not. I have one tattoo on my wrist and one on my shoulder. The one on my wirst is the infinity symbol and the one on my shoulder is a dove with the date 9-27-2007.

I have three best friends who I couldn't live without. Kylie, Cameron, and Spencer are like my rocks. They keep me sane. I currently live with Kylie due to some family stuff. We've all been together since freshman year, and before that it was just Cameron, Kylie, and I.

I'm a hopeless romantic who has never had a boyfriend. I've had offers, but no one really fits what I need.

Music is a huge part of my life. My favorite bands are My Chemical Romance, Sublime, Never Shout Never, and 311. Nothing anyone would think I listen to. Judgemental bitches all think I listen to like Miley Cyrus or some shit. Some people dubb me as a lover of Forever the Sickest Kids or the Maine, but I've never really gotten into either band.

I think this is pretty good first email, yeah? (: Sorry if this has all been awkward.

To Sir, WIth Love

Jasmine Davis.

p.s. Seriously, that's an amazing song. Check it out. (:
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